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Another newbie to the forum

Postby notes4me » March 16th, 2004, 1:24 pm

Hello all

I too have been “lurking” in the background reading posts but I’ve decided its now time to “come into the light” :wave:

I’m in week 4 of the program and I’m already about 15 pounds lighter. I spent last Saturday digging through old clothes to try and find something that doesn’t look 2 sizes too big for me (one the most enjoyable afternoons I’ve had in a long time :yippee: ).

I'm actually a Medifast alum. My doctor put me on the program 14 years ago and I lost 55 pounds. I kept it off for quite some time, but alas, over the next 10 years I managed to put 80 pounds back on. Looking back, I’ve realized that I lost the weight for all the wrong reasons and I never addressed the issues that made me gain the weight in the first place. I too have tried just about every diet in the book and I did manage to lose about 30 pounds over the last 1-1/2 years or so (is that just unmotivatingly slow or what?), but when I hit that inevitable plateau, everything stopped and then that horrible old scale starting creeping up again. That’s when I decided to go back to the only program that ever worked for me … Medifast.

Now I’m older and (hopefully) a little wiser and I’m determined that this will be the last time I ever have to lose this weight. I’m in the process of rebuilding my life after a painful divorce and I’ve decided its time to face my eating problems head on. I’ve finally admitted to myself that I’m a stress and boredom eater (mostly boredom), so I’m working on changing that. This time I’m losing the weight for me and the 15 pounds I’ve lost have already made a big difference in my total frame of mind. Just 36 more pounds to go!

So, now that I’ve told you my life story, I’ll just say it’s nice to meet everyone and I’m sure we’ll be “chatting” again soon.

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Postby Carrie » March 16th, 2004, 1:44 pm

Way to go Pat!


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Postby Jeanette » March 16th, 2004, 1:55 pm

Welcome back Pat....this is the last time you'll need to be on Medifast!!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby shineface » March 22nd, 2004, 11:22 am

Hi Pat --

Just wanted to throw in my welcome and say that posting often really helps ----not just you BUT ME TOO --- I need to hear how everyone is doing and what they are doing to succeed...SO

I just got back from vacation and I'm noticing you haven't posted in a bit -- get postin' girlfriend you are needed!!!!

WE WILL do this together!!! :stroll:
Pam -"I AM the ME in MEdifast"
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Postby Landylue » March 22nd, 2004, 11:59 am

Welcome aboard, Pat. I think you're going to like it here!

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