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Postby AmandaRose » January 26th, 2007, 1:16 pm

Hello to all of you…

I guess it is time I start my own little journal in the awesome MF forum. I introduced myself a while back in a thread but I will do it again here. But where do I start?

I am 29 years old and living outside of Ny, Ny with my wonderful husband who fell of the Medifast program and my 3 1/2 year old son Elijah. I am from the west coast and I hate it here!!! There is no place like home three is no place like home.

I began to gain weight about the age of 22, starting at around 115 and ending at 223lb when I was age 29. I could give you all kinds of excuses why but I won’t, to tell you the truth I really don’t know why. I mean if one woman can have a baby and gain just as much weight as me and loose it then I should have too. I just stopped being as active in the beginning and started eating more, it’s just too long of a story really.

Bottom line is my liver enzymes had sky rocketed and my liver was enlarged, I was on the road to what they call Non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. So I made a change and lost 17lbs then started MF and here I am today. I am currently down 43lb on the MF program and I started Oct 22 2006, and after adding the 17 that puts me at 60lbs lost since Aug2006. My liver enzymes are normal by the way. Oh I forgot about all the other serum tests on cholesterol. My triglycerides where in the 400 range I still have to get them checked again.

So anyway I look forward to talking with you all and thanks for reading

P.S. If anyone has tried Nioxin for hair loss and had success let me know because I am loosing a lot of hair fast. I am taking Primrose Biotin and Omega 3, 6, 9. I have been taking those for a while now.
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Postby bikipatra » January 26th, 2007, 1:36 pm

Welcome again, and congrats on your loss!
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Postby Lauren » January 26th, 2007, 1:47 pm

Hey, Amanda-

I know Old Bridge very well! I am originally from Jersey too (south), but have lived in Manhattan since graduating college.

While NJ is not necessarily a hotbed of activity, there is a lot about it that's lovely, and NYC is fantastic - you just have to give it some time! I am sorry you miss home, and I do agree that it's hard to adjust, but there are so many amazing things about this area, and aside from warm weather, we have everything the left coast has! And hey, they have had cold weather too, lately, so they don't even win that battle!

Anyway, congrats on all your success thus far, wishing you an easy MF ride, welcome!

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Postby AmandaRose » January 26th, 2007, 1:55 pm

thanks for the reply biki, i have 17 reads and you were the only one who talked to me... lol there are alot of readers out there who think I am boring I guess. :x :x :x :x

So have you had any hair loss?? I am really getting worried about it?
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Postby AmandaRose » January 26th, 2007, 1:58 pm

Yaahhh Lauran you are from New York!!!

I guess you are right, I think it just takes a while to adjust and not to mention my family are all on the west coast. I have to say though there are alot more people here and a lot less trees!!
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Postby Lauren » January 26th, 2007, 2:05 pm

You'll make yourself crazy if you look at how many people are reading vs how many people replying, because there are SO many people who don't ever post, they are "lurkers," and the numbers add up! Don't worry, you'll start getting some love soon, your post is at the top right now, so others will jump in!

Besides, if you're ever needing some attention, just start a thread on What's Shaking or somewhere that says "Hey, I need me a little attention, can ya show me some love please!" Never hurts to be frank. Yes, typical New Yorker.

I can understand how being away from family, especially with a young child, is difficult, but I've always been the silver lining kind of girl. Embrace what's good about where you are, participate in the things that make your location unique. So, if you think you might go back West eventually, jump into the stuff that NJ and NY have to offer now. Go to great shows, bring your son to wonderful events, travel the city, eat the great foods (yes, you can eat great food on MF, just modified!). You know? Take advantage of what's awesome, and then if/when you move back, you'll have terrific stories to tell, and your son will have a really cool life that's unique from his friends!

Anyway, hair loss, yeah, it's a problem for some folks (including me). I started the Nioxin pretty far into my hair loss, but it definitely makes it feel thicker when I am using it. Whether it's actually helping prevent loss, I am not sure, but it does make the existing hair seem stronger. Doesn't hurt to add it to your repetoire of goodies!

Good luck!

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » January 26th, 2007, 2:14 pm

Lauren wrote:You'll make yourself crazy if you look at how many people are reading vs how many people replying, because there are SO many people who don't ever post, they are "lurkers," and the numbers add up! Don't worry, you'll start getting some love soon, your post is at the top right now, so others will jump in!

Hey Amanda! I know how you feel! When I first started my journal, I thought I offended some people by what I said in my first posts. I thought I scared them off, or maybe they didn't know how to respond. But eventually I got some posts. Don't worry my dear... like Lauren said, you'll get some love soon.

Welcome to the forum and I'm looking forward to your posts and cheering you on!!! :mrgreen:

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Postby dede4wd » January 26th, 2007, 2:14 pm

Glad you started a journal. You've had wonderful success so far! WOW!

I used nioxin for a while, but couldn't afford it (and I'm very into SMELL and Nioxin didn't do it for me). I travel a lot and was having trouble finding it during my travels.

I agree with Lauren, it did make what i had feel stronger, but I have no idea about re-growth.

In my case, I am taking the hair/skin/nails tablets with 3000mg of biotin, as well as the omega 3's. I've also added a tblspn of olive oil to my salad at the L & G and my hair loss has slowed considerably, almost stopped. I'll still take some thinning hair over obesity ANYDAY, but I'm glad my body and I have found a common ground.

Post any time you need to, glad you started a journal! Let's do this together!

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Postby Lucy » January 26th, 2007, 2:26 pm


I along with a few others also are proud members of the I WANNNA GO HOME CLUB! I am from the south, currently stuck in WI...welsome. you are really doing well. I tend to ramble but am away from home and only have the computer for a short time. Will check on you later :lol:
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Postby DonicaB » January 26th, 2007, 3:31 pm

Hi Amanda~ I'm looking forward to hearing about your journey on this quest for thinness.

I have never been to New York or New Jersey. I'm a midwest girl, always have been. (Missouri) I think I am the only person from Missouri on this forum. Anyway, I'm sorry you miss home.

You have made some amazing strides. I'm so glad you decided to join us and I look forward to learning more from you.

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Postby AmandaRose » January 26th, 2007, 4:01 pm


It’s nice to meet you too, Hmm Midwest sounds nice. I was in the mid for a while, well Chicago if you want to call that mid.


Nice to meet you also, Send me over some ruby slippers!! I like to dig my roots in and my husband is a roamer. So, this last year I have been traveling with him, after being away from him a year. I think I am starting to slow him down now and domesticate him a little. LOL


Nice to meet you, Thanks for the info on Nioxin. I can deal with the smell as long as I can keep my hair. hehehe. I kind of want both hair and weight loss. Which system did you try? I think I will try the olive oil with my dinner and see how that works. I really don’t have much hair to begin with, it is very fine and so when I loose a little it makes a big difference.


Nice to meet you, thanks for posting and I look forward to talking with you more also


If you know of any good places to visit around here that are have to see places, let me know please. I need to drag my husband somewhere. hehe
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Postby katieb920 » January 26th, 2007, 4:45 pm

Hiya Amanda,

I am so excited for your weight loss that is just awesome. 60# Just great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I am from New Jersey I have been here since 1983. I am now 34. If you need any advice of where to travel in New Jersey Just ask. I love this state. It offers everyhthing except Warm weather year round. Here are a few ideas

New York (Manhattan) If you get a chance during the spring or fall Just go there for a walk or eat at a little restaurant and people watch. You get every culture.

Philadelphia is only an hour away What a great City.

Now onto Jersey.

Great Beaches (no they are not contaminated) everyone thinks so but I promise you they are not. You have LBI which is a great family beach. Also you could goto Cape May also a great Family Beach.

Atlantic City. I do not know if you like the Casinos But I do and they are alot of fun (another place to people watch)

Statue of LIberty you could take a ferry over what a great experience.

Great Restaurants. I know this is going to sound crazy but you can still order with out the fat. ( I sell to alot of Higher end Restaurants So if you want a good place to go Just ask and I can talk to the chef for you. Your in Old Bridge you are right near New Brunswick I sell to alot of restaurants there.

Another great thing is you are an hour away from skiing.(poconos)

If you need any suggestions feel free to private message me.

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Postby bikipatra » January 26th, 2007, 5:52 pm

AmandaRose wrote:thanks for the reply biki, i have 17 reads and you were the only one who talked to me... lol there are alot of readers out there who think I am boring I guess. :x :x :x :x

So have you had any hair loss?? I am really getting worried about it?

I grow increasingly worried by the day because I keep reading about it but so far so good. I have only been Medifasting for 66 days and I don't know when hair loss starts-if there is a particular time. Fill us in, people!
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Postby Sojourner » January 26th, 2007, 9:37 pm

Hola Amanda!
Welcome to journaling! I've been meaning to tell you that, as adorable as the baby seal was, your avatar photo is lovely!

Can't really help you with the hair loss question, though I've experienced this myself. However, mine had begun prior to MF due to a prescription med I was taking as well as an anemic condition with which I was I don't know how much to attribute to those things or to MF - ?? Prolly, a result of everthing put together, though it had begun to slow down when the Rx was changed and then resumed a little bit with the MF. I take biotin and omega 3 caps, and it seems to have really slowed, if not yet stopped altogether.

Jo (Serendipity) has had great success with Nioxin - maybe she'll pop in to give you specific info about it.

Anyway, welcome again!

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Postby Serendipity » January 28th, 2007, 9:20 am

Did someone call me? :mrgreen:

Nioxin did work beautifully for me. As soon as I started using it, I stopped losing hair. I don't know it some of that is coincidence or not, but I'm not going to test it, lol. I use formula 4 because I had visibally thinning hair and I have color treated hair. The formula you pick depends on those things, so you can go to the website and figure out which one is right for you.

Another thing I did that really helped: a short hair cut. You wouldn't think it would, but shorter hair works better for thin hair. My hair dresser talked me into a really short cut.

My hair has always been thin, too, so I know exactly how you feel. I couldn't afford to lose much more. The nioxin also helps there because it changes the texture of the hair. If you look at my after picture, I think you'll agree that my hair doesn't look too thin anymore.....and it's really easy to take care of the short cut!

One more thing. I have never been good at taking "horse" pills. I tried the EFA pills (essential fatty acid), but I just didn't keep that up.....too lazy, I guess.

Good luck....don't let thinning hair get in the way of your weight loss. It's worth it.....and remember the loss is temporary.
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