by elle4nelly » May 17th, 2004, 11:56 am
Dear Carie,
A very similar issue came up with Tamil and the folowing was my answer to her. I will post it here because it applies to you too.
Dear Tami:
Let go of the last 2 weeks! Today is a brand new day; it is as the saying goes " The beginning of the rest of your life!"
As for your little situation with that "Male Arse" 'scuse my English here, let it go too. It is nothing more but a reenacting of your childhood battles. Some adults spend most of their times acting out over and over again all their childhood battles but they never use a different tactic thus finding themselves stuck in the same old pattern.
YOU my dear Tami do not love yourself enough. Probably didn’t as a child and learned to cope with these feelings of inadequacy by seeking love and approval from those you loved and when you failed you ate or overate. I read your post many times too. And all I see is a little girl who wants to be loved.
Say Tami? Why don’t you love her enough? Listen carefully to all the post here, from Dear Carrie, Landylue and all your friends here.
This world can be a very cold place BUT what a far more horrible place it is when the one thing you should cherish and take care of, you spent time running away from or fighting with. And that my dear is You. And by you I mean that Body that houses your mind and soul. The only thing you came in this world with and the only thing you will ever, ever
Knowing that, why shouldn’t we love it and treat it right! For if you wait for the world to heal your inner wounds, you’d be heart broken a 1000 times over!! And probably 1600lbs from having eaten your way through pain and misery.
Tami, Love comes from within us. And so does CHANGE! No external change is attainable without inner changes!! We owe it to ourselves to treat ourselves right, to nurture ourselves, to understand ourselves and most of all to forgive ourselves. It’s about accepting who we are first and then changing within reasonable goal what we want to change. We can part from lovers, parents, siblings…we can put a world of miles between us and anyone…But can you part from yourself? No! Tis the one thing you will always live with!! Hating it, abusing it, not liking it etc…doesn’t help! It won’t go away ‘cause you don’t like it! This body is here to stay with you from humble beginning to the very end!! THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So one day at a time, learn to understand you and love you. The rest will fall into place in due time. I am not an expert in anything, but I have deep compassion for my fellow humans and an ability to feel for others. That “ Male Arse” for whom you went spirally down….isn’t even to be blamed. He is a human being whom you can’t control with his own mind, needs and all. And you are placing such a high expectation on him!! You are saying “ I don’t like myself, why don’t you love me so I can feel lovable?” Tami, he wasn’t born from his mother to come on this good old earth and do for you what you have failed to do for yourself. You have failed to love yourself enough! I say, let him go..Let them all go! Till you develop a love of yourself, a kindness for yourself..Let him and all the male classes and species tend to themselves while you tend for yourself. Just temporarily, for if you don’t you’ll be repeating the same old pattern over and over again.” I don’t love me, won’t you love me so I can feel better about liking myself. I can’t bear you not responding to me the way I want, It makes me feel lost, angry and scared and that inner voice within me keeps getting louder, I hate it, So I’ll just eat to numb this all. “ Sound familiar?
You deserve all the LOVE, KINDNESS, HAPINESS and PEACE within yourself. Because you are you, because you are beautiful no matter what. Well ..Just because you deserve it. Take a deep breath and face yourself!! Be brave, for it isn’t easy facing oneself when we don’t love ourselves. Forgive yourself, and from now on treat yourself right! Do something good for Tami, tell her she is a beautiful being and deserve nothing but good. Give yourself that goodness. By nurturing yourself and allowing yourself to grow, and most important by allowing yourself TO BE TAMI. Don’t be afraid anymore of your inner little girl, listen to her and stop running away from her or suffocating her with food! It will be a painful process but your life will be changed for the better!
You know Carie? You are not invisible, less you make yourself invisible. You are not insignificant less you make yourself insignificant!!
Just like I had told Tamil in my post above, STOP fighting the little girl within you. LOVE her and the world will love with her. This isn't about men, It 's all about you! How dare we demand that a mere common mortal, A "Man" love us when we don't love ourselves first? No one and I mean no one was put on this earth to do for you what you are failing to do for yourself. Accepting, Understanding and Loving yourself!! Don't base your self worth on how men react to you. For you might end up among the walking wounded. Carie? I will say this with love BUT I mean every word I'm about to say to you:
You are more powerful than a look, a candy bar are more powerful than FAILURE!!!!!!!!
Don't know about you, but this diet ain't for no men. I too am a mid thirty single female. This diet is my attempt to make peace with my body and soul. I want to feel and look mighty good for myself. Bill isn't going away, mr. Lottery might still hide away...My job will still bore me some days...But all will seem lighter and easier to cope with somehow...because to be thin is "Soul Freedom and Inner Peace and Happiness"for me ..And that is much more worth then all the guys in this Universe. It is something that cannot be purchased.
It isn't something that another Human being can bring me. I have to find it within me and strenghen it. Losing this sould burdening weight will lead me there!
Let go of your hung yourself and do what what's right.
Final Restart on Dec 18th