by aquarianskye » September 30th, 2007, 9:34 am
Okay, so time for a small is playing nicely in her crib, so much for the nap she was supposed to be taking!
Have to start off by saying I just love all the cool graphics you guys have. I am so computer illiterate you're lucky I know how to post. My hub is a computer geek, seriously, and I just say, honey can you help me... and then he fixes it for me.
So, I've been browsing other journals...I actually do READ a lot, just not a lot of posting going on other than a few specific people I feel 'safe' with. Anyway, I was reading stuff and of course it makes me think. And btw I do my best thinking while I'm in the shower. My sis always laughs at me cause I'll get out of the shower and call her to tell her some life altering truths. Anyway, I know that everyone's journey is different. Everyone has different reasons for doing this. Everyone's body reacts differently to different foods. I can understand the anger about other people losing faster than me. Or the problems with being non-compliant. I absolutely respect everyone that has done this from beginning to now and been 100%compliant. I am one that has not. And unfortunately I think that is part of who I am.
After I had baby #3 I found a weight loss board for those of us that had 100+ pounds to lose to be 'healthy'. Their unofficial motto was baby steps. We had five things that we 'tracked' (whatever plan each person was going to do--not a board for a specific plan), water, journal, exercise, and posting. I'm not trying to justify what I'm doing or my slip ups (or I guess maybe I am) but I keep telling myself that when I slip the best thing I can do is get back to it. Get back on track. I have not been 100% compliant since Feb. That's why I've only lost 40# and not 60 or 80 by now. But it's my fault. No one else's. No one forced me to eat off plan. I suppose I am trying to be accountable for my mistakes. I do wish I was strong enough to be compliant all the time. And I do TRULY respect those of you that are/have been. You are much stronger than I am. For me this is a learning process also. Not just food in a pouch. I am finding myself along the way. I need to find what works best for me.
Okay, baby is getting restless. Going to go get her up and get my day moving. Gotta go get more greens for my dinner tonight. No store this afternoon and I'll be having six supps for today.
Hope you are all having an awesome on plan day.
Started MF 2/8/07 270
RE-committed 8/27/07
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