Thanks SO much everyone!!! Wow, yesterday was kind of harder than I expected..mainly because I was having a hard time adjusting to the new I said before, I am VERY picky..about taste and texture. So I was getting kind of bummed out yesterday. Throughout the day, I was just kind of grin and bearing it and just eating/drinking. Then last night, I had a banana cream shake, but I put it in the blender and it was sooo awesome!! I did that to my chocolate one this morning, and it tastes better than yesterday! So there IS hope! I woke up this morning not hungry and even more excited that I was going to make this work! The best part about it yesterday, I was around food ALL day long, at work and at home, and I didn't feel the slightest bit tempted! I did sniff popcorn though.

So if I can do this, I know everyone who is just starting can!
I did get a headache, but this morning it was gone, and I was feeling hunger pangs, but they are gone also!