by Lauren » January 26th, 2007, 2:05 pm
You'll make yourself crazy if you look at how many people are reading vs how many people replying, because there are SO many people who don't ever post, they are "lurkers," and the numbers add up! Don't worry, you'll start getting some love soon, your post is at the top right now, so others will jump in!
Besides, if you're ever needing some attention, just start a thread on What's Shaking or somewhere that says "Hey, I need me a little attention, can ya show me some love please!" Never hurts to be frank. Yes, typical New Yorker.
I can understand how being away from family, especially with a young child, is difficult, but I've always been the silver lining kind of girl. Embrace what's good about where you are, participate in the things that make your location unique. So, if you think you might go back West eventually, jump into the stuff that NJ and NY have to offer now. Go to great shows, bring your son to wonderful events, travel the city, eat the great foods (yes, you can eat great food on MF, just modified!). You know? Take advantage of what's awesome, and then if/when you move back, you'll have terrific stories to tell, and your son will have a really cool life that's unique from his friends!
Anyway, hair loss, yeah, it's a problem for some folks (including me). I started the Nioxin pretty far into my hair loss, but it definitely makes it feel thicker when I am using it. Whether it's actually helping prevent loss, I am not sure, but it does make the existing hair seem stronger. Doesn't hurt to add it to your repetoire of goodies!
Good luck!