Hi friends:
I wanted to check in and again thank everyone for their concern. No, I still haven't heard from my son. I know I will...it's just When????
Nancy, his name is Dennis. Let me tell you a little about him. Besides having a heart of gold and a smile that is so sincere...OH MY, what a sense of humor. Last night, I was talking with my daughter, and we laughed and laughed at some of the silly things he says and does. He is sooo funny. He can light up a room just by walking in it.
In Dec, I baked cookies for him and when he received them, he emailed me to tell me some of his buddies received some goodies too. They had an "unbiased person" taste test them...and guess who won .....Yep...me!!!!


Come to think of it...the other young men probably sent their Mom the same message)......
I will post when I hear from him.....Time is not my friend right now so while I was a pacin' & a frettin' yesterday, I baked the same cookies for my DH and this evening I went to the cookie jar. Tom (DH) put his arms around me and said hey, do you really want that??? I put it back but I think I'm going for a ride cuz I want to eat.
I know Den is allright. I really do. I just want to hear from him. As Jan said....It's all about the mama bear in me.
Thank you again for listening and your prayers,
