by AmandaRose » February 5th, 2007, 4:28 pm
Today I wanted to write about something personal, maybe you have experienced something similar or will in the near future.
I am now 63 pounds lighter than what I have been in a very very long time. I am going to admit to you all that recently, I have been taking pictures of myself, a lot of pictures. Now this is not normal for me because I can hardly find any of myself from the past 4 years. What I do have are those were someone has caught me off guard or when my mother was in town.
I am not vein however, The reason behind my madness is quite the opposite. You see, I no longer recognize myself. Truly who I see in the mirror and who I see in pictures look quite different. Of course When I look in the mirror I look slimmer but nothing like a photo. This is the strangest thing. I wonder if anyone else has had this or if I am going crazy. I showed my pictures to my 3 year old and asked him who it was, because I just did no recognize the beautiful woman looking back at me. I said "Are you sure that is mommy Elijah" and he laughed and said "yes mommy" I had to ask my husband too. he confirmed it was me. lol then I took more just to see if maybe the camera was having a good day and again to see if it was having two good days. Still, I don't recognize myself anymore.
You would think that I would be so happy, and I am, I am healthier and I feel so much better physically. I cant help but feel like I lost something though at the same time. I lost the woman I used to be and she is gone forever. I know it is just a body that I am talking about.. LOL. but this is all a learning experience for all of us.
A big part of the learning is finding out why were we overweight to begin with. While most of you talk about being emotional eaters, I believe mine was something very different. My weight was a protective suite I wore, and it kept me safe. It took me a while to figure out why I wanted to loose the weight but every time I stepped on the scale and say I was loosing I felt kinda scared and questioned why I was on this diet. I am happier though every step of the way and I know I will live longer for my son and that makes it all worth it. I know this all might sound strange to some of you but, it may help one person out there and that is all that matters.