My hubby and I have both been on Medifast (5&1) since New Year’s Day and we are both feeling GREAT!!!

The first day was easy for both of us. Then day two got difficult…my stomach staged a rebellion with massive cravings and other weirdly sensations I never knew I could feel…but I stuck to it. By day three, hubby felt pretty normal with minor cravings. I improved too, but still had cravings in the afternoon and felt like a shipwreck by the end of the day. Anyway, at the end of day four I feel normal, and so does hubby. The 3-day-hump is OVER. Crystal Light really really helps, I have found. What a god-send for us. I stepped on the scale and snuck a peak (I know…tsk tsk!) after my belly was full from our “one” meal and found that I lost 2 lbs. Wowweeeeee!!!!!!!
Can’t wait to lose that first 10!
Thanks for taking the time to read!
Barb & Patrick