Hello my dear medifasters. It's my third week on medifast. I'm switching from full fast to 5&1 plan. Does anyone know if there is a vegetable that i shouldn't eat in my lean green meal. Please let me know.
I just want to say that this forum is awesome. I've learned some things from reading all your posts. Thanks for sharing your experience with the great God of weight loss.
Hello again. I want to thank you for giving me this information.
I lost about 18#. My starting weight was 241 and now i'm 223. I started this journey on March 7th. I have long ways to go. I have faith that this will definately work for me. Thank you again Unca. I appreciate the info.
Woo-hoo! That's a GREAT start, MTUIFUA!!! Kepp on shakin'-- we're all proof that MF works when you just sit back and let it. Here's to another 18 pounds!!!
High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
MTUIFUA....AWESOME JOB!!!!!! ...your pesistance is paying off & will continue to.... ....Keep shakin and before you know it you will be reaching the goal... Donna...dlr2424
There's nothing to great that God won't provide me the strength to endure...all I need to do is ask Him