Amaretto Chocolate

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Amaretto Chocolate

Postby 24KaratGold » February 11th, 2005, 10:47 pm

I LOVE amaretto. Mixed in orange juice, mixed with cream, mixed into chocolate and made into truffles (a Christmas favorite to make), made into a sauce for chicken, anything. One of the things I miss on Medifast is the occasional "bocci ball," o.j. and amaretto.

I ordered some of the amaretto davinci syrup, and it came yesterday. Tonight I mixed an ounce of it in with three ounces of water and a DC shake. Mixed it, then put it on ice for an hour. That wasn't quite long enough to freeze it all the way, but it was cold and thick and absolutely heavenly. I felt like I was eating the makings for my truffles straight from the bowl.


Now, if they could only make a sambucca flavored syrup....

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Postby monkeymom » February 12th, 2005, 8:19 am

Think I'm going to have to order up some of that. I'll have so many of those syrups, I won't know where to put them.
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Postby Nancy » February 16th, 2005, 9:17 pm

:shock: Huh?
:shades: Whatzzat you say?

:shock: Did I hear the word 'truffles'?

Oh, yeah! :yippee:

Sounds like you folks are settin' up a bar! ;)

Maybe we can get some plastic fruit slices and fake cherries to thread on little plastic swords. Add a paper umbrella and you'll have people lining up at the Medibar for happy hour! :easyrider:

Isn't it fun to think of healthier ways to enjoy the things your taste buds have grown accustomed to eating and drinking?

You are creative souls and what you do now will be able to get you to your goal and also help you to maintian a healthier lifestyle for LIFE!

Shake on, Patrty People! :pour: :yay:
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