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All that hard work and now what? Let's talk about how to keep those pounds off...

Postby bikipatra » January 4th, 2007, 3:19 pm

I know nothing about the Fage yogurt but in general it is not just the presence of live cultures (often added) but their concentration that makes the yogurt suitable as a digestive aid. That was the marketing push for Activia-they had that stuff so concentrated it was a power punch for your intestines. I am sure in two weeks, your system would be more regulated but the commercials act like that is the end. You have to keep replenishing the active cultures for the same effect!
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Postby DogMa » January 4th, 2007, 3:46 pm

Maybe the others don't contain as much, then (and if I have to eat more of another one to get the same effect, then the calories are kind of a moot point - not to mention that I don't like yogurt enough to eat more than the little cup I have each day).

The calories aren't really a concern for me. I have trouble eating enough calories, anyway. So as long as the sugar doesn't cause any cravings, I'm good.

But the info I've seen on it never says you can just eat it for two weeks and stop. The ads I've seen say give it two weeks and get your money back if it hasn't helped by then. I assume (and the Web site says) you're supposed to continue eating a serving a day. It's not like it "fixes" your system.

(BTW, the research cited on the Activia site studied this specific strain of bifidus. So I don't know if this strain works better or the concentration works better. All I know is this yogurt has significantly helped a lifelong problem I've had, and no other yogurt has done that for me.)

(Sorry, Jo, didn't mean to hijack your thread.)
Last edited by DogMa on January 4th, 2007, 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby bikipatra » January 4th, 2007, 3:54 pm

I think you should eat what you want, if all that corn starch and sugar don't bother you and you need the calories, why fix what ain't broke?
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Postby Lizabette » January 10th, 2007, 6:06 pm

Serendipity wrote:Got this nifty pic (shhhh, stole it from Liz, hehehe). Just wanted to share :mrgreen:

Image JO GIRL, How about another Maintenance Dodaddy? Help yourself.
Actually, the credit goes to ARKLAHOMA, our good friend who seems to be MIA right now. She also researched for my Silver Fox.
We may need to send out an SOS for her.
I've pm'd her so maybe others might want to also. I do miss her...

About maintaining, I love reading your and LAUREN's posts. You are both having such fun with it. (Also ROBIN's and NOVA's)
So far, I am maintaining between 2-5 pounds under goal. At first, I lost up to 6 pounds but I now seem to have settled into average of 3 pounds under.
Which makes me wonder if I want to set a NEW GOAL of 130# and try to stay under that.
I really loved SOJI'S post on visualizing a 'new image' of ourselves.
What a great 'must read' post for most of us.
Almost made me want to start all over again, but maybe not quite!
The yogurt discussion was interesting. I am a plain yogurt person, myself, but LAUREN's cranberry concoction sounded heavenly.
Must try it. I have some Craisins on hand which I may try, 'til I get some fresh cranberries. (It's good for what ails me)
I still eat 6-7 times each day, using a couple MF supplements along with other mostly allowed foods.
I have added some grains, including Ezekiel bread (no flour) which I buy at the health food store.
Well, enough of me. I really need to post more stuff myself...
:heart: :heart:
Lizabette :heart:
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