Hey, MissJessie ~
Good for you – you are doing your detective work! WHat you learn now will help you for the thinnin' process.
I am on maintenance; I keep just about the same mealtime schedule now as I did during the weight loss phase.
I still prefer to eat a lot of Medifast because
1.) I like how I feel when I eat it. No more spiked blood sugar. Great energy and my brain feels happy.
2) I am busy (and who isn’t?). It is ideal for busy people – the food comes automatically to our front porch (we are on Auto Ship and we save 12% off our orders), I don’t have to spend a lot of time in the grocery store, I’m not tempted to buy all the stuff that is not healthy for us and we save money with Medifast.
3,) The calories are low, the food tastes good and I like the portioned packets. I could easily return to my super-size portions if I'm not careful.
4.) I don’t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing or cleaning up after a meal. That leaves me with more time to spend doing cool things with my family.
5,) It helps me to maintain my weight. I like being thinner than flabbier.
7:30 Oatmeal or Shake
10:30 Shake or Oatmeal
1:30 Chicky Noodle Soup or Chili or Chicken ‘n Wild Rice w/ Medifast MultiGrain Crackers with a salad or vegetables
4:30 Shake or an apple dipped in 1/3 packet of some dry Medifast shake powder :-)
7 - 8 PM Lean & Green – I prefer fish, shellfish, chicken & a chork pop every couple of weeks.
11- 12 PM or sometimes it's later... Chai Latte or Oatmeal
Interspersed throughout my day, I also eat a wad of broccoli daily, pickled garlic (!) and pickled vegetables, more servings of raw vegetables if I'm hungry, a FEW (like

almonds & 2-3 big fat stuffed green olives (stuffed w/ garlic, jalapeno or bleu cheese), feta, and on occasion, I have an apple or berries. Fruit really spikes my sugar and makes me feel wonky sometimes.
Because I am a Bread Person, I really limit the carbs. If I have bread, it’s gotta be really good & whole grain. Ice Cream - Cold Stone Creamery, naturally – maybe once a month and I don’t bring ice cream home because my husband does not know when to quit.
I like Asian salad rolls with shrimp.
Real good chocolate or a few caramels with nuts every couple of months.
No popcorn or enchiladas for Leopard Woman.
I like my thinny life. It’s good.
re: bar sharing ...The Chocolate Divine and the Lemon Fantasy halvers are great together - Rich meets Tart!
Long ago....probably never to return again (drat! I loved 'em so, they were my fave), we had a Medifast Double Berry Bar (Cranberry- Blueberry). Terry and I used to make a trade - He got a PB Bar and I got a Double Berry. We cut our bars into small pieces and traded halves. Then we had a PB & Jam bar Fest!