Lately, it seems like I'm just full of these...but better safe than sorry, right?
Has anyone experienced having a really low heartrate on MF? I'm getting a little worried and once again am receiving mixed messages from the esteemed, (or is it just "steamed") medical profession.
While lollygagging in bed this morn, I decided to take my pulse. Mostlly, because I was curious, but also I love being able to finally see my clock across the room and test it out as often as I can. Well, the clock doesn't have any second's digital, duh! I wound up counting for a full minute. At the end of the minute my heartrate was 42! Hmmmmmmmm, is it me, or does that sound a little tooooo low?
I literally jumped out of bed, partly in panic, and partly because I've got one of those beds that stands really tall off the ground and my feet don't reach from the edge. Didn't feel dizzy...didn't feel tired...just anxious about the number.
Went to the doc later that mornng, on totally unrelated matter, (diabetes retinal scan) and on the way out of that appointment stopped at the health office for a free BP and pulse check. Part of their SOP is to have the patient sit and rest for 10 minutes before taking the test. When they finally took it my BP was 116/65, and my heartrate had jumped up to a whopping 48!
It said, anything under 50 should go to a triage nurse!!! What??? Then the clinic advisor stated that a heartrate of 40-50 was perfectly acceptable in a highly trained athelete...and seeing as I am neither...I may have a serious problem! What??? What is happening?
Went window shopping at the outlets and after walking around for 15 minutes, got it up to 60. I know I've been having a hard time getting the BP up at Curves also. Anyone else running into this "problem"? I know about taking fast soups if I'm feeling dizzy, but I really don't feel dizzy at all..(well, okay, maybe once a week I feel a little light headed, but it only lasts for a second...) I emailed my doctor, but he's still on vacation, and I loathe having to go see yet another "fill-in" doc in his absence. Do you all think this is something I can just wait on until I see my regular doc in August? Obviously, if I start feeling woozy, or like I'm going to pass out or something I'll go directly to the emergency room... Nothing like that is happening, just those stupid "Numbers" playing games in my head.
Thanks for listening and any thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
P.S. I am NOT a hypochondirac, honestly! (Recent prior postings to the contrary) <img src='' border=0>