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Another Newbie!

Postby Shana » March 29th, 2006, 9:30 pm

Hi there!
I'm new to the forum & thought I'd introduce myself/give a little information about what brought me here...

My name is Shana, (pronounced Shay-nah) I'm single, no kids - unless my 2 kitties count, and I recently "celebrated" my 27th birthday - I put celebrated in quotations because in the days leading up to my birthday I realized I was at my highest weight in 10 years, and having a birthday meltdown, thinking I was going to wind up being the crazy old spinster cat lady all the neighborhood kids are afraid of & that I would die alone. lol I really don't want to die alone, and I have no desire to be the cute little fat friend anymore (I'm 5'2, most of my girlfriends are 5'10+ & 140ish).

I've been on diets off & on since I was 5 years old & nothing has ever really worked for me - I GAINED 13lbs on Jenny Craig (no, I didn't cheat), and while I lost weight on Atkins & Protein Power, sticking with them long term proved to be impossible. I did have great success with Body for Life, but I need to have both of my knees replaced (genetic issue) and back surgery (never lift with your back instead of your knees - you can rupture discs!), so the exercise portion is currently not an option.

I usually ignore any and all diet ads I come across, but while checking my email on Sunday (my birthday), I saw an ad for Medifast. The timing must have been right, because I clicked, became intrigued, and here I am! I've spent the last few days doing Medifast research, reading everything I could find including this forum.

My hope for Medifast is that it will not only allow me to become the hottie I know dying to come out, but that the weight loss will also help my back & knees, because while those problems aren't weight related, I'm certain that they are exacerbated by carrying an extra 70ish lbs! I also have hopes that it will force me to deal with my food issued (emotional eating, binging, etc), as food will essentially be removed from my world.

I do have a few questions for all of you lovely ladies & gentlemen:
1.) Can I continue to drink my herbal tea? I'm hooked on Mint Medley (iced) by Biglow - I do not add sugar, it is caffine free & is 100% herbal containing only peppermint, spearmint, rosehips, lemon peel & hibiscus. I typically drink 64oz of this per day in addition to 64+ oz of water

2.) Can I continue to take my Centrum, L-Carnitine & CLA suppliments?

I need to end this now as I didn't intend to write an entire novella! lol
I hope you're all doing well!

Start Date: Thursday April 6th, 2006
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 29th, 2006, 9:51 pm

:bouncieball: WELCOME!!

Your gonna love it here! And congratulations on taking control of this while your so young. Wish I had been as smart as you.

Yes you can still have your herbal tea. I know you will get a more precise answer on the supplements, I believe they are not NEEDED while on MF because the meals are full of vitamins but I do still take all of mine.

OK Cat woman Im sure that is not gonna happen but in the mean time, think of the benefits of being single.... you get to control the remote, you can dance naked, you never fall in the toilet cuz someone left the lid up, You don't have to make your bed or do the dishes if you don't wanna.......... and now that your on MF, You can enjoy your carmel nut bar with out anyone leering and asking for a taste! :eyecrazy:

Be sure to check out the lean cuisine part of the forum for great idea's and what to get at the store!!

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welcome !!

Postby tammyc » March 29th, 2006, 9:55 pm

Hi Shana,
I too have tried all of those diets and failed. MF is truly the answer. I will admit I did struggle the first few weeks, but now I am a believer. You will soon see how great you will do. I am not the one to answer questions about supplements, but I know that they are filled with nutrition. I stopped taking L-Carnitine when I went on MF. I seem to be losing fine. I wish you a slim future :cheermed: I'll be around here cheering you on!

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Postby Lizabette » March 29th, 2006, 10:40 pm


You will have dozens cheering you on! :cheerleader: :cheerleader:

You are so fortunate, you can do this while you are young with nobody fussing over you :x or at you. :x . Except maybe kitty cats!

We will support you all the way to your goal, unconditionally, nobody judgemental , just pure support and help because we want to. :buddies:

Here's the stick with us and we stick with you! :pet:

And don't worry about dying alone...sooner rather than later, we'll have to fight off your admirers. :fence:

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Postby Arklahoma » March 30th, 2006, 4:45 am

Shana ... Welcome to the party!


You're gonna love it here!
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Postby MusicalMomma » March 30th, 2006, 6:18 am

Welcome Shana!!! We're glad you're here! I'm so glad you can across the Medifast email. It has changed SO many lives for the better!! Keep reading the posts...they are so Inspiring and can really help through some difficult times. Post your successes and struggles so you can get that added individual support. READ and re-read the quick start book that comes with your first order. It is VITAL information for Medifast success. Now, pat yourself on the back, wave good by to those 70ish pounds and declare that "On my 28th birthday, I will be the little hottie I was born to be!!!" We're all routing for you!!
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Postby falisamarie » March 30th, 2006, 7:59 am


Welcome to the last weight loss program you will ever need! You will love the way Medifast works and more so the way it makes you feel.

You are a smart chicky for doing this now while you are still young!

Look forward to getting to know you better

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Postby Pashta » March 30th, 2006, 8:00 am

A big welcome to you Shana! :hug:

Weird, with all the junk email I get I never got one about Medifast (that I noticed anyway!) I read an ad in Good Housekeeping or Redbook or one of those magazines recently and I researched it. I was wanting to go on a liquid only fast myself, but I was worried about losing too many nutrients and hurting my body so I am very glad I found Medifast!

Everybody says it works, and it sure looks like it does to me too. Just stick to the plan 100%. The first few days are pretty rough, just do what you have to do to get through them.. drink extra water, have an allowed snack, or if you get really really really desperate, have an extra MF meal. Better to have an extra meal than to go off plan, they say!

After that, it's a breeze... You don't feel hunger hardly at all once past that and you feel GREAT and have a lot more energy. I didn't realize how many nutrients I was missing in my diet before.

You sound like you have the right attitude and you WILL succeed!!

:goodluck: and :beerbeer: shake on!
- Tonia

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Postby aphrael » March 30th, 2006, 8:58 am

I found Medifast in a similar way. I was up late looking at news articles, not really doing anything and this add just poped up blinking at the top of one of them. I usually ignore adds but for some reason decided to cheek it out.

After more research I found this sight, and the rest is history.

Shaking away and thinning away.

Great to have you with our family here!

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Postby just_julie » March 30th, 2006, 9:10 am

Welcome Shana! Sounds like MF was your Godsend! Hope to hear about your progress soon. Keep us posted!

What a great birthday present! And just think what you could look and feel like by your next birthday.

I started March 4th. MY day to "go forward" (march forth!).

Started March 4th (aka my day to go forward)

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Postby Neeko » March 30th, 2006, 9:19 am

Hi Shana,
I won't be able to help you on your questions, because I just started on the medifast food yesterday. But I just wanted to say welcome, and that I know what you are going through. I am 20 yrs. old and have pretty much been overweight since about 13 or so. I always shy-ed away from everyone, sticking to only a couple of friends..I guess because I was always so uncomfortable. I can't wait to be able to actually go out with my friends and enjoy myself!! I love it here and everyone here is GREAT! They are so much help and sooo inspiring!! Good Luck! :cheerleader: :cheerleader: :cheerleader:

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Postby Drama Queen » March 30th, 2006, 9:23 am

Welcome Shana;

So glad you found MF and this Forum. We are thrilled to have you join us all on this journey. This Forum is full of the most wonderful, supportive people you will ever find.

I have been on tons of diets over the years and MF is the first one where I havn't been hungry all the time. And I can't believe the energy I have.

The first three - seven days are the hardest as your body adjusts to the food. During that time, come to the Forum and read and post. Let us know how you are doing and we will get you through it because we have all been there.

Check out the Lean Cuisine section of the Forum. Tons of great ideas and recipes for spicing up your supplements. With your great attitude you will be at goal in no time!!
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Postby Shana » March 30th, 2006, 10:43 am

Thank you for the warm welcome!
I've been reading all of your posts for the last few days, and I have to say you've ALL been an inspiration for me - you're all doing so well!!

I have a fairly agressive goal of losing 70ish lbs (213-143ish) by August, which will mean no cheating, not even a dollop of Cool Whip on my pudding! I am a little uncertain about the end weight of 143 because I've never been thin, and while the charts say my ideal weight is 110 (snort - yeah right) & a healthy range for me is 109-136, I have a lot of muscle and I've never been thin, so I don't know what I'll look like or what size I'll be at 143 (okay, I don't know what I'll look like at 173 either lol).

So, how did you ladies determine your goals? Are they somewhat arbitrary like mine? Or did you have memories of your thin days to help you?

Sorry, I'm rambling again - I do that when I get excited! :)
Hope you're all having a great day!

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Postby bzlife1967 » March 30th, 2006, 11:28 am

Great Question Shana!! Mine is really just an estimate! My thinnest in highschool was 175 and that was over 20 yrs ago. I put 150 as my goal because I think it is realistic with medifast. But I really won't know until I get there. I don't want to be skinny, I want to be shapely with just enough cushion in the right spots.... so for me 150 is pretty much just a number in my head and I will see where the road and MF takes me. Wherever I feel comfortable inside and out, So I guess I will see when I get there.

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Postby Arklahoma » March 30th, 2006, 6:45 pm


My doctor and I talked regarding my goal weight. The goal weight that I chose is at the very lowest end of a healthy weight for my height, etc. but my doc agreed that it wouldn't hurt a thing to take it that low and just try it out for awhile. While I'm on my journey to thinsville, if I feel that I've reached a healthy weight and my doc agrees, then I'll transition to food. The last time I was thin was when I was in the first grade so I have no idea what I'm going to look like. I'm trying to keep an open mind and keep my health as my number one priority.
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