Im always hungry....

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Im always hungry....

Postby scqt13 » February 6th, 2007, 3:40 pm

Hey All....

I am a new member.
1st time on Medifast.
This is Day 2.

I need your help. I am always hungry and wanting to eat. I know it says that they 1st 3 days will be the worse, but I feel like Im steadily on edge :x

I usually start the day around 7am, and finish around 11pm, so my meals (so far) are spread out as such....

7:30a, 10am, 12:30p, 3:30p, 5:00pm, and then lean and green around 7pm.

I still am hungry between meals, and after dinner too. I try to space then out at 2-3 hours, but in the mean time I feel like Im starving!

Im also extremely active (Im a basketball coach), and I work out 3-4 times a week.

Any help or suggestions on how I can overcome and succeed would be helpful, also are there any things I can buy at trader joes/a grocery store that will help me with snacking?

Thanks in advance for your help and support.

-Denise :)
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Postby DogMa » February 6th, 2007, 3:52 pm

It sounds like you need an extra shake or two a day. First of all, you shouldn't eat your last meal four hours before you go to bed. According to your schedule, you're going 12 hours without food so of COURSE you're hungry.

And depending on your workouts, you may need more calories than you're taking in. The guide tells you to cut your workouts in half at first and gradually build them back up after a few weeks. You canNOT cut your calories so drastically (to somewhere between 800 and 1,000) and expect to have the same energy and strength for workouts that you had before.

Do you have a health advisor? If you don't, you should. Just call the number at the top of the page, and you can have one assigned to you. It's free to you, and that person can help advise you on how best to follow the plan. Good luck!

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Postby katieb920 » February 6th, 2007, 5:29 pm

I agree with Dogma also are you drinking all of you water. try to add a couple of more glasses. I was the same way in the beginning. But then I added More water and then the hunger went away.

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Postby bikipatra » February 6th, 2007, 5:49 pm

I agree with everything that has been stated but some are just hungrier than others. My first time on the program years ago, I cried myself to sleep I was so hungry. I should have just had another shake but didn't know any better.
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Postby Unca_Tim » February 6th, 2007, 6:48 pm

Are you using Medifast 70 shakes?
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Postby nickieluv » February 6th, 2007, 7:51 pm

Welcome, Denise. All I would have said has been said. As far as snacking, there are some MF allowed snacks - check your quickstart guide, as I think they're in there. From what I recall you can have 2 dill pickle spears, or 2 celery sticks, or a cup of bouillon - there may be something else. You should only have one snack per day, though. Also, chewing sugar free gum has been suggested to me before, and just having the sensation of chewing something can be helpful.

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Postby Jan » February 7th, 2007, 11:50 am

Hmmm Denise,
You do need to be on the 70's .. more protein. Plus you may need to add a meal ( a shake) after your lean and green. If you are very very active you most likely aren't getting enough nutrition. One more shake won't hurt your weight loss at all but just may help you make it. We generally have our members who exercise cut down the amount of exercise by half for the first three weeks. You are going to put your body in "starvation mode" if you exercise toooo much. Plus you run the risk of dehydration and also muscle damage ... these things would be due to toooo much exercise. If you do not have enough nutrition your body will go after it's muscle tissue. After the first three weeks you can increase your exercise. If you are having a big problem with hunger I would switch over to 6 shakes a day plus a lean and green. That way you'll be getting a bit more soy ..a natural appetite suppressant. Let us know how you're doing ... the first week will most likely be your most difficult. My advice to you ... up your shakes.
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Postby scqt13 » February 8th, 2007, 11:39 am

Thanks for the advise!

I havent been working out the rest of the week because I just havent had much energy to do so.

Most morning Im waking up kinda hungry. Like today, I woke up "starving", and had some oatmeal AND a shake because I felt like to was having pains!

Now I feel a little bit better. I have a very active lifestyle, so Im always on the go. I think that I definitely need the "70" shakes because I read that they have more protein and an appetite suppresant.

I think once I get through this first week, I will be fine!


-Denise ;-)
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Postby cynben » February 8th, 2007, 11:53 am

Don't quit, Denise. The first few days are the worst. It will get much easier as time goes on. As a matter of fact, eventually, you won't be hungry at all...I have to MAKE myself eat now. Keep it up ;)
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Postby Lizabette » February 9th, 2007, 4:50 pm

Congratulations for beginning what I feel is the best weight loss plan ever! (And I don't get a bonus for saying that!)
How are you doing today?
Please just hang in there, get all the help you can, and things will definitely get better!
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Postby bikipatra » February 9th, 2007, 5:26 pm

cynben wrote:Don't quit, Denise. The first few days are the worst. It will get much easier as time goes on. As a matter of fact, eventually, you won't be hungry at all...I have to MAKE myself eat now. Keep it up ;)

I totally agree. In the mornings I get annoyed that I have to stop what I'm doing to get a supplement. It happens!
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