I'll be honest with you. My ideal plan was 5 and 1. The reason was that I would be more used to eating a meal and my stomach would be mroe used to real food eventually. Plus, there is the whole thing of eating out and not having to explain to people why you aren't eating what they are and by having that one meal a day I can do that.
However, shortly after I seriously began, I was finishing up my last classes and working days on end. So, I never ate anything until I rememebr ed to and then I grabbed what was there. My mom died on Easter and then I wasn't in the mood to eat all the stuff people were bringing over. I had other stuff going on and to be honest, I was going 12-14 hours without eating anything at all.
So, now I find myself in the middle of the summer and I want to keep re-staritng frsh for more than a few hours. I have no problem with the water. My problem is with remembering to eat anything. I can sometimes work all night on papers and wake up at 2 pm and have oatmeal or something and then work all day and forget to stop again and eat. So, I either get the "Screwed up already today" feeling or "Have somehting now and keep going" feeling.
To be completely honest (and I am shocked I am even writing any of this at all since I tend not to tell anyone anything) my new plan is to do the 6 and 0. It is easier than stopping to cook, and I am a good cook, but I don't have the time. I also feel like I wasted so much time messing up that I need to catch up and using the meals I haev without shopping is easier and less tempting.
I am plannign on 6 and 0 adn then 1-2 times a week do the 5 and 1 when I go out or am in an emergency-type situation. I relaly want to get on a good path before school starts again adn haev this all come second nature. I feel like when this program is over it will be completely different, but until then I am too stressed to concentrate on stopping to go shop and cook and think more than I have to.
Wow. Okay, 'nuf said there.