Anyone want my extra 130 pounds? :) New girl here!

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Anyone want my extra 130 pounds? :) New girl here!

Postby Carbshateme » August 18th, 2005, 6:43 am

First off, remind me never to order directly from the Medifast website again! Customer service STUNK, no one could give me a tracking number, and I am sorry, but if I am gonna spend $279 buckaroos, I would like to know where my groceries are! Anyway, I FINALLY found out my Medifast should be here today! Next time I am gonna order from Makemethinner, it seems from what I have read that these guys are all about customer support!

So, tomorrow is my start day! I am nervous/excited/anxious and happy. From all the results I have read, Medifast seems to be just as effective as gastric bypass, but with none of the pesky side effects, like death! :shock:

A lil' about me, I currently weigh 290 (!!!!!!!) and , like everyone else, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. My BP and health are fine, except the fact my knees are starting to hurt and I am lugging around as much weight as two of me. I had wonderful results doing Atkins, but then I got myself knocked up and gained all of the 80 pounds I had lost. :x I blame my gorgeous little baby and breastfeeding, which made me eat cupcakes (I swear it did!) Carbs are VERY bad for me, I am a true addict -- Yes, you could usually find me in the corner of my kitchen, mainlining sugar and flour. Anyway, I am one of those people who do well having very limited choices. If you tried to put me on a "low fat" diet I would eat tons and tons of low fat food. Food has not been my friend. I am hoping to "learn" to eat properly, to not use food as a drug, comfort, best friend.. blah blah blah. I am an emotional eater, always have been (Thanks Mom!) and I am ready to learn to focus on using food as fuel, not as everything else!

I think my main challenge will be feeding my familly, as a SAHM I am around food constantly! I have removed all the trash from my house, my kids don't need it anyway, and I am going to stick to buying things that don't tempt me. If it ain't in the house, I can't eat it! As far as reaching for food whenever I am tired/stressed/lonely/bored, I plan on posting here and starting to work out again. I loved CURVES, and after my body adjusts to Medifast I plan on going there again in a month or two. My husband is also a challenge, he is naturally very thin and can't understand why I'm not, and I weighed more when we married, but this is MY problem, not his. I am not losing for him, if anything, I am doing it for my babies and MYSELF!

Anyway, I am psyched to be here and I look forward to getting to know you all.It seems like you all are so supportive and kick a**!!!Any advice greatly appreciated. OH! I also bought some new books and magazines and I know the first few days I'll just be babying myself and taking it easy. I have been reading the message boards for the last few days and it seems like I have found a home. :)

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Postby fedup » August 18th, 2005, 7:59 am

Welcome! I love your name, cause "carbshateme" too, (But I sure love them! ;) )

This forum is wonderful. I'm actually restarting tomorrow so we'll have the same start date. I had done MF in the fall with great results, but I didn't transition right so I regained. Then this summer I was doing great but the travelling killed me! So now I'm back to work and back to my MF full swing. We'll do it together!
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Postby KeleeGrl » August 18th, 2005, 8:03 am

Welcome R.! :byebye: I enjoyed your post...I can tell your going to be entertaining! This is a great place and I know you will do sounds like you've got a plan!
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Postby Carbshateme » August 18th, 2005, 8:25 am

I'm gonna be entertaining because in order to keep myself outta the kitchen, I will be posting here! I will drive you guys crazy! :)

My UPS guy came!!! :exercise: I had too much fun making MY shelf (at eye level, mind you!) in the pantry with my Medifast and my Crystal Light and my bouillon cubes! I have stocked the 'fridge with water and Fruit 2o and Diet Coke (My drug 'o choice.. but I AM gonna quit that eventually too) ! I am soooo ready!

Now, here is a "BAD" question... did anyone have a "last meal" before starting? Should I go and find a cow and gnaw on it? I know it will be a VERY long time before I eat "real" food (I am doing complete per my DR.) and I will NEVER go back to eating they way I have been.. but is it a good idea to eat a "see ya suckah! Thanks for nothin'! meal?! :)
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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2005, 9:17 am

Dear Carbs ~

Welcome to you. You sound pumped and ready to roll! That's what it will take to lose 130 pounds. I know...

I wouldn't go for one last pork-out. Why add another day or two to your program and increase the likelihood of a headache from sugar withdrawls?

I suggest that you get Linda Spangle's book, Life is Hard, Food is Easy and the Medifast Lifestyles Patient's Guide. I really like Linda Spangle's Success in a Shaker Jar, too - it was written for people on the complete meal replacement program, primarily geared at shakes only.

Do some searches and read through the Forum - there are a lot of hidden jewels and it takes time to do so, but it will be worth it to you.

To your success! :cheers:
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Postby Alisha » August 18th, 2005, 10:02 am

Hi Carbshateme and welcome! I'm sure with you on that one - I love carbs but the carbs don't like me! I balloon up with bloat everytime I eat them and yet... I'd always go back! I used to say that if I could live on an island and eat nothing but French bread, cheese and drink red wine I'd be in heaven. Now that ideal has changed to "When I'm thin, I'm going to DO this and WEAR that... not EAT!

You sound like you're well on your way and we're all here to support you. I wish you all the very best on your journey to slim and healthy world!

Alisha :rose:
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Postby want2Bthin » August 18th, 2005, 1:51 pm


WELCOME!!! I am so excited for you! You are getting ready to start a life changing program! In just a few short days you will feel like a new woman. :-P

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Postby Mommy2girls » August 18th, 2005, 3:21 pm

Welcome Carbshateme - Gotta love that name! I'm with ya! I remember when those Snackwell cookies came out, everyone was like YAHOO, we can eat cookies again! WRONG! :table:

Anyway, welcome to the forum, you are making the best decision you can, which is to take charge and responsiblity for your health. No one but you can do this, and we are here to help you and support you. :pet:

GOOD LUCK! And I have to agree with Nancy, even though you are planning on the full fast, it's not like you won't ever eat again. Start taking control right now!!! You can do this! :goodluck:

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Postby Carbshateme » August 18th, 2005, 4:07 pm

What an awesome welcome from everyone! Thanks so much you guys! I spent a lot of time reading all the message boards and I'm just floored by all the results and all the stamina of your girlies! I'm prepared for the first 3 days to be rough, and the first month to be AMAZING! I'm really excited for my first day, tomorrow can't come soon enough! In the meantime, I'm gonna watch that utterly stupid Big Brother tonight... who else here LOATHES that simpy Maggie and her crew?! I can't believe how poor Kayser was duped! Pretty dumb of him to give up HOH like that, but it just shows what a nice guy he is!

Yes, I hate to admit it, I actually watch reality TV. But don't hold it against me! :roll:
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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2005, 7:07 pm

Uh, Carb ~

all the stamina of your girlies!

We've got men on here, too, ya know!

And they are not girly guys!

:secret: There are a lot of men that lurk
( :grin: That's right! I know who :glasses: you are, too!) and for some reason they don't all feel comfy writing but we want them to know they are welcome and needed, too.
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Postby sprgrammy » August 18th, 2005, 8:18 pm

Oh my gosh Carb! You make me laugh....what a kicker you are. Good luck with your new way of living. Blessings, Carol
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Postby mytime » August 18th, 2005, 8:59 pm

Carbs welcome - well if I didn't know better I would say I wrote that post -did great on Atkins - got pregnant on Atkins and well then went whole hog -or I guess I should say lots and lots of carbs ! Now here I am. My first three days were tough but VERY WORTH IT !! Do not forget the extras - pickels were my best friend not to mention the Fast soup - haven't had either in longer than I can remeber put never would have made it otherwise. That and posting like crazy. Oh, and I eat my bar and drink 32 oz of water and then start cooking - every single day. That way my fingers stay in the MF jar. Best of luck and again WELCOME - this is by far the very best bunch of folks anywhere and believe it, we have thought or felt it at one time or the other - there is no greater feeling in my mind than being able to put it all here and have lots of people who care totally get it and support you through it - it makes food just no longer part of the equation. Get Shaking Girl - see you around the site, YOU CAN DO THIS, Mytime
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Postby martha » August 18th, 2005, 9:25 pm


WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you are with us and that you got your package.. Can't believe you couldn't get a tracking number--what's the world coming too?? :mrgreen: Like your name too..Hope to see less and less of you each week :mrgreen: gotta love those babies even if the little darlings helped get you here :shock: Have a great first week..Martha
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Postby Carbshateme » August 19th, 2005, 5:37 am


Of course, guys too! Manly men! I did not mean to forget the boys!

Well, I woke up, and instead of reaching for my breakfast of Diet Coke, I drank 25 ozs of water (Only 75 more ozs to go today!!!) and had my first strawberry shake at 7:30. I used 8ozs of water and I probably shoulda used 6. Hard to drink it all after that water, but it tasted fine!

Last night my JH (That is my NEW term, instead of DH I am using JH, for "Jerky husband") read my Quick Start handbook and was APPALLED that I cannot work out for the first few weeks. "How do you expect to lose all your weight if you don't work out?!" I tried to explain the process to him but he just gave me THE LOOK. Hmph. One of these days I am gonna realize he is NOT the most supportive person when it comes to this. :)

And then when I am fit and healthy I am gonna start giving a few LOOKS of my own. Tee hee!!!!
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Postby Alisha » August 19th, 2005, 6:43 am

Don't worry Carbs - I don't have a husband, jerky, dear or otherwise and I live alone - but that hasn't stopped the nay-sayers who all but cursed me and threatened me with good ole jibes like, "Well if you loose weight that fast you'll have loose skin" or "Losing weight that fast isn't healthy and you'll just gain it all back again" and my favorite - "You're just losing water weight." Yeah... 30lbs of water weight.. Bah! Who ARE they kidding?

But don't you worry. I use Nancy as my shining star to rub in their faces and all the Johns Hopkins research to put them in their place. I mentioned in another thread about how much trouble I was having with my Curves women, especially this old bag who I always seem to run into when I go, who gave me about as much support as a wet dish rag. WELL! I had my weigh in last week - I had lost 15lbs and 11.25 inches. The other woman actually hugged me! And, funny enough, one of the Curves owners was there who asked me what I was doing and I explained the whole PROGRAM (never use the word DIEt - it really gets people going) and she was over the moon for me. The whole time I was there they bombarded me with praise and amazement that I've done so well. THAT was the best feeling in the world. The best revenge is living well and the satisfaction of shutting people up by how successful you are is priceless. I know that sounds mean, but quite frankly I think it's very mean when people try to sabotage what you're doing, especially when it's been proven to be safe, healthy and EFFECTIVE!

So, I say let your JH waffle on about what he wants and just smile and let it roll off you like water off a ducks behind. The next time you go strutting through the house in a less-than-there lingerie set and show off your beautiful, slender body, that will be the best feeling in the world for you and you won't have to say a word! He'll just eat his crow in silence and feel guilty for not supporting you! But nevermind - we're here for that.

Get shaking chickadee - you're worth it and we're all here to help you whenever you need it.

All the very best success

Alisha :rose:
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