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Another Newbie :)

Postby wintermute » January 27th, 2006, 1:17 pm

Hello everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Wintermute, and I am approximately 6 Hours into Medifast.

I have Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS. Many issues are caused by the syndrome, a big one being Insulin Resistance. Long story short...I am overweight (as of last night, I weigh in at 338.2, on a 5'7 frame ), and have tried many diets and "solutions" throughout the years (many guided by doctors), and have never had any success.

On 1-18-06, I had a doctor appointment. Since he is an OB/GYN, we had never really discussed weight loss like I have with my Primary doctor or my Endocrinologist. I asked him what his opinions were on which diet to try...figuring I would get the typical Weight Watchers (didn't do any good), Atkins (I tend to be hypoglycemic, so this didn't work out too well), or something similar. Instead, he said "Medifast!” He explained the diet to me, and gave me a few pamphlets. I began reading that night, visited the Medifast site as well as this one, and thought...this makes enough sense to ACTUALLY work!

On 1-20-06, I ordered the Medifast for Diabetics 4 week (plus one week free) kit. It came on 1-24-06. Since I tend to have issues with low blood sugar, etc, I decided to start closer to the weekend, so that I might get over any initial symptoms I might encounter. My husband and I took a trip to the grocery store last night, stocked up on all of my needs for the Lean and Greens, as well as plenty of bullion, pickles, and celery

This morning began my first step. I am so confident in this diet....It's not a matter of IF I loose weight, it's I WILL. So exciting!!!

So far, I have had the Apple Cin. Oatmeal, a Chocolate Shake, and am now eating lunch...the Chicken Noodle soup. Not too shabby! I have read everyone's suggestions of blending the shakes, rather than just shaking, which I will certainly have to try, as I tend to get a lil turned off by weird textures...but the taste was great.

I am very excited about starting this journey, and this looks to be a great group of fellow "losers" to be on the road with! I'm looking forward to posting those first pounds lost, and my eventual goal
Last edited by wintermute on January 27th, 2006, 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Drama Queen » January 27th, 2006, 1:26 pm

Welcome Wintermute,

You have a wonderful and exciting journey ahead. You are so smart to work with your Doctor and have his support with this program. I'm a Newbie too and I'm loving this program!! Eat every 2-3 hours, drink your water and the pounds will melt off. A new you will begin to exciting. Remember this forum is always here when you get discouraged.

Keep us posted on your progress every Sunday at Roll Call.

Keep on shakin',
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Postby wintermute » January 27th, 2006, 2:07 pm

Thanks Drama Queen!!

Luckily for me, I drink only water, it will be no problem on that front.

I will definitely be joining in on the Sunday Roll Call.
Last edited by wintermute on January 28th, 2006, 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 27th, 2006, 2:21 pm

Hi Winter and welcome to the forum,

Sounds like you're off to a great start.
I believe there's a couple other's here on the forum dealing with PCOS.
Hopefully they'll chime in and share their experiences with you.

Holler if you need anything and keep us posted.
Happy Shakin',
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Postby Trixie » January 27th, 2006, 2:28 pm

Welcome to the group! :wave:

Your great attitude is a welcome addition to the board! You will be amazed how quickly your body will respond to Medifast. I can't wait to hear about your success!!
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Postby falisamarie » January 27th, 2006, 4:50 pm


I know with your right attitude that the program will work wonders for you. Stick to it exactly as it says and you can't fail

I will be watching for your success stories

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Postby Nicki » January 28th, 2006, 7:00 am

Hi Wintermute ... welcome aboard this train of happy losers! I too have PCOS and with its accompanying insulin resistance I was concerned about slow losses on this program. However, I've been very happy with my results so far. I've shaking along since 9/19/05 and as of this morning I've lost 68 pounds. By far, my most successful attempt at weight loss, and it has not been that hard. I did come into this with a different mindset than I had with other plans. Number one was after reading Nancy's story and others on this forum I truly believed, like you, that I could accomplish my weight loss goals. Other times I felt that it was a toss up ... maybe it would happen, maybe not, and if it did it would be because I deprived myself for over a year to get there. I don't feel deprived on this at all ... I feel I'm getting healthy while still getting my chocolate fix!
So here I am four months later and prepared to continue my journey to goal and stay there with the help of this wonderful forum! I'm so glad you have a doctor who let you in on this program. Welcome!
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Postby wintermute » January 28th, 2006, 8:17 am

Wow....thanks everbody! I feel so welcomed!!! Your encouragement is the reason I joined!!

Nicki, Thank you so much for speaking up about your PCOS. And Congrats on your weight loss! It is so difficult for ANYONE to loose weight, but throw IR and PCOS into the mix, and a woman can feel pretty doomed. It's great to hear from you and that the program has worked for a fellow PCOSer. That being said, I hope you don't mind my asking: have your PCOS symptoms lessened since beginning Medifast?

Thanks again!
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Postby SueInSLO » January 28th, 2006, 9:04 am

Welcome wintermute!!!

:yay: :bananadance: :yay:

You're in the right place! Good luck and happy shaking!

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Postby Nicki » January 28th, 2006, 8:50 pm

Thank you very much! And regarding my symptoms lessening ... well my biggest symptom was one that I didn't mind. That would be my monthly cycles, and they used to only come 4-5 times a year. Alas, that has been regulated since I began the program, like clockwork since I've been Medifasting. Otherwise, I had some slight melasma on my face that has been reduced. I haven't had my hormone levels checked since I began, but I'll let ya know how that goes when I do. Hmmm, can't think of anything else at the moment but feel free to PM anytime. Take care!
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