Hello Everyone
I have been lurking for awhile, received my products on friday and started on sat. I am a 41 year old mom of 5 bullmastiffs and a 9month old little girl named Olivia. I gained 20 lbs with pregnancy, lost it and now am in the process of gaining again(however I was about 25 lbs to heavy before I got pregnant) Needless to say, I want to get a grip on my gaining before it gets to out of control. Not to mention it is difficult keeping up with the "kids" with the extra weight . I hope I can stay motivated to stick with this program and find a new thinner me. Thin and fit seems so far away. Sometimes I can't even picture the end result.
Today I am starving and tired. I will have to say the products taste fine to me I just miss the chewing aspect. Did anyone else feel that way? I feel I won't be able to stay on very long if I continue with that feeling. It probably is just the "first 3-4 day hump" I am feeling which sounds normal from what I have been reading. Because I have been feeling the need to chew more, I did decide to do the modified plan. I am amazed by those who are doing the full program. Do you miss the chewing aspect?
There are some great success stories out there and what a great supportive group. Glad I found the forum. I have 30 lbs to take off. It may not seem as much as some of the others, but I usually quit after a ten lb loss and never reach my goal. Oh the self sabatoge!! Hopefully I will check in here first, get some support and not quit this time.
I look forward to getting to know everyone and being apart of the support team!