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Postby Carrie » May 20th, 2004, 5:31 am

Hi Echo - I understand all that stuff in my heart, it's just difficult to leave your comfort zone. Thankfully, I'm beginning to feel better, after a week of serious shakiness. There was more going on than meets the eye for me this weekend. Last time this year I was still in Nashville, dating someone whom I seemed VERY compatible with. But I got the opportunity to return to Key West and jumped at it, because it really is where I belong. That doesn't mean I don't miss writer's nights though, and being in the company of songwriters. And I can't help but ponder the opportunity costs of my life at times like this, for every choice we make there is a corresponding sacrifice.

As for the societal stuff, well, every once in a while I need to just rail against the iniquities of life I guess.

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Postby explorthis » May 20th, 2004, 6:29 am

writer's nights
corresponding sacrifice
societal stuff
rail against the iniquities of life

Can someone pass me a thesaurus please?

This reminds me a little of the movie “Crocodile Dundee” Seen it?
Sue, in Australian outback, with Mick, I think in the bar (Walkabout pub), she asked if he ever needed a therapist to help unload his problems. Problems he says? Naaa, any problems we have, we just tell Donk. Donk tells everyone else, problem out in the open, no more problem!

Sort of like here!?!?!
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Postby Carrie » May 20th, 2004, 6:59 am

LOL, pretty much.

My mind is a terrible place to be sometimes, like four lanes worth of traffic jammed onto a 2 lane highway. I have a tendency to overthink things, and can work my way into practically any argument and then right back out of it, which is fine if you enjoy spinning on a merry-go-round, but the side effect of dizziness does get tiring! <g> That's why it helps to get it 'out of my head' by sharing it.

Reminds me of my all time favorite bumper sticker .... 'Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.' hee hee

And *I* wonder why I haven't met Mr. Right yet ......... hmmm, go figure. LOL, it may take a while to find the ONE guy in the universe that thinks all this balderdash is charming! LOL
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Postby explorthis » May 20th, 2004, 7:03 am

I have a tendency to overthink things

Naa, ya think? Most of us would have NEVER guessed this!

This is exactly why I love you, and RUN to your posts everytime I see them!

NEVER change. This is Carrie, and this is who we like!

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Postby Carrie » May 20th, 2004, 7:15 am

ya, I'm just a frickin' ray of sunshine

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