And Day 3 Begins

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And Day 3 Begins

Postby mindovermatter » January 8th, 2005, 6:33 am

Good morning all.

I made it through day 2 without any deviation. I did drink a cup of chicken broth because I was light headed and that perked me up.

Strength training class was tough. I usually go 2 times a week and 1 arobic cross training class. We took 3 /12 weeks off for the holiday work shutdown, so yesterday was my first day back. I was using 12 and 15 lbs weights before so I moved that down to 10 lbs but that was even tough and I was exhausted when we were done.

The new year schedule is 2 strength training classes and 1 meditation/stretching class a week. Do you think I can maintain that. I really don't want to give up exercise since I was doing it before, but I realize I need to cut back a bit.

I would like to do this for the first 6 weeks and then starting running again as well a take the classes.

What does everyone think....Beth

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Postby Triskets » January 8th, 2005, 10:44 am

mindovermatter -

Congrats on making it thru day 2! :D
I think your questions are pretty much the same as mine about exercising. There are so many different views on how exercise affects our bodies during the weight loss phase. I started going to Curves and will be going 3x/week and walking on my treadmill 3x/week because I don't want my skin to get flabby during the weight loss phase. Makes sense right? Won't that happen if I don't exercise??????
I HAVE to and NEED to exercise to be able to stay on the MF plan - I feel so good after my workouts which in turn encourages me to stay on plan.
I understand that my weight loss may be slower since I am exercising but on the other hand, doesn't working out step up your metabolism so you lose weight faster?????? I'm so confused. NANCY! HELP US!
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Postby Triskets » January 8th, 2005, 11:07 am

I was looking in the Exercise Room reading "Soo Confused..". Nancy and others have great advise about exercise.
After reading the posts, I am going to back off on exercise until after week 3. Then work back into it very slowly.
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2005, 7:49 pm

Thank you, Triskets for researching ~ there is a wealth of information in previous postings and I do so appreciate the fact that you did a little finger exercise and that you dug around to check out the info.

There is info about exercise in other rooms beside the Gymnasium.

This is going to sound like I woke up on the wrong side of the bunk this morning and then forgot to drink my MF+ Women's Health shakes when I get through with my response here but so be it...

:shades: Frankly this is one topic that :hammerhead1: bugs the puckies outta me and I get :yawn: weary with talking about it but I also realize that there are many newbies just starting out on their weight loss journey with Medifast.

1. Read the Quick Start booklet. It contains the program and the recommendations. Medifast has been around since 1980. Our programs and products are proven to be successful, to allow maximum weight loss and the best health when people follow the plan.

Generally people who drive according to the speed limit arrive to their destination safely; it's the rule breakers, the speeders, the mavericks that have wrecks. :burnout:

2. Read my previous postings...use the little clicky button on the top of each page and search out other postings. Read them thoroughly.

3. If you currently do no exercise, the first three-four weeks is NOT the time to begin.

4. If you currently do :weightlift: exercise and have been doing so and are just now starting on Medifast, cut your routine in half - maybe more.

5. When you have been Medifasting for a month, begin to gradually increase your activity level, include gentle walking, gradually increasing distance and intensity. Same with weight training - start small and slow.

6. This is NOT the television show,The Biggest Loser with a :twisted: personal trainer riding your buns to get you to nearly stroke out. Some of you are going to damage your joints because your bones, ligaments, tendons, etc. are not designed to deal with the impact...just wait until your weight is lower. Stretching, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, pilates are fine.

7. Read the Quick Start book. This is not a typo. It is a repeat of #1 because this booklet needs to be read several times. It is a teensy little book but it is packed with proven advice. Follow the Nike plan: Just DO it.

8. Read my previous postings. Nope, not another typo. Did you really truly search and read? If you didn't, you're probably gonna do your own thing anyway... :mrgreen:

9. I am 56 years old, I virtually did not do one lick of major exercise the whole time I was in the weight loss phase. I was/am an active woman but I did not work up any major sweats. I lost half of my body size. I started out weighing 265 in January 2002. I started Medifasting in July 2002, in 7 months, I was wearing a bathing suit, not a bathing costume.

Look at my pictures.

Yeah, I may be a bit sag-a-mundo under my clothes but so are a lot of other 56 year old women who never had a weight problem and have been slender all their lives. I was MORBIDLY OBESE. I am slender now.

10. Read Success in a Shaker Jar and re-read the Quick Start book.

Gradually increase your activity level after you have been Medifasting 3-4 weeks.

Ok, I'm done. That's it! Now I'm outta here. :pigsfly:
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Postby RavenKat2 » January 9th, 2005, 6:33 am

I gotta say IF she is flabby under her leather pants, then it's pretty minimal! In person she is tiny and beautiful - and if she says you can look like that without exercise, then I believe her!!


changed my username, etc - I'll explain elsewhere :D

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Postby raederle » January 17th, 2005, 6:10 pm

I'm with RavenKat -- I'm 30, and I dream to look as good as Nancy does now at 56! If Nancy says it, I do it! :mrgreen:

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Nancy » January 18th, 2005, 3:31 pm

:oops: OK, Kids ~ who paid you to say that?

You've filled my emo tank for the week!
A thousand Medihugs to you! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Postby explorthis » January 18th, 2005, 4:35 pm

In person she is tiny and beautiful

Let me top it off…. I hugged her with a HUGE-Guido hug, in fact picked her up right off the ground (she is really short - laughing). All skin and bones. Saw her in person, if she was ever weight, you would NEVER know it by looking at her.

Guido’s promise.
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Postby Nancy » January 18th, 2005, 7:44 pm

Oh, I LOVED that :whip: Guido Hug, too! Still haven't washed my cheek and neck...
:x :x Whaddya mean I'm short? I am not shrimpy, Little Darlin' - you are just a very tall man! RavenKat2 is a tall drink of water and you are a hunkster - I'm just fair-to-middlin' that's all! ;)
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