AntiOxidant Product Line Available June 16, 2008

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AntiOxidant Product Line Available June 16, 2008

Postby Nancy » June 10th, 2008, 8:03 pm

:wavie: Hullo and howdy there, MakeMeThinner Readers and Shakers ~

We are :yippee: happy to tell you about the launch of a brand-new product line –

Medifast Antioxidant Products.

Antioxidants are :angel: good things; they promote a healthy :heart: cardiovascular system.

The new line contains both Shakes and Flavor Infusers:

o New Whey-based Medifast Shakes with antioxidants can be used as part of the 5 & 1 Program along with other Medifast Meals and Shakes –

:shades: Check out the three new flavors –

Blueberry, Cherry-Pomegranate, and Dark Chocolate

- $18.95 per box of 7 servings.

These are great for folks with soy sensitivity or soy allergies!

o Medifast AntiOxidant Flavor Infusers™ - These are not complete Medifast Meal replacements like the ^ above shakes but can be used to flavor and enhance a bottle of water while providing 1,000 ORAC units of antioxidants as well as 15 mg of resveratrol, an ingredient found in red wine that has shown to support good health.

:secret: The AntiOxidant Flavor Infusers™ differ from the Momentum Flavor Infusers™ which contain 100 mg Caffeine and 90 mg of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

The AntiOxidant Flavor Infusers™ can be used up to five times daily and not jeopardize the fat-burning state if you are on the 5 & 1 Program and in unlimited amounts by those not seeking to maintain a fat-burning state.

Each serving contains 5 calories and 2 Carbs.

The AntiOxidant Flavor Infusers™ are available in three new flavors –

Citrus Margarita, Raspberry Acai* (pronounced “ah-sigh-ee”), and White Grape Peach

- $21.95 per box for 21 individually packaged servings.

~ Both products support ~

:heart: Cardiovascular health

:dooh: Brain function and :scratch: mental acuity

:glasses: Optimal vision

:exercise: Balanced blood sugar levels

:yes: Healthy aging

:oops: Urinary tract function :runner:

These products will be available for purchase June 16th…

Antioxidants are measured in ORAC units.

Experts suggest consuming between 3,000 & 5,000 ORAC units a day for the best possible health.

You may be wondering to yourself, :scratchhead:

“What in the world are antioxidants anyway?” :huh:

We are exposed to things every day that can weaken our cells and leave them vulnerable to damage.

:shock: Stress, :goldprowl: pollution, :smoke: cigarette smoke, :muahaha: fried foods, and other factors expose us to free radicals; the molecules that damage cells :shoot: , contribute to tissue damage, aging, and :cry: certain diseases.

Like a shield, antioxidants help to :tomato: block the cell damage caused by free radicals.

Yeah! Let’s hear it for antioxidants! :cheerleader:

The more antioxidants there are in a particular food,

the healthier the food is for you.

Many foods such as berries, pomegranate, and dark chocolate have large amounts of antioxidants in them naturally.

:hmmm: Perhaps you’ve heard of resveratrol and the French Connection –

resveratrol is an ingredient found in red wine; commonly :pour: slurped by the French who seem to have a lower incidence of :heart: heart disease.

Resveratrol has been shown to :lightbeam: block free radical molecules, calm :hammerhead: inflammation and help the body :lightsword: fight germs.

Anti-oxidizers may help with pre-mature aging and O-o-oh - yeah, as I’m approaching my 60th anniversary of :birthday: birth in a few months, the anti-aging anti-inflammatory benefits greatly appeal to me… :bananadance:

[What in the heck-o-lah is acai?

:no: Never heard of ‘em?

:puter: Well, acai berries are from the acai palm found in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil and have high levels of antioxidants, the fatty acids omega-6 and omega-9 (they are the ‘good’ fats that help to lower the ‘bad’ cholesterol), iron, fiber and amino acids. Acai berries have twice the antioxidants of blueberries and ten times the antioxidants of grapes.]

:thumbsup: Consult your physician or health care provider before using products with resveratrol if you are taking certain medications (including anticoagulants, antihypertensive, immunosuppressant, or cholesterol-lowering prescriptions) or if you are preggers or lactating.

The Whey Protein Shakes with antioxidants are :goldstar: diabetic-friendly and fat-free; they are complete meal replacements.

Each shakes has

90 calories

14 grams protein

14 grams carbs

They taste good, too! :cheermed:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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