My order arrived on Friday, just in time for me to leave for an out-of-town scrapbooking weekend (run by my sister), at which I was the official cook. I figured that would not be the wisest time to start. So, I spent the weekend reading Success in a Shaker Jar, cooking, and looking forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day! Hurrah and huzzah! Despite my husband's initial concerns about the program, he told me tonight how proud he is of me, and bought a bottle of my favorite wine to toast the beginning of my weight-loss journey. After I shared with him some specifics of my goals and motivations for this program, he shared with me his own plan for staying tobacco-free . . . we are moving toward health together, and that means more to me than just about anything else he could do.
Congrats to all the other newbies out there (Class of 2006? )! It will be exciting and motivating to watch everyone's progress. Like a 24-hour Weight Watchers meeting, without having to pay for it. Having been on Atkins off and on for the last six years or so, I've had some experience going into ketosis. The first few times it happened, it felt like I was losing my mind. All of a sudden, out of the blue, I was crying in the parking lot of Safeway because "everyone else can eat normal food and I'm never going to be able to eat normal food again!" Two days later, I was much saner, and my husband and I had a good chuckle over it. And, I felt better than I had felt in a long time. So, in these first few days while your body adjusts to ketosis, don't get discouraged! Keep at it, because the feeling once you're there is definitely worth it.
- Dayna