Anyone from So Ca

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Anyone from So Ca

Postby pandasmom » April 20th, 2006, 10:19 am

Hi there just wondering if there are any ladies out there from So California area? Any one near Ventura, Oxnard or Santa Barbara????

Was thinking if any one was from here I would see if any one wanted to start walking...

So just checking.
its week 2 for me and i feel good. Today i actually did 30 minutes on my tread mill. I am assuming now that I wont lose as much weight this week but thats ok. I also know that i have to walk or do some thing to tone up as where will all this flab go when I lose the weight right? hehehe

I will tell everyone some thing i did that some one had told me and I LOVE IT..
I took all my MF and put it on the table. I then went though and picked one oatmeal, one bar, a drink or so and soup. I put my WHOLE DAYS worth of meals in a baggie

that way each morning i pul out a baggie have it on the counter and i am ready to go.. I LOVE THIS IDEA..
i dont pick and choose my favorites some days i might have some thing in there i dont care for as well. But other days maybe i have 2 tings I really love.. It just makes it so nice and easy..
Just wanted to share.
Have a great week.
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Postby fuyu » April 20th, 2006, 12:45 pm

Oh wow that sounds like a great idea!! I'm in Northern California though... :( It would be nice to get together with someone to take walks or work out.
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