Now let me tell you I am just plain hungry LOL
I have a lot of trouble swallowing anything less than the consistency of OH


choppers in my mouth. I am having a hard time eating period and have some not so great hunger pains. All the food that I can consume easily is
not legal on our plan,so I am just trying to survive on pudding and oatmeal and for my lean green, Eggbeaters. I BE HUNGRY and cranky

I am still pretty sore and the stitches are not fun to put anything on top of them but I go back to work tomorrow and am NOT going without that new and pretty smile! I will also probably need a translator as
a side benefit I sound like a 5 year old with a lisp due to my getting used to the new choppers This like anything else will make me stronger but honest guys give me a diet anytime compared to this!!
I am so afraid I am going to stall my metabolism from eating so few
calories that I am forcing myself to eat when I do not even want to!
Ok I am done complaining now and am going to go have an oatmeal before bed. I will start now as it takes about 45 minutes to eat a serving .
Shrinking away to just the SMILE soon

Shink aka Mary