I have not started yet, but will be starting on Monday. Nancy I want to say "Hi", I joined through Rhonda and Kipp Kennedy at my church. She wondered how I found the site, I told her that I do alot of surfing on the net. I have alot of weight to lose. How hard is it to maintain? My mom's Dr. told her most people gain it back.. I didn't find that very encouraging coming from him. Especially since I would like to see her lose again what she needs to, to be healthly.
I want to tell you all that it was great finding this site, and realizing that I'm not alone. I have about 140 or so pounds to lose. I was a normal weight 5 4" and 125, met my now former husband and gained all this weight. I started gaining at the age of 26, now I'm 41. I sure would like to be in a 2 piece (modest) swimsuit again. Heart disease runs rampant in the family and I want to be around for my 7 and 8 year old.
My biggest fear is maintaning after I lose the weight. I see alot of you look (body wise) alot like me. I don't wish this much "extra" weight on anyone.. I hope with God's help, and yours that I can get to a "normal" weight again.. I'm so tired of feeling "FAT" all the time.
Thank the Good Lord that my kids love me no matter what!

Anyway.. I'm rambling..
Hello Everyone..
I live in Clackamas, OR Pacific Time