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Postby supermom » March 26th, 2006, 7:13 pm

Hi everyone! I am a little apprehensive about starting. It is really easy to say that I have HAD IT with being fat, but I don't know if I have the strength to do this. I am a nursing student, my husband travels with his job for weeks at a time, we have 3 sons, our oldest son is recovering from cancer. I take him every 3 months to his oncologist for about stressful...and his doc is 2 hours away, my middle son is a hypocondriac HAHA! He has never been sick, but he wonders why everyone else always is! My baby was born last August. He was 17 weeks early. He has chronic lung disease, is on home oxygen therapy and there is a question of cerebral palsey. I am 5'4" and weigh 235. I now only want to lose the weight, I NEED to lose it. How can I expect my patients in the hospital to take me seriously if I look like this? I don't have the energy to run around on the playground with my kids. My son always draws me as a big circle. Something has GOT to give, I just don't know if I can take the stress of a diet on top of everything else.
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Postby supermom » March 26th, 2006, 7:13 pm

Did I mention the kids are all under 4 years old?
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Postby lan » March 26th, 2006, 7:20 pm

Best of luck to you, Supermom!

Life can be trying sometimes; I know stress can have a tendency to make us want to eat, but stick in there, girl.

Before long, you will be so happy with your decision when you see the weight leaving your body and the relief that that brings to the way you feel.

Best of luck and prayers for your little ones.

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Postby DogMa » March 26th, 2006, 7:24 pm

Wow. You're certainly dealing with a lot, so good for you for even THINKING about doing this at the same time. The only advice I can offer is to just keep remembering why you're doing it. You want to be healthy and fit enough to be there for your children. I don't think there's a better reason in the world.

Good luck to you, and I'm sure I speak for everyone here that we'll do all we can to help you!

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Postby dede4wd » March 26th, 2006, 7:48 pm

Supermom (fitting name!)

I just wanted to second everything that Robin said. You've got A LOT on your plate. You have A LOT to deal with. One good thing is the simplicity of the plan. We will ALL be here to support you if you choose to follow the plan! It does sound like you're going to need your health A LOT, so I hope you decide to do something to get healthier, and I'm praying for you and your family!

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Postby supermom » March 26th, 2006, 7:53 pm

Thanks everyone for your support. As I sit here, my oldest son is unwrapping a reeses cup mini and asking me if I want one. Man, this is going to be tough.
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Postby falisamarie » March 26th, 2006, 7:55 pm

Supermom--I too had three children under the age of four at one time and boy they were all healthy so I can not imagine being in your shoes.

I can tell you this you will get the best support ever from the people here and encouragment too.

This program works and we are all living proof

You are in my thoughts and prayers

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Postby Pashta » March 26th, 2006, 7:59 pm

Laurie, welcome to the group. :hug:

You stated the reasons you *need* to lose weight, so you know yourself that you must do it. You know that this diet does work, and all you have to do is follow it and don't cheat. It isn't hard to, considering the food tastes pretty good and it keeps you full.

The first few days are the worst. Day two was the toughest for me, I suggest cooking something you don't like for your family or just giving everyone tv dinners. :) Once you are past that, it's a breeze! I'm not really hungry and I actually feel a lot better already. A LOT. Maybe it's the vitamins in the medifast food that I wasn't getting on my regular diet or maybe it's all the water or maybe I started burning some fat already (hmm is this possible?) but I feel awesome. I have more energy than I did before and I am on day 6 and can already see a slight difference in how my clothes fit.

You can do it, this stuff is so easy to prepare even the people with the busiest lives can succeed! Besides, if you really want something bad enough you will find a way to make it work. :mrgreen:

- Tonia

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Postby Lizabette » March 26th, 2006, 8:14 pm


You surely have plenty of reasons to be apprehensive about starting something a diet program. And there are times when you will need to draw on the strength from other sources...God first of all, and then from those on this forum, who will be there for you. That is a promise. Why? Because each of us are also in need each other.

You will find that after the first few hard days getting adjusted to the program, the days will become much easier, you will feel more energetic, the decisions of what to eat are already made for you, and you will eat often enough that you should not feel hunger. During stressful times you have a place to go to find all the support you need. All you have to do is ask for it.

WOW, You must have been doing something right to handle all the stress you spoke of and still have your sense of humor. " I am a nursing student, my husband travels with his job for weeks at a time, we have 3 sons, our oldest son is recovering from cancer. My baby was born last August. He was 17 weeks early. He has chronic lung disease, is on home oxygen therapy and there is a question of cerebral palsey."

I can assure you of one thing. As you begin to lose weight, and you are better able to care for your patients and romp and play with your children, and feel better about yourself, you will be much happier and your stress will be greatly lessened. Because you will have HOPE and know that things are getting better and better every day!

We want to be your friends, LAURIE, and help you any way we can.


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Postby MusicalMomma » March 26th, 2006, 8:59 pm

Hi there Laurie :hug: I can certainly sympathise with your aprehension. You are wise to know from the beginning that this will be tough at times. It's tough for all of us at times, but to deal with the struggles you've been dealing with, it can be even tougher.

HOWEVER, as a nursing student, a mother of 3 little ones under the age of four, AND dealing with cancer in your precious child, I KNOW you can handle tough situations. The thing is, if I may be so bold, you are probably EXCELLENT at taking care of your family, patients and others, but probably don't get much chance to even think about placing importance on your own care. Well, we are here to support you, hold you up and help you care for yourself, so you are able to be the BEST caregiver to that beautiful family and your patience that you possibly can be.

You can do this! Like Vicky said, try to think of this as the prescription you must follow in order to combat the illness of obesity. If you had a sinus infection, you'd take that antibiotic, as prescribed, for as long as prescribed, to get well. Take your medifast plan and follow it to the letter and you will be feeling wonderful in a VERY short time.

We're ALL routing for you!!!!!
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Postby Patti » March 27th, 2006, 6:31 am


You certainly have a full plate on your hands and everyone has given you excellent advice. You not only have to care for your family, but as a nurse, you'll be adding patients to your list of those needing your caregiving. I am in awe of you and your having to deal with all of the responsibilities that you have to face on a day-to-day basis. This shows me that you are a very strong and dedicated person.

My only advice to add is that you have to put yourself at the top of your list of priorities. This is not being selfish (although most of us have a hard time believing this). It's a mindset that is hard to change when one has to juggle the needs of everyone around them. Taking care of yourself first will not only benefit you, but also will benefit everyone around you in the long run.

Dieting is stressful. Don't look at Medifast as a diet, but as mentioned in other posts, look at it as a prescription to better health. If you can get through the first week of Medifast (I know you can), you will start feeling the benefits immediately. Come to the forum for support....everyone cares and will help keep you on track. There are other nurses on the forum who do Medifast that could share their schedules and how they stay compliant on the program.

I know from first hand experience that caring for a family member with cancer is harder on the caregiver than on the person with cancer. You suffer the pains and trauma as though you yourself had the cancer. This takes such a toll on your body and mental state. So, please, no matter which path you take.....put your health first.

My prayers for you and your family go with you.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 27th, 2006, 4:23 pm

Laurie, Laurie, Laurie,

What can I say that hasn't already been said? I am a nurse and I can tell you definitively that it is very difficult for patients to take you seriously when they see you're not heeding your own advice. I can also attest that nursing school was one of the most stressful times in my life and I didn't have children to contend with. This will be a difficult item to add to your "to do" list but trust me ... you will be very glad that you did. After your body adjusts to ketosis, most people experience a drastic increase in energy and endorphins along with a d/c in hunger. You will need this to get through many hours of study time, writing care plans, and facing clinicals. And that's just school! You know what you've got facing you at home. Contact me anytime for moral support.


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Postby megs mom 1 » March 27th, 2006, 5:11 pm

Hi super mom, please know you and your family ae in my prayers as i am reading this i had a little tear in my eye please alwasy remeber GOD never ever gives us more than we can handle, this i know, in one year my father was killed by a hit and run driver, my mother had her leg amputated and my husband and i seperated, my doctor looked at me and asked me if i had thoughts of sucidie i was like heck no i have kids and i love life, and hear i am 3 years later( although i will say thank you jesus for drugs), i am fine and made a gaol to lose weight i am turing 40 on Friday and i am going to Mexico in May so i want to lose 30 pounds, this is only my second day on the board but i am lovin these people already what a support group we have hear. i am on day 8 and i have lost about 8 pounds 8) keep up your chin and god bless

megs mom
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Postby Diana » March 27th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Welcome to the forum, Supermom!

Ditto all of the above, especially the messages about increased energy, etc. I'm in my second week and I feel so alert and energetic, it's almost embarrassing (partlicularly compared to my former lethargic self).

One thing I like about this program is that I DON'T have to think about what I'm eating, and the preparation can be almost nothing if that's what fits best.

Hugs from us all, and here's to our mutual success!!
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Postby Loribug » March 27th, 2006, 7:55 pm

Nothing to add, already been said, welcome to the thinnies!
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