I think there is something

The Midwest had hailstones the size of softballs over the weekend and some of us are

Some of you have been faithfully

The jaws will drop and you will enjoy

“He’s having to say

He just came in here and told me that he stood up and the shorts hit the floor.”


you can still join us in the

Put the past behind you, today is a new day.

If you begin ASAP, you can be down 30 pounds (or more!) by Memorial Day.
The Folks here at MakeMeThinner know just how to do it, too.
Get with your Health Advisor for a review of your meal plan and let’s get you back on track.
Report your weight each week on the MakeMeThinner Sunday Morning Roll Call – commit yourself to doing it and then, JUST DO IT!

April 2006 Products Specials include:
Medifast 55 Strawberry Crème Shakes $11.75 per box of 7 packets (regularly $13.85)
Medifast 70 Strawberry Crème Shakes $12.25 per box of 7 packets (regularly $14.35)

Evidently the sale price was rescinded due to supplies availability and I did not receive the update.

I am leaving the recipes in place for future use.
Cranberry Mango Fruit Drink – STILL available at its regular price for $13.95 per box of 7 packets.

This whey-protein based fruit drink is a complete meal replacement product and may be used as part of the 5 packets for the 5 & 1 Weight Loss Program.
It tastes

Here are some juicy

~ Cran-nut Mango Cooler ~
• 1 packet of Cranberry Mango Fruit Drink
• 1 cup of cold water
• 1 cup crushed ice
• 2 Tablespoons sugar-free DaVinci coconut syrup or 1/8 - ½ teaspoon coconut extract
Pour the ingredients into a blender or a Magic Bullet

Serve in a tall glass with a little paper party umbrella poked into the straw.

~ Bananner Berry Shake ~
• 1 packet Strawberry Crème Shake
• 1 cup cold water
• 1 cup – 1.5 cups of crushed ice
• ½ - 1 teaspoon banana extract
Pour ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth and icy.
You can also freeze this for 1-2 hours and eat it like bananner berry ice cream.

~ Strawberry Almond Shake ~
• 1 packet Strawberry Crème Shake
• 1 cup cold water
• 1 cup – 1.5 cups crushed ice
• 1 teaspoon almond extract (You may want to experiment with the amount of extract to suit your personal tastebuds.)
Pour ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth and frothy.
~ Berrified Strawberry Crème Smoothie ~
Sometimes I like a more intense berry flavor.
To make my Strawberry Crème shake a bit more berrified, I add 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon of the dry Crystal Light ™ Raspberry Ice flavor powder mix and cup or so of crushed ice. Whirl it in the blender for a frosty intense berry-flavored smoothie.
Think thinny thoughts of you wearing shorts or a bathing suit this summer.

~ Choco Berry Shake ~
• 1 packet Strawberry Crème Shake
• 1 cup cold water
• 1 cup to 1.5 cups crushed ice
• 1-2 teaspoons chocolate extract or 2 Tablespoons DaVinci Sugar-free Chocolate syrup
Whirl all the ingredients in a blender and mix until fluffy and frosty.
Take advantage of the April Specials while supplies last!
In addition to the Strawberry Crème and Cranberry Mango Fruit Drink special prices above, we also have the Medifast 4 week Variety 55 and 70 Packages available for $275.
You get 20 boxes of Medifast products (That’s 140 meals) plus 3 bonus meal packets.
Remember the 4 week Variety Packages are prepackaged and even though we cannot choose the flaves and items we want, many people like ordering the package ‘as is’ and each Variety Package comes with a spankin’ brand new shaker jar. That’s cool!