Anxious VS Eating

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Anxious VS Eating

Postby Lady Bug » January 5th, 2006, 9:37 am

Hi everyone:

I am a nervous wreck right now. My son is in Kawait and I usually receive an email from him about every two days and I haven't heard from him for over two weeks. Last I heard, he has been reassigned and his duties have changed. If I could just hear from him....just a note. But for security reasons, they are always changeing his email address and sometimes, he just can't email.

Yesterday was a very difficult day and when his 10 year old son called me and said Grandma have you heard from Daddy....I about lost it. He hasn't heard from him either.

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and checked email and when there wasn't any from him, I went to the fridge and was so tempted just to eat anything and everything in it....but I guess I was more tired then tempted, because I went back to bed.

I'm very glad I have this site to come to......It's so friendly and helpful.

Thanks for listening,
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Postby 24KaratGold » January 5th, 2006, 9:58 am

Evie, I wish I knew what words to say that would bring you some comfort and strength right now. I don't think there are any, but I wanted to post something just to let you know that I read your post, and that I care.

Being in Kuwait is better than some places he can be, and I don't recall anything on the news in the last two weeks about anything bad happening there. Plus if it had, you would have heard. It's quite possible that he is on some mission or something that has taken him away from access to a computer, and that you will hear from him as soon as he is back. We'll pray that this is so.

In the meantime, congratulations to you for not giving in to the impulse to eat everything in sight. Think how cool it will be when he comes home and sees how skinny his mama has gotten!

Hang in there, hon, and God bless. We're here if you need us.

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Postby Serendipity » January 5th, 2006, 10:49 am


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Please let us know as soon as your hear from him. We will celebrate with you.

Big hug.
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Postby Gwenski » January 5th, 2006, 11:31 am


My heart and prayers are with you as you do the unthinkable -- WAIT, NOT KNOW and NOT EAT!!!!

We are all here supporting you and proud of you for resisting the temptations.

Hope you hear something very soon - please let us know!

Hang in there.............

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Postby Jan » January 5th, 2006, 11:59 am

Dear Evie,
What a difficult situation. Our children are our weakest point. I think we are all really "mama bears" and only other mothers can know the depth of our worry.
I agree with 24 -- the military lets the family know when there has been a problem. Even if there is an injury. Sooo most likely your son is off on a mission and not close to a computer. He also may be in a place such that he can't send a note. All we can do is pray -- and when tempted to head to the cupboard head to the knees instead. There is a saying that I love "it is difficult to lose your footing on your knees"
Now, give yourself a huge pat on the back because you haven't been eating eating eating. Look how far you've come. Plus, you didn't "lose it" when talking with your grandson. That must have been very very hard but you did it. You didn't add at all to his worry.
I'll bet you'll be getting great news from your son soon. At least I'll be praying that you do. :D Please let us allll know the minute you get a note.
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Postby Lady Bug » January 6th, 2006, 8:03 am

24K, Serendipity, Gwenski, Jan,

Thank you all so much for your replys and concern. I really appreciate it. I still haven't heard from him. I truly believe he's OK I haven't heard otherwise, and I know I would.

I will post when he emails or calls (he has called twice since he's been over there). In the meantime, I pray for all our Military who is in harms way and away from there families.

Thanks again for listening and posting. I so appreciate it,
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Postby Mommy2girls » January 6th, 2006, 4:11 pm

Evie, I agree about the Mama Bear in all of us. And when it is taken out of our hands, we tend to all go a little cuckoo. You are doing FANTASTIC for not eating out of pure nerves. For most of us that is the worst time. You are reteaching your body that food will not help the situation, and for that you deserve a big :hi5:

Please let us know when you hear from him.... :bighug:

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Postby Nancy » January 7th, 2006, 3:27 am

Evie Hunny! I just saw this post and I prayed for your son (Please, what’s his name?)

When God measures a person He puts the tape around the heart and not the head or the waistband.

You have such a big heart and it is hurtin’ right now. I am so sorry that you are sittin’ in the dark and how I wish we could come by and encourage you the way that you have done for so many of us. Evie, I wish you continued strength, increased faith and comfort.

We wanna know when you hear from him! Ladyhawke’s nephew returned from his tour of duty and maybe we need to put a yellow ribbon around our trees for your son!
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Postby Lady Bug » January 7th, 2006, 7:00 pm

Hi friends: :wave:

I wanted to check in and again thank everyone for their concern. No, I still haven't heard from my son. I know I's just When????

Nancy, his name is Dennis. Let me tell you a little about him. Besides having a heart of gold and a smile that is so sincere...OH MY, what a sense of humor. Last night, I was talking with my daughter, and we laughed and laughed at some of the silly things he says and does. He is sooo funny. He can light up a room just by walking in it.

In Dec, I baked cookies for him and when he received them, he emailed me to tell me some of his buddies received some goodies too. They had an "unbiased person" taste test them...and guess who won!!!! :yes: MMMMM....( :scratchhead: Come to think of it...the other young men probably sent their Mom the same message)...... :roflmao:

I will post when I hear from him.....Time is not my friend right now so while I was a pacin' & a frettin' yesterday, I baked the same cookies for my DH and this evening I went to the cookie jar. Tom (DH) put his arms around me and said hey, do you really want that??? I put it back but I think I'm going for a ride cuz I want to eat.

I know Den is allright. I really do. I just want to hear from him. As Jan said....It's all about the mama bear in me. :D

Thank you again for listening and your prayers,
;) Evie
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Postby dlr2424 » January 7th, 2006, 8:17 pm

Evie..... :hug: thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!!...........I wish there was more I could do for you but we all know he is in God's hands...... :angel: ......keep strong... :secret: ..and until he calls... :D ...think of all the happy memories of him that make you laugh .....take care


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Postby mytime » January 7th, 2006, 9:08 pm

Evie - what a difficult time. I am so amazed by your strength. I am praying for you and Dennis. Please know you have all of our strength and support. We too will be waiting for word. What I am coming to learn and what I try to tell myself is that what I eat cannot change what I feel. Feelings are not facts and that time is the great equalizer. For many of us dealing with feelings is a heck of a lot harder than dealing with food. You are to be congratulated on your success in keeping on program one shake at a time. Be well and know we care and are praying for your son, Mytime
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Postby 24KaratGold » January 7th, 2006, 9:21 pm

Hang in there, hon. No news is good news, and you have a lot of support and prayers coming from here.

And good work on the part of your DH! Go for a ride, go to a bookstore, go somewhere away from food.

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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 12:47 am

Thank you for the update and for giving us some insight into your awesome Dennis! He sounds like a :hatch: character and a :heart: charmer, too! And a very loved bear cub.

Wow! You are some kinda woman to bake and not take....well, I guess the DH hug sorrta took the desire for grub away, didn't it? :lol:

MyTime's right... eating a cookie won't make Dennis call or email any sooner than if you leave the cookie in the jar. You did a good thing by taking a few laps around the house and better yet was the :drive:

We agree in prayer that Dennis is in the strong hands of the Lord and He is the blessed controller of all things!
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Postby Lady Bug » January 8th, 2006, 4:24 pm

Hi everyone:

I'm here at this site for so many reasons.....very restless, bored and hungry....well, my brain thinks I am anyway. Another day has gone by and I haven't heard from Dennis. It's Sun 4:14 PM here which means it's 2:15 AM Mon morn there. Maybe tomorrow morn when I wake up there will be a message waiting from him.

I sure want to eat... pasta sounds good. But so good. I talked with my advisor and he reminded me I was so close to my goal that maybe I could make it by the end of that would be great. I admit in the beginning I wasn't as dedicated as I am now. Even before the holidays, I took a day off here and there........and it wasn't that easy to get back on. Lesson learned tho...

I'm going to go for now, received a call from a friend and she thought she would stop by to chat...... :hug: ...... that sounds good......

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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 8:51 pm

Evie ~

I hope that afternoon chat went well with your friend and that you feel :pet: encouraged and loved. :hug:

Let's see have 18 pounds to go and 8 weeks (50 days) until the end of February....yep! It can be done! :thumbup: have the hankering for pasta, eh? For supper tomorrow (since I just logged on here and you are probably already :snooze: tucked in for the night...), how about some grilled chicken (7 ounces of course!) with garlic and a 1.5 cup serving of steamed zucchini with onion and tomatoes and a hefty sprinkle of oregano, Mrs. Dash Tomato Basil and a shake of Italian seasoning? Mama mia and it's legal. :eat:

:angel: Praying for Dennis and his co-troopers, too.
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