Aphrael's before picture

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Aphrael's before picture

Postby aphrael » February 9th, 2006, 1:29 pm

Well I too am finally going to put my picture out there.

I started last summer and did great on the program almost hitting the 30# mark in about 2 months time. Than I went on a short vacation and got off the plan. I returned with the attitude of oh I am going away again in less than a month so I why bother starting again. I managed to keep the weight off till we went on the family vacation mid September.

When got back we decided it was time to move and did a lot of house renovation and cleaning and looking for a new house, than moving and getting the new house ready for the holidays. During all this my Medifast got tucked neatly into a box and disappeared in the realm of pizza, and fast food. I was doing great at maintain right up till the time I reintroduced junk food and lost all control over my eating again. Just goes to show no matter how good a weight loss program is, if you return to old habits old fat is going to come right back. So here I am once again trying to get back into the grove again and get this weight off for good this time.

This picture was taken today, so much for black being slimming hu?


This next picture is of my goal. This was my prom dress, from a time when I was active, and happy with my appearance. It is a bridal size 14/15 and I hope to ware it one night on a cruise. I figure if I can get back down to that size I deserve that cruise :) But that is a bit far off yet, so off to find my next shake…


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Postby Trixie » February 9th, 2006, 2:36 pm

Welcome back Aphrael! :wave:

Sounds like you know first hand how amazing this plan is. I can relate to getting busy with life and not doing the things you know that work to keep you healthy. I'm happy that you've found time for you again! Just follow the plan as before and you'll be in that prom dress before you know it!

That got me thinking...it's been 17 years since I had on my prom dress. I don't even know where that thing ended up! What a great feeling it would be to slip that baby on again! :)
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Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 5:32 pm


What a beautiful person you are. I already knew that you were beautiful on the inside by reading your posts now it is nice to have a face to go with it. I look forward to seeing a pic of you in that prom dress!!

Lisa :rose:
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Postby SueInSLO » February 9th, 2006, 6:43 pm

Hi Aphrael! :wave:

Thanks for sharing your picture! I think I have the exact same outfit!!!!!

You're a very pretty lady and just wait till you get to wear that dress again!

I LOVE the dress too by the way!!

Welcome back and happy shakin'

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Postby Nicki » February 9th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Thanks so much for sharing ... I can't wait to see the pic of you in that dress when you reach goal!!
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Postby sidrah » February 9th, 2006, 9:01 pm

That's a cool shirt..I likethe color

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 9th, 2006, 9:22 pm

Hi Aphrael! Thanks for posting your picture! :) It's always nice to put a face to the name. You'll be cruisin in that prom dress, dancing under the stars, brimming with confidence before you know it :)
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Postby kimalexrn » February 10th, 2006, 8:27 am

Aphrael, Dont worry, you'll be in that dress cruisin before you know it. I'm a living witness, "IT CAN BE DONE". Hang in there your dream is about to come true. :D :D :D


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Postby HOPE » February 10th, 2006, 8:41 am

You can do this!!!!! You are a beautiful woman! We have about the same to lose, and believe me it ia possible. Medifast has been my miracle!! I am at 70 lbs loss now and about 100 more to go. The feeling is AWESOME !!! Your dress is beautiful and not top far out of site!! You can do this!! Best of luck! I will be posting pictures soon!!!!!!
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Postby Serendipity » February 10th, 2006, 12:20 pm

Aphrael (fellow fan :D ),

Stick to the program and you will soon be fitting into that dress. I bought a swimming suit for a cruise we're going on in June. I should hang it up where I can see it. Good idea!

There are lots of us here who have had a long way to go and we're in various stages of shrinkage, but this plan works if you stick to it and you WILL succeed!

See you at the bottom. :lol:
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Postby iwontplaythefoolnemore » February 12th, 2006, 9:41 am

Welcome back! You got off the plan, but obviously you are ready to push forward. Good for you for making the commitment again. Not everyone can do that. You'll be in that dress in no time.
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Postby aphrael » February 14th, 2006, 10:26 am

Thanks everyone for the words of encuragement. It helps so much. Hanging that dress up at home where I see it every day and a picture of it at work has helped so much. It definatly helps to have a visual goal to look at.

We has a slight slip up this weekend. Thanks to the lovely snow we were without power, phone, water so we had to pack up and go to a relatives house for the day and we forgot to grab our Medifast while getting everythign for the kid. So we had one meal off plan and I gave in to one biscottii with a cup of coffee but I did flat our refuse the ice cream cone. That night once the house was inhabitable again we got right back on the plan.

Thanks again everyone!

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 14th, 2006, 12:09 pm

Good for you Aphrael!!!! A lot of folks would have looked at your situation and thought it was a sign from on high that it was OK to go wild!!!! HAHA! You did great!!! Congratz on refusing the ice cream cone!!!!!! :yourock:
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Wore it before, loved it, and felt great Works

Postby NE gal in South » February 14th, 2006, 1:43 pm

I looked at a suit and dress that I loved from 15 years past daily. 156 lbs. lost and they are both very loose on me. I wear them anyway, because I now can. You can do this and will do this if you have truly decided to. The products are great, decide what you like and order it, get it done and get you where your dreams are.
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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 14th, 2006, 3:00 pm


You will be in that beautiful dress in no time. A beautiful lady for a beautiful dress. You are going to look fabulous on that cruise. When you need a little motivatin just picture yourself in that dress.


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