I wanted to say a few personal things to some of you specifically:
LadyinVA-Shari- I live off of Garrisonville so if you ever need a shopping buddy at our wonderful DRESS BARN let me know =)
Spunky in Texas-I miss home terribly! Hopefully when my husband retires we will be back there for good.
Mrsshrinkinglady-What is Mt. Olive bread and butter chips? Where do I buy them? And how do I use them on the program?
ThinkThin-Tiesha- A special hello to you! My husband has been in the Army 19.5 years!! He was in Iraq during the "war" and was part of the invading troops with an Air Cavalry Apache unit. It was the longest and hardest separation of his career. We were stationed in Germany at the time so me and my oldest son stayed there during the deployment because I needed to be where the information was. My son who will be 1 on St.Patrick's day is a post-Iraq baby

Well everybody it's back to work. I thought my head was going to absolutely explode last night and I went to bed at 8:30 just to try and escape it. I am going to drink a lot more water today and hope that helps. AF also showed up today so that's helping TONS! Got on the scales this morning even though I'm not supposed to and had lost 1.8 lbs yesterday (that was all in the bathroom and not the pp but the PP if you get my drift). Yesterday was a bad physical day for me but I didn't eat a single GS cookie and for that I am EXTREMELY Proud of myself!
Today is day 2 and I'm half through my first 3 days!