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And here we go!

Postby Diana » March 2nd, 2006, 9:15 pm

If you've encountered Dayna and waded through her original epistle (six or seven pages down the line here), I'm her older sister who took her to Las Vegas in August, 2005.

I was once thin, and only once. I was 17. That was the last time I was in a single digit size. In addition to a true obsession with sugar (over which I thought I had triumphed at 17 -- hah!), I discovered emotional eating in my senior year of high school. (Prior to 17, I think I was 6 years old the last time I was in a single digit anything that didn't go exclusively on my foot or finger.)

I am from a family with many large people and many thin people who don't understand why we large ones don't just do something about being large. And I married into a family of larger people. I was about 275 and my husband was well over 400 at the time of our marriage in 1998.

I've dabbled in a lot of diets and exercise programs, some with my husband, some on my own (and many prior to meeting him since I was 33 when we wed). My main frustration is that I seem to be able to lose only about half a pound a week. I did Weight Watchers (4 different times over the years) averaging half a pound a week for a total of 12 pounds for almost 30 weeks' worth of striving during the last venture. In that amount of time, based on the "average" 1-2 lbs a week, I was expecting to lose 50 or at least 25. When I started the last time, I justified that I just wasn't committed enough the previous times. So, I was absolutely rigid about the whole thing, but the return for the output was too discouraging. I've tried Atkins, the Rotation Diet, Sugerbusters, another shake-based program, and on it goes.

At one point, I decided that the problem was exercise. I've since belonged to 3 gyms and worked with 2 personal trainers. In the Spring of 2002, I was working with yet another personal trainer on serious walking. I had mastered the 5K and 10K, and was training for a half-marathon (13ish miles -- as a walker at my pace, that's about 4 hours of striding). I still had only lost about 15 lbs, and note the "was." Just before the half-marathon, I joyously discovered that I was pregnant (after being told it wouldn't happen). We lost her to an infection during the 17th week of pregnancy. Talk about emotional eating! I didn't even notice, but suddenly, I was looking at 309 lbs and all my 3X things were unseemingly tight.

My husband had gastric bypass surgery in November of 2003. I joined him in his initial show-of-faith weight loss and dropped almost 50 lbs. Additionally, for the first time in my life I had gotten off ALL sugar and lost the obsession!!! But my focus wasn't on my goals, it was on supporting my husband. I hadn't internalized my success as for myself. So, I didn't protect it like I should have.

Surgery isn't for me. Even in the support sessions with my husband, the key is doing the head work -- getting beyond using food to comfort, befriend, entertain and truly using it to fuel.

I'm looking forward to being inspired and rewarded. I'm looking forward to having my self-image and my mirror image match a little more closely. I'm looking forward to being able to keep up with my husband! (I keep telling him I'm going to make him carry a 100-lb pack so he doesn't leave me behind when we walk.)

And I already have a support team! In addition to all of you, my sister is now an advisor, my mom wants to commit to this, and my husband, while not doing the supplements (he's back on his own program), are all in this together.

I'll now return the microphone to the DJ and slink off the stage. Thanks for wading through all of this. I look forward to trading support, encouragement and inspiration with all of you.

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Postby Unca_Tim » March 2nd, 2006, 9:24 pm

Hi Diana and welcome to the forum,
Sounds like you've got everything in place. Grab on and we'll lead you down the trail to thinsville. There's a few bumps and chuckholes along the way, but you'll get there...:)

All you have to do is give Medifast the chance to do it's thing.
Happy Shakin',

PS: Register here on the forum. There's a few more things you'll be able to see and I'll be able to add you to the goal clubs.....
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Postby Dayna » March 2nd, 2006, 10:08 pm

Hurrah! Welcome to the forum, mi hermana! You will never regret taking this step. Next time we go to Vegas, the plane seats will be more comfortable, the walking will be easier, and we'll be looking svelte! I'm so glad we can take this journey together.

And to everyone else, I just need to let you know that you are now in the presence of the best big sister in the world. Seriously. The Best. Ever. That is all.

- Dayna
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Postby Lizabette » March 2nd, 2006, 10:21 pm

Oh My, Diana,

I just picked up your post at about 11:30 p.m. my time (Central) and it looks like one of the first to welcome you to MF, MMT and our fabulous board.

Just wait! There'll be lots more of the greatest support groups anybody could ever have.

What a story you have told us...already I know that we will be here for you and vice versa!

Won't say much right now, but had to let you know how excited we are to have you come along side!

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Postby DogMa » March 2nd, 2006, 10:45 pm

Welcome, Diana. Glad to have you here. Any sister of Dayna's is a sister of ours!

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Postby Loribug » March 3rd, 2006, 12:24 am

Welcome, I too have had some motivation, my sister had gastric bypass 3 yrs ago this summer and looks fantastic, I have been extremely jealous, surgery is not for me, besides my insurance wouldn't pay for it anyway. Can't waid till I can wear a size 12-14, havent done that since I was 12 or 14 :oops: :D any whooo, welcome to the forum
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Postby ToyDiva » March 3rd, 2006, 9:47 am


It's good to have you with us. It seems like you have your head in the right place for this journey as well as a good support team.
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Postby Crystal » March 3rd, 2006, 10:06 am


Welcome! I am just starting this week also, and am glad to "meet" you.
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Postby mmob » March 3rd, 2006, 10:31 am

Welcome, how neat to have such great support!!
I think it's great to have you here!!!


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Postby MusicalMomma » March 3rd, 2006, 10:43 am

Hi Diana!! Welcome!!!! We're glad you joined us. Thank you for telling us your story and sharing your struggles so candidly. Many of us relate to you and empathise with you. We're here for you!!!
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Postby Diana » March 3rd, 2006, 6:14 pm

Many thanks for the warm welcome, all! This is truly exciting, especially to be doing it with the best little sister in the entire universe. (Funny, I don't think she minds being called little anymore! :mrgreen: )

Here's to the journey!

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