another DaVinci Gourmet and Walden Farms (Canada!) post!

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another DaVinci Gourmet and Walden Farms (Canada!) post!

Postby Karakuri » July 22nd, 2006, 10:58 am

DaVinci Gourmet:
alrighty people... i emailed a rep from DaVinci Gourmet to find out where to get their syrups from in Ontario. there is only ONE location and it is in Toronto. www . thelowcarbgrocery . com

Walden Farms:
this one seems a bit easier. if you go to one of those super Loblaws. the ones w/ the furniture and self-scan machines. at any rate, go to the KOSHER section and you will find a TON of Walden Farms products. they are kinda spread out in the aisle, but that all depends on which Walden Farms product you are looking for.

i hope this post helps other Canadians. good luck!
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