Hi there Laurie

I can certainly sympathise with your aprehension. You are wise to know from the beginning that this will be tough at times. It's tough for all of us at times, but to deal with the struggles you've been dealing with, it can be even tougher.
HOWEVER, as a nursing student, a mother of 3 little ones under the age of four, AND dealing with cancer in your precious child, I KNOW you can handle tough situations. The thing is, if I may be so bold, you are probably EXCELLENT at taking care of your family, patients and others, but probably don't get much chance to even think about placing importance on your own care. Well, we are here to support you, hold you up and help you care for yourself, so you are able to be the BEST caregiver to that beautiful family and your patience that you possibly can be.
You can do this! Like Vicky said, try to think of this as the prescription you must follow in order to combat the illness of obesity. If you had a sinus infection, you'd take that antibiotic, as prescribed, for as long as prescribed, to get well. Take your medifast plan and follow it to the letter and you will be feeling wonderful in a VERY short time.
We're ALL routing for you!!!!!