by aquarianskye » October 10th, 2007, 9:34 am
Still hovering at 224.8. I am happy. I had a five pound week last week so I'm sure this will be a slower week. Can't help hoping for huge numbers ALL the time though right?
So, yesterday was a day! My internet connection has dropped three days in a row during baby nap-time. Frustrating. Yesterday I did some body sculpting with my band instead of sitting here. So I guess that's a good thing.
I walk to get my kids daily and another mom said, I notice you walking all the time, have you been losing weight. UM, YES MA'AM, I HAVE THANK YOU FOR NOTICING. And then another mom said, I thought so, but I didn't want to say anything to embarrass you. UM, NOT EMBARRASSED! Jumping for joy. I've only dropped about 20#'s since school started.
Then we had a meeting at school last night and this other mom (she's friends with the crazy lady across the street) says, so how many sizes have you dropped now. I tell her three or four. Well, what is it, she wants to know? Three or Four. So she asks what size were you when you started. Mind you we're sitting in the school cafeteria and we're not the only ones there. I mumble 24's and 26's. So, what size are you in now. Well, I say, these pants I have on here are 18's. I want to be happy about that but I just can't believe how rude people are. I mean, this woman is a woman I politely say hello to as we pass each other on the way too and from school. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm glad she's realized that I am losing weight but lets remember she's friends with the crazy lady!
Okay, beyond that now. My oldest daughter and I decided to walk to school for said meeting. As we're going she says lets run mom. I ran for about 50 yards. I did not die when we were done. And the only reason that I stopped running was because I was getting banged in the leg by the purse I carried full of our water bottles.
Okay, full day ahead. Gotta get the baby ready and we're going to the library.
Hope you have great on plan.
Started MF 2/8/07 270
RE-committed 8/27/07
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