Anyone want my extra 130 pounds? :) New girl here!

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Postby Marcelle » August 19th, 2005, 11:21 am

Carbs - I love your name too! (Actually I think carbs love me, because they keep sticking around and taking permanent residence on my

Anyway welcome! You are in the right place. The support here is amazing! I'm coming to the end of my 2nd week on Sunday, and I everyone here has done nothing but encourage each other and me.

Now it's your turn. So take what support you need from here and one your JH sees your progress, he'll jump on board, but (this is big but), we have to do this for ourselves, or we won't finish the transition and reach/ stay at our goal weight.

Keep up the excitement - it really helps!

08/07/05 = 187 and 5'7"
08/14/05 = 176.5
08/21/2005 = 175
Mini Goal is to break 175lbs.
Next Goal is to break 165 lbs.
Final Goal is 130 - 135 lbs.
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Postby Carbshateme » August 22nd, 2005, 1:15 pm

Hi everyone and thanks for all the sweet replies! Today is day 4 for me and to be TOTALLY honest, it has been a cinch thus far. I have felt overall great! The nicest thing for me is not having to THINK about food, ya know? I am angry at food. Food has totally screwed up my life. I know at some point I will hafta see a nutritionist and make friends with food again, but for now it feels really good just to "let go" of it. Food has been an obsession for over 30 years and now I can just BREATHE. Make any sense? I am contemplating only weighing once a month. Friday will be one week for me and I will decide then. On my start day I weighed myself at my health club and I weighed 298, NOT 290, and that kinda freaked me out, but I will believe the fancy schmancy club scale rather than my home scale.. wow, I got a long way to go! But ya know what? In a year I can weigh 100 pounds more or 100 pounds less. I think I know what I'd rather do. :) :) :)
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Postby fatBgone » August 22nd, 2005, 10:39 pm

Hi carbshateme!!

I've just been catching up here on the forum tonight and ran across your intro and as I was reading all of your funny posts I just kept wondering how you're doing - since it's been a few days since you started. Then I was happy to see your last message giving us an update. You kinda sound like me when I first started. I was super thrilled (and still am) at how easy it was because there was no thinking, preparation, etc. needed - except "what packet to pick out"! I love the ease of this plan & it's so much easier than going grocery shopping and trying to buy all the right stuff to eat & then mess with having to cook it all.

I really had to laugh at your reference to JH.....when I first started using this forum - I kept reading "DH" and didn't even know what it meant. I shamefully asked someone and they told me "dear" husband, but when I refer to it, I think of "dumb" husband. (hehe - maybe I'll switch to the JH instead)

I love reading about the gals here that have a wonderful supportive hubby - but mine is sooo clueless 99% of the time I just have to wonder how he has made it this far in life. Can you believe that I have lost 38 pounds and to this day - he has still not said EVEN ONE word????? I mean NOTHING!! All of my friends, my mom, my sister & even our kids have noticed - and then there he is???...

Personally - I think he's jealous (he could stand to lose at least 75-100 pounds), but whatever! He has started dieting at least 4-6 times and lost nothing in the same amount of time that I've been doing Medifast. I guess he thinks it is a temporary weight loss and that when I'm done I'll just gain it back - but then again - I don't really know WHAT he thinks - because he doesn't say ANYTHING! So, don't feel too bad about your're not alone - sad but true.

Well, anyway, I'm thrilled for you having such a good start! I'll look forward to hearing from you often!! Where do you live anyway?
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Postby Nancy » August 23rd, 2005, 12:39 am

Carbs ~

That's great that you are sailing through this first week. I can identify with the sale quandry, as we had two scales and one weighed lighter than the other. That one was my favorite one :hmmm: but I always felt a little bit unsure. My scales made me feel :nana: cwazy so we put one of them away. Pick one, stick with it and it will show your progress.

Yup, you are headed in the right direction and a year from now you will be so hot and look so cool! :whistle: Take your picture and measure now so you'll have a reference to this week.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby martha » August 23rd, 2005, 1:05 am


I am so proud of you and your success on this program :mrgreen: :mrgreen: ..Don't worry if the hubby doesn't notice your losses :oops: You and I both know he HAS noticed..there is no way after the weight you have lost NOT to have noticed..He will say the words you need to hear soon :mrgreen: Just hang in there BUT until that day we WILL say them for you--WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!---You are doing so AWESOME!!!! ONDERLAND is SO GREAT!!! Only 38# to GOAL :shock: I can't wait till I am that close..Keep up the good work melting those pounds away!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!--

Now if you need some more just come on back for part 2(he-he) have a great week==Martha
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Postby Carbshateme » August 23rd, 2005, 5:29 am

Lisa.. Your current weight is my goal weight, tee hee! And I guess I shouldn't complain too much about my JH, this morning when we woke he said "Hey, I think your plan is working, because you have DEATH breath!" Nice compliment, huh? I shouldn't be too hard on him, because men are very different than women... they are much more aesthetically driven and I think he sees my weight problem as a reflection on him. I want to lose weight to be healthy and live a longer life. I know he wants the same for me, but he also wants a "hot wife." That is fine. I can understand that.. but part of me thinks "What if I were in a major car accident and lost all my limbs?".. would he be able to find me attractive then? Soooo many things to think about. And I think why Medifast has been so freeing to me thus far is because it feels so "safe" to me.. no counting calories or carbs, no wondering if I am doing it the "right way." It gives me time to think about the EMOTIONS behind WHY I let me self get so big to begin with. Medifast can "make me thin (er)" but I have to figure out why I'm such an emotional eater. Or no plan will ever work for me for the rest of my life, ya know?

It sounds to me like your DH (JH?) is just jealous and starting to feel insecure about his own weight. Has he thought about getting with the program? I wish someone else in my household were doing this with me, but I'm the only one in my house with a weight problem...

EXCEPT THE CAT! I'll make the cat start Medifast! From now on, only vanilla shakes mixed with a smidge of tuna juice for him!
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Postby Nancy » August 23rd, 2005, 8:32 am

Carbs ~

I'll make the cat start Medifast! From now on, only vanilla shakes mixed with a smidge of tuna juice for him!

Yeah, well maybe you should try our Medipet...actually there are arthritic pets on the Medifast Plus Joint Health shakes - it improves their joint health, too. The tuna juice (packed in spring water, I presume...) will give him death breath...

Our daughter's little Lhasa Apso was on the Vaniller Joint Health shakes for the last two and a half years of her life and we believe it extended the quality of her life.

She went to pet heaven in June of this year at the age of 17 people years due to other health complications but she was better for the years of her Medifast experience. When Bonnie Dawg was on her Joint Health shakes, she could run up and down the stairs, was playful and frisky.

:shock: Just think, if we slurp one a day we might be able to play fetch and jump through hoops, too! ;)

Carbs, use this vacation from food to try to figure out the sources for your random acts of scarfage. You'll be able to take back your life, too.

I know not everyone has a great partner to help and to encourage them through this process and that is exactly why we are here - to help you.

We must decide to do this for our health (the benefit of hotness comes with it) and we must want it no matter what. Having or not having support can be an excuse for why we do or not do something. It must become a matter of do or die. Let nothing deter you. No thing.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Carbshateme » August 23rd, 2005, 12:27 pm

Nancy, you are SUCH an angel.:angel: I can't even imagine how many people you have helped (me included!) with all your kind words and support. It's all just such a mental trip, ya know? And for me, it ALL GOES back to my mom giving me a cookie when I cried, or had a tantrum, etc etc. My mom was, and always will be, a major feeder! I have used food as my drug of choice for SOOOOOOOO many years and I am trying to learn new coping skills. The comfort I found in food was a false comfort.. it only did me harm. So, I am learning how to replace my "bad" habit with good ones. Instead of eating I drink my water, BREATHE, read, play with my kids, and I have probably taken 10 bubble baths since starting Friday (In addition to my daily shower!) anything to keep my mind outta the cupcake gutter!!
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