Carbs ~
I'll make the cat start Medifast! From now on, only vanilla shakes mixed with a smidge of tuna juice for him!
Yeah, well maybe you should try our
Medipet...actually there are arthritic pets on the Medifast Plus Joint Health shakes - it improves their joint health, too. The tuna juice (packed in spring water, I presume...) will give him death breath...
Our daughter's little Lhasa Apso was on the Vaniller Joint Health shakes for the last two and a half years of her life and we believe it extended the quality of her life.
She went to pet heaven in June of this year at the age of 17 people years due to other health complications but she was better for the years of her Medifast experience. When Bonnie Dawg was on her Joint Health shakes, she could run up and down the stairs, was playful and frisky.

Just think, if we slurp one a day we might be able to play fetch and jump through hoops, too!
Carbs, use this vacation from food to try to figure out the sources for your random acts of scarfage. You'll be able to take back your life, too.
I know not everyone has a great partner to help and to encourage them through this process and that is exactly why we are here - to help you.
We must decide to do this for our health (the benefit of hotness comes with it) and we must want it no matter what. Having or not having support can be an excuse for why we do or not do something. It must become a matter of do or die. Let nothing deter you. No thing.