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Postby bikipatra » January 28th, 2007, 9:45 am

I asked elsewhere and no one answered. At what point did the hair loss begin? After a month, 5 months? As a terribly vain creature I get paranoid about such things and want to know when to start looking for it. Also, is it patchy or just thinning? I already have some fake hair I can add in...if need be...I have enough buns I can look like Princess Leia.
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Postby TonyR » January 28th, 2007, 9:56 am

Hey Amanda....I don't think that anyone thinks your posts are boring! Like someone else said there are a ton of lurkers, guests, people who have been here before and have fallen off the wagon and just don't really post anymore because they are off the wagon so don't be discouraged!!

I posted in another thread kind of to you about how you were raised in Oregon(Medford, Grants Pass) I am from Klamath Falls 75 miles east of Medford, born and raised there, and moved to California 9 years ago when I met my wife and she lived here!! Good luck on the program and just HOLLAR loud when you need some responses!! :)
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Postby Serendipity » January 28th, 2007, 10:43 am

It started at about 6 months and it was not patchy, but I lost more on top than anywhere else.
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Postby AmandaRose » February 5th, 2007, 3:56 pm

My hair loss just started about a month ago. I noticed when I would shower there would be a lot of hair clogging the drain and then when I would comb my fingers through my hair when I was out of the shower I would get big globs of hair. It is not patchy, I would say It is all over thinning. :x

Today I bought Nioxin system 1, I wanted system 2 which is for noticeably thinning but the lady at the store gave me a discount and convinced me I didn't need system 2. I wonder if it was because she didn't have it. Lets hope not. I will keep you all informed about how well it works :roll:
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Postby AmandaRose » February 5th, 2007, 4:28 pm

Today I wanted to write about something personal, maybe you have experienced something similar or will in the near future.

I am now 63 pounds lighter than what I have been in a very very long time. I am going to admit to you all that recently, I have been taking pictures of myself, a lot of pictures. Now this is not normal for me because I can hardly find any of myself from the past 4 years. What I do have are those were someone has caught me off guard or when my mother was in town.

I am not vein however, The reason behind my madness is quite the opposite. You see, I no longer recognize myself. Truly who I see in the mirror and who I see in pictures look quite different. Of course When I look in the mirror I look slimmer but nothing like a photo. This is the strangest thing. I wonder if anyone else has had this or if I am going crazy. I showed my pictures to my 3 year old and asked him who it was, because I just did no recognize the beautiful woman looking back at me. I said "Are you sure that is mommy Elijah" and he laughed and said "yes mommy" I had to ask my husband too. he confirmed it was me. lol then I took more just to see if maybe the camera was having a good day and again to see if it was having two good days. Still, I don't recognize myself anymore.

You would think that I would be so happy, and I am, I am healthier and I feel so much better physically. I cant help but feel like I lost something though at the same time. I lost the woman I used to be and she is gone forever. I know it is just a body that I am talking about.. LOL. but this is all a learning experience for all of us.

A big part of the learning is finding out why were we overweight to begin with. While most of you talk about being emotional eaters, I believe mine was something very different. My weight was a protective suite I wore, and it kept me safe. It took me a while to figure out why I wanted to loose the weight but every time I stepped on the scale and say I was loosing I felt kinda scared and questioned why I was on this diet. I am happier though every step of the way and I know I will live longer for my son and that makes it all worth it. I know this all might sound strange to some of you but, it may help one person out there and that is all that matters.
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Postby katieb920 » February 5th, 2007, 6:46 pm

I really think it is great that you can share this with us. The reason you keep looking at those picture is because you are a new person. You lost 63# Mentally you are the same person but physically you are not. The one thing is when I lost weight before I was not mentally there yet. And I gained it all back. But I really think you are on the right track. You seem that you are so focused. Keep up the great work.
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