Alternatives to Medifast Crackers?

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby Tiolazz » April 17th, 2006, 12:30 pm

I just snorted my wonderful dutch chocolate shake out of my nose.... AND IT HURT....

You guys, girls, okay, whatever, have to stop this....

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Re: Lauren

Postby ascicles » April 17th, 2006, 12:34 pm

gillian wrote:Lauren- I am laughing!!!! I think he's 25 though...

That's true. I'm old enough to be a daddy...barely.
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Postby Lauren » April 17th, 2006, 12:39 pm

Maybe, but unless Gillian's an uber-precocious 5-10 year old, you sure as heck shouldn't be her daddy!!
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Postby Nancy » April 17th, 2006, 12:55 pm

ascicles ~

You ARE a very interesting addition to the Forum.

Hidy Ho to you, Gillian!
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Postby gillian » April 17th, 2006, 1:51 pm

Hello to you Nancy! Im gonna be skinny too! I think i will do leather skirts... You like the pants, huh? You look good. :)
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Postby Nancy » April 17th, 2006, 3:14 pm

Oh, I have a black leather pencil skirt, too, Gillian!

I was given a brown suede skirt but my daughter won't let me wear it; she said it is too short for her mother to wear! :table:

Gillian, keep your goal in mind as it will keep you focused when foody events or eating opportunities arise and trust me, THEY will arrive with increasing frequency!

You will :heart: love what Medifast does for you. The leather skirt has your name written on it! :wave:
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Postby Becky » April 17th, 2006, 9:15 pm

Hey... are YOU talking about ME? that skirt IS too short! i don't want the leopard mom going around looking trashy just because SHE CAN! :? At least not until I get thinny enough to wear my short skirt. hah!

And about Ascicles.. I was pronouncing it more like an isosceles triangle. hah!
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Postby Guest » April 17th, 2006, 9:22 pm

You two trouping around in those short leather skirts. Hmmmmm I don't know I'm pretty conservative but just maybe ....... I'll bet no one would even notice my double chin!!! :mrgreen:
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Oh my Goooodness

Postby Jan » April 17th, 2006, 9:25 pm

The idea of that was soooo outlandish for me that I even forgot to sign in. Hmmmm :mrgreen:
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Postby Becky » April 17th, 2006, 9:29 pm

you crack me up. you could get away with wearing one of those little leather skirts too miss skinny! 8)
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Postby Jan » April 17th, 2006, 9:31 pm

Yea Right.... Just until my grown kids saw me and hauled me right back into the house. :mrgreen: :oops:
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Postby Nancy » April 17th, 2006, 9:58 pm

You COULD get away with it, Jan - you have thinny thighs, unlike Megathighs Leopard're not as bold and brazen as she is!

I could stand as lookout for you - wear the short skirt and if I see your kids in the vicinity, I'll :whistle: whistle a warning and you can go into a telephone booth and change into a granny skirt... :cateye:
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Postby Jan » April 17th, 2006, 10:31 pm

Hey, We just may have a plan there. I could be kind of like superwoman -- but out in my short skirt then into my usual costume. I'm sure my kids would be none the wiser!! :mrgreen:
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Postby Nancy » April 17th, 2006, 11:09 pm

Yup! It works for me...of course a lot of people stand in line to use the phone!
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Postby horsey girl » April 18th, 2006, 8:01 pm

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
ASTONISHING!!! I have been out of town for a week and I come back to this. 5 pages all because of a catfight over a lowly cracker that escalated into a near fisticuffs over who's right about medifast :x :bricks: and ends up in a debate over who's leather skirt is too short. :grin: It's not even the hot part of the summer yet. Anybody ever figure out if there was a good substitute cracker? :lol:
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