answer for better soup!!

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answer for better soup!!

Postby sher » February 10th, 2004, 1:41 pm

Here is one for you that complain about the soup not being some extra shaker cups, or tupperware...put the soup in one in the morning, cover it with very warm water, pop on the lid and GO....let it sit all day if you want, but it works in a few hours...then cover it with some more water and nuke...awsome, nothing crunchy about MUCH better this way, I will do this too with the Chili and Minestrone...and what a life saver when its just ready to NUKE.....most EVERYWHERE has a microwave...factories, and most break rooms...

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Postby BonitaGirl » February 10th, 2004, 1:59 pm

Good idea Sher! I had the chicken noodle for the first time and it was, um, crunchy :roll: And I thought I had nuked the heck out of it, but I guess I have to let it sit much longer. I added some bullion and then some Extra Spicy Mrs. Dash and it was quite yummy (even crunchy).

I am totally addicted to the cream of tomato soup and even the robust tomato one. I have been using that as dressing for my salad, mix it with water and add a little balsamic vinegar and some spices and it is yummy.
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Postby sher » February 10th, 2004, 2:08 pm

Guess I better order the Tomato, have not done that yet...thanks girl...

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Postby Kimbob » February 11th, 2004, 9:25 am

The cream soups are definitely the best, imo (tomato, brocolli, and chicken). I have soup for lunch at work almost every day.

I tried the minnestrone ONCE. It was so awful that I couldn't even finish the bowl.

I often add extra water and a cube of chicken boullion to the soups, which really zings them up :)

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Postby Nancy » February 12th, 2004, 4:02 pm

Yep, those soups DO need to steep a bit, like a good tea. Sometimes I rather enjoy the crunchy noodles. The Fast Soups are wonderful - you may have two a day – remember they are bonus items! I like to use them as a salad dressing, too. I like the chicken Fast Soup mixed with vinegar and hot water and then pour it over shredded cabbage. I let the cabbage wilt a bit and add lots of Mrs. Dash. We have several bottles of Mrs. Dash in different blends.

The oatmeal may be prepared in advance, too - stirred into cool water and allowed to steep and then heated up just before you eat it.

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