Another Question from the skeptic

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Another Question from the skeptic

Postby clippin » February 16th, 2004, 3:23 pm

I really am interested in doing this program, honest, but I am wondering why those of you here chose this plan over a different one, such as just a low carb or high protein program?

For me it is just not having to think about what to prepare, but what caused you to do this (with great success, I have noticed!!!) over something else? Is this nutritionally more sound than, say, Atkins or South Beach?

Just wondering!
Thanks, Clippin :D
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Postby moutoncove » February 16th, 2004, 3:44 pm

Hi Clippin,

Welcome to our forum. I chose this because I've tried everything else like everyone else here. What really interested me was the "quick weight loss". Everybody wants a quick fix. I saw the advertisement on TV and then I researched on the internet and ran across this forum. When I read what everyone was saying and how much they lost in such short a time I told myself well it's true what they say "quick weight loss". It's really this forum that sold me to try this and boy am I glad. I lost 19# in 12 days so I would say that's pretty quick. Thank God I found this forum because I probably wouldn't have tried it because I would have thought it was just another weight loss gimmick. WRONG! THIS STUFF IS AWESOME.

Then it's been medically tested by John Hopkins Medical Instituate. You can read about it on the web. Doctors are giving their patients their approval to follow this program.

Then the next best part is not having to think about what you're going to eat. Very simple. That's what I like. Simple, simple, simple. No cooking, no sink full of pots and pans - my kind of living. It makes for less temptation. Everything is in single servings, no more than what you can have.

Then there is Nancy & Mike. Nancy has maintained her weight for a year now (I think its a year) and Mike has reached his goal or very, very close to it - so that is another reason I chose this - IT CAN BE DONE - THEY ARE PROOF - AND THEY'RE REAL LIVE PEOPLE! This is real. No gimmicks!

And last - I'm just tired of hurting - feet, ankles, knees, back, etc..... - I wanted to feel good and that's what I read on this forum - people were feeling great and full of energy. That's what I wanted too.

So thank you guys out there that post to this forum. You are what sold me. You are the reason and Medifast that I will lose this weight, feel good and not have aches and pains all the time. YA'LL ARE THE BEST. THANKS.

So Clippin - I hope this helps you decide. There is really nothing else like this program. Believe me, I've tried them AAAALLLLLLL! This is the BEST.

Hope you join us on this shakin forum. We'd love to have you among the BIG LOSERS.

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Re: Another Question from the skeptic

Postby explorthis » February 16th, 2004, 3:52 pm

clippin wrote::?
I really am interested in doing this program, honest, but I am wondering why those of you here chose this plan over a different one, such as just a low carb or high protein program?

Oh, Brenda, thanks for taking the words out of my mouth, and typing all the correct answers. :!:

Clippin, ditto what Brenda said.

It took me about 120 days give or take to shed for the first time in my life over 100#.

I like Brenda, and the others here have been on as many diets as there are days of the week, for me all UN-SUCCESSFUL. My Mom found this one, as she had to lose about 50-60, (which she did successfully - check the "studio" for our pictures) and I needed to lose somewhere in the range of 100-120 (42 year old male 6' 3" tall) I began 9/8/03 at 337# and am now at 224-225ish.

Medifast is not the magic wand. You are the magic wand. It is a life changing, life altering program that works, only if you allow it to work. It is not going to change your life overnight, but it will successfully work in a rapid amount of time.

Read the posts, they are "proof in the (shaker jar) pudding"

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Postby Indigo » February 16th, 2004, 4:41 pm

I chose medifast because I have a lot of weight to lose, I have fibromyalgia and am in a 'catch-22'- I need to exercise to help my fibromyalgia, but my added weight makes my joints hurt when I exercise, flaring up the fibromyalgia. I just decided I had to get this weight OFF or I would be stuck like this for life.
Medifast is a lot faster than other programs, it's nutritionally balanced, and I don't have to make 'choices' all day long about each meal and what I'm going to eat.
I am on the modified plan, but it's a strict one- 5 ounces of lean meat and a salad- and I have those meals pre-planned, pre-weighed and packaged, too. (I set 3-4 meals up ahead of time)
This gets the weight off fast, and I'm still able to work through my 'issues' about emotional eating. I like that.
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Postby finalstraw » February 17th, 2004, 7:02 am

I lost the weight on low fat, gained it back.

I lost the weight on Atkins (could not eat meat another day, was sick of it) gained it back.

With Medifast, I have time away from food to understand it. I am learning that when I can eat food again, I have to chose healthy low caloried food or I will gain it back. I figured I tried everything else, if this worked GREAT, if not, Gastric Bypass.

This forum for me is half the Medifast plan. I don't think most of us here would be near as successful if we did have the support of others going through the same things. Remember, we are not a bunch of skinny people (like doctor programs) saying 'Good Girl, you dropped another pound', we are the same weights going through the same struggles and can 'understand' each other.

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Postby Starloser63 » February 17th, 2004, 7:59 am

Dear Stephanie,

Please be very careful. Start planning for your maintenance now. Because you will gain the weight back with Medifast if you don't follow thru' Just like on the other diets. You are a dear and I know you have probably already thought of it. But I would feel really bad, if you haven't and I didn't point out the obvious. :hug:

Dear Clippin

I chose Medifast because I needed to get away from food choices for myself. :) I still make meals for my family, but I have gotten over the nibbling thing that was a problem at the start. :D I have learned from reading that Medifast will probably still be a big part of my life when I reach goal. :shock:
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Postby moutoncove » February 17th, 2004, 8:36 am


This forum for me is half the Medifast plan. I don't think most of us here would be near as successful if we did have the support of others going through the same things. Remember, we are not a bunch of skinny people (like doctor programs) saying 'Good Girl, you dropped another pound', we are the same weights going through the same struggles and can 'understand' each other.

You are so right on. This is the 1st time I've ever been on a forum and it does make a difference being able to come here any time of day or night and read encouraging words and being able to encourage someone when they are down. Reading the struggles of other people let's you know you're not alone in this battle. I think the Sunday morning weigh in is great. It gives you something to be accountable to.

Have a great shakin day,

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