Edited on 9/26/07...
I still have two boxes of chix soup. One packet of eggs, and the 4 packets of cr. of broccoli soup. If interested please pm me. I would love love love more hot chocolate but also like other stuff. Lemme know what you want to get rid of!
I have some stuff that I am not so fond of...
Chili 6 packets exp. 4/6/08
Cr. Broccoli soup 4 packets ex. 5/3/08
Eggs 5 packets exp. 8/7/08
Cr. Tomato soup 6 pack exp. 3/21/08
Chai Latte 6 pack exp. 5/19/08
I got a little excited with my last order and have nine boxes of Chic. noodle soup. I could also part with a couple of these. Will pick the boxes with the farthest exp. date to send
I would be willing to trade for
any shake flavor
Apple Cinn oatmeal
almost any bars (don't like choc or choc mint)
Open to other things I just know the above are favs!
If interested please pm me. I'll ship to you first if there is an issue since I'm still relatively new at posting. I just don't want to dump this stuff and can't stand to eat it!