Wow, I can't believe another November is wrapping up! For anyone who cares and for those few who may remember, I started my Medifast journey in November of 2005. Now, 4 years later, and I'm 170 pounds lighter, and happily maintaining my way through another Thanksgiving holiday! I know the odds are stacked against all of us who lose weight - that the percentage of those who gain it back is huge, and for that reason, I remain pretty hyper-vigilant about my eating. This is NOT to say I don't relax a bit periodically, or that I deprive myself of treats, but it means that if I see that I've gone up a couple pounds on the scale, I know I MUST get strict again, or the slippery slope will begin.
Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Hell yeah.
Cheers to all of you at the start of your journey, those of you thoroughly in the midst of it, and those maintainers waking up each day to do it all again!