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Postby aquarianskye » November 18th, 2007, 2:46 pm

Oh, Jo, I never once meant to offend you. This is just my own personal struggle that I deal with. I know for a fact that I internalize a lot of what is said here. And the drama wasn't even in my own journal. I knew that each of you were just trying to look out for me. And I do appreciate that. I did spend a lot of time thinking about what I would do for the visit before the p's got here...would I be on plan? Off? I just knew that I wanted to enjoy my time and not have to worry about having another supplement. And I wanted to be accountable to you guys so you'd know that I wasn't the ideal picture of a mf user.

I have had quite a problem feeling like I'm part of this board. I know that it's my own 'thing' to deal with. I understand that and I'm dealing with it. I've connected with a few people and have used their support.

I think that Biki said it best when she said "We are all just sick people trying to get well and some are sicker than others. But we have to embrace everyone." I know that it's my struggle.

That being said, I think that this is the first time I've been completely honest. Until now I did not have the nerve to say, hey I'm not doing your plan how you said I should. So, that is a step forward for me. I also don't encourage anyone to do it like me. My own little disclaimer when I hook up with someone new is that "I don't do it how it's written, when I stop losing I will modify what I do."

I don't want to make enemies or make anyone angry. I just wanted to be honest with everyone. I know that it's hard to get back on plan. I think that I've done it more than most people. But I also think that because I'm dealing with my issues on the way that my foodies will stay away once I reach goal weight and not risk having all the #'s lost come back with friends. I never want to be that girl again. I think that if I had truly known what I know now I would have done it differently but when I started it was with no support other than one friend that had done the plan years ago (and again, not as written--she had a nutritionist (FROM MY DR'S OFFICE) that only had her on three shakes a day and then 1/2 a turkey sandwich with a huge salad for dinner). So, again I believed that I could do this however I wanted when I started. I didn't find this forum until way after I had started.

Again, no harm intended. I just don't want people here to accept me for something they think I am when I am not totally honest with them.

I should also mention here that I am back down to 218.2 this morning. It has been a fight but isn't everything really worth having worth fighting for?

I'll be back
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 18th, 2007, 7:25 pm

skye, the forum is here for us to be honest and accountable.. don't stop! You hold yourself accountable for getting and being off plan (not exactly as written), it's your choice...We are here to support you as well as encourage you to do it as written. Some things just may be a little more harsh (albeit reality) than you might want to hear. Read it as advice, use it as advice. I think we ALL have something to learn from those that are maintaining as well as those that have been struggling with restarting for soooo long. I am one of the restarters who previously struggled to restart. i KNOW how hard it can be. So with that said, i dont condone making your own plan with a dash of MF but you gotta do what works for you.

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Postby bikipatra » November 19th, 2007, 5:45 am

I really appreciate your honesty. It is a good trait to have.
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Postby aquarianskye » November 30th, 2007, 8:46 am

Hello all. I haven't posted in awhile but I've been reading as I've had time. I am back on the wagon so to say. I ran out of edible food and waited until too close to the holiday to order. So, I got my food on Tuesday this week and feel like a much nicer person now that I'm totally back on plan. I'm down to 217 this morning. I've set a mini goal to be under 200 by the end of the year. Totally do-able in my opinion. It's only 18#'s and there's 31 days for me to get there. Let's just hope my body cooperates and sees things how my mind does.

Okay, off to online shop for Christmas!
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Postby bikipatra » November 30th, 2007, 8:49 am

I've been online Christmas browsing all morning. I finished my tree then hit the shops!
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Postby aquarianskye » December 1st, 2007, 11:04 am

Biki-I browsed and browsed but didn't buy anything. I'm going to end up going to the closest gamestop to buy a new zelda nintendo ds for my son. His ds broke awhile ago and we're going to replace it.

I'm not sure what else we're going to do. We've got the BIG thing done. We ended up buying a Wii. The big kids will each get their own controllers and we will wrap them up. The Wii will be set up in our bedroom and we'll surprise them with it like that. Other than that I'm just not sure what to get. I mean, once they get the Wii I'm sure that nothing else will matter.

Well, off to have a pudding and get the kids some lunch. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend.
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Postby bikipatra » December 1st, 2007, 11:13 am

Oh, sorry! I kind of feel too prepared. I am getting my mother and sister rings(already picked out), my brother in law some shoes, and my husband a blue blazer with gold buttons since his is getting a little worn and being British he thinks you are supposed to wear them everywhere. (I think he wore one to Disneyland in Hong Kong!) No crunch time for me last year and paying for expedited shipping!
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Postby aquarianskye » December 13th, 2007, 9:40 am

Hello again everyone. I've been awol. The sick bug landed at my house last week. And any of you that are moms know that moms are not allowed to be sick. I've been sneaking lay down on the couch time when everyone but that baby is gone. And that only lasts as long as she stays in my eye sight!

So, here I am again. Still trucking on. Mf has become somewhat automatic for me at this point. I ordered mostly drinks last time I placed an order and that seems to have helped me. It's so easy to drink something as to have to eat it. Now that <<<just sounds funny coming out of my mouth. In the beginning of this journey I ordered all the foods that you had to use a spoon with. I seriously thought that there would be NO WAY I could live without shoveling something into my mouth. I'm going to end up ordering only drinks again cause it's just easy. I love the shakes now and I have hot choc every night as my before bed ritual!

I'm not so sure I'm going to meet my end of the year goal of being under 200#'s but I'm okay with that. With being sick my body was being mean and kept playing with the same pound for five days. That one finally left and took another with it. I weighed in at 213.8 today but after losing five days I just don't see breaking 200. I'm losing, on average, 1/2 pound each day.

I sit here and look back to where I've been the last year. I realized at Christmas last year that I had to do something. At the end of January I placed my first order as a birthday gift to myself. So since last year I've dropped just over 70#s. Not bad considering all the detours I've taken along the way.

Okay, housework is screaming at me today.
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Postby Tawanda » December 13th, 2007, 12:00 pm

Skye, sorry to read that you've been sick. Congratulations on the great weight loss though!
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Postby lifelovinaries » December 13th, 2007, 1:48 pm

skye, i am so glad that you were able to get yourself right back on track. Now if it could be just as easy to kick the sick bug!! <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">

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Postby aquarianskye » December 13th, 2007, 3:23 pm

Thanks ladies! I've been on sudafed for a few days and I can finally breathe out my nose! It's heaven!

T-I LOVE The new avitar. You've probably had it for some time, I'm sure, but this is the first time I've seen it and wow, I can soooo tell a difference in your face!

Ovaries--I have to tell you girlie, I've been reading through your journal from the past few days and I'm sitting here thinking, man, I could have had those same things coming out of these fingers here. I can so relate to the weight thing (215 for you, 211 for me). I've been there so many times and stopped. And here I sit at 213.8. I know that once I'm past it this will all seem so simple but I hear your struggle. My inner demons have worked overtime the last few days and I've been extra hungry on top of just wanting to eat crap. Thank goodness there isn't any real trigger food left in my house!

I know you can do it girlie.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » December 13th, 2007, 6:58 pm

Hello there Skye! I'm Chynna. I've been gone for awhile but i'm here! Just wanted to come over and say hi to you and to tell you what a refreshing name you have. When i see it what instantly comes to my mind is the beauuuutiful blue Caribbean Ocean and sky that i was on not to long ago..such a pretty board name:+) I'm so glad you are feeling a little better now..being sick is NO fun.

Skye wrote:
So since last year I've dropped just over 70#s.

I think that is just "monumental" and you should be very PROUD:+)))...keep up the great work!

Now tell me, who is "Ovaries"?????...i KNOW i've missed ALOT!!

Ok Skye take good care of you ok?

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 13th, 2007, 8:05 pm

ChynnaDoll wrote:
Now tell me, who is "Ovaries"?????...i KNOW i've missed ALOT!!


That would be me!! :lol: You will see me referred to as "ovary chick, OC, lively ovaries, LO, and sometimes just plain old ovary(ies)" and probably a few others... if it has an ovary reference, it's probably me. It originally came from sojo who, when she looked at my screen name, she saw something with "ovaries" so in her head, she referred to me as "ovary chick" (this was before putting my real name in my profile). After i added "Erica", sojo confessed to the "ovary chick" name in her head and it just stuck. C-gal saw "lively ovaries". I'm sure others had seen similar but never said anything. :mrgreen: Anyway, it's all in fun and outta love so i answer to it. :hug:

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Postby lifelovinaries » December 13th, 2007, 8:10 pm

aquarianskye wrote:Ovaries--I have to tell you girlie, I've been reading through your journal from the past few days and I'm sitting here thinking, man, I could have had those same things coming out of these fingers here. I can so relate to the weight thing (215 for you, 211 for me). I've been there so many times and stopped. And here I sit at 213.8. I know that once I'm past it this will all seem so simple but I hear your struggle. My inner demons have worked overtime the last few days and I've been extra hungry on top of just wanting to eat crap. Thank goodness there isn't any real trigger food left in my house!

I know you can do it girlie.

AND I KNOW YOU CAN TOO!! After i hit my inner demons with a large dose of reality (made it clear that i'm gonna DO THIS) they have been slowly waning. When i am able to get through each day, it makes those inner demons less powerful. Actually, the "not getting on the scale thing" seems to have helped. Not that i'm glad that you are dealing with it too but it's good to know that i am not alone in the situation i am experiencing. I guess that's why it's good to journal here, you never know who is going thru the same thing. INNER DEMONS BE GONE! ;)

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Postby aquarianskye » December 18th, 2007, 10:45 am

Hello Chynna! You'll have to forgive me--most of the time I'm very sporatic with the board. I get loads of computer time sometimes and then no time for days other times! Nice to meet you btw!

And Ovaries, I never chimed in when they discussed it before but I always saw ovaries in your name. I kept thinking why is she calling herself that? Me, with aquarian in MY name! :lol:

So, most of us in the house have passed the bug around. Poor baby has a faucet in place of her nose! She's a trooper tho! Won't go down for a nap if I paid her!

Stressing about the whole Christmas thing. Gotta get to the post office today so the fam in IN will get their crap in time!

Hope all is well with everyone else!
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