Alternatives to Medifast Crackers?

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Postby falisamarie » April 13th, 2006, 8:13 am

Robin--Please don't feel that I was implying you don't stick to the program I know from reading just how dedicated you are. Like I said NO weight program can promise any results but Medifast just lists the average weight loss. Again some lose less (does not mean they are not following it correctly) some lose more (does not mean they are doing anything special) it is just the way our bodies are designed.

I have tried eating and finding the right balance on my own and it did not work for me where this has. Like the old saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it) this is working for me and many others and that is all it takes to make me a believer.

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Postby Dayna » April 13th, 2006, 10:35 am


I still like my Chevy/Ford example: If you walk into the Chevy dealership and ask about using Ford products in your Chevy vehicle, you're probably going to get lots of reasons why you shouldn't. The choice is yours, of course, and your results might be just dandy, but don't expect that the Chevy dealer is going to recommend it.

My own particular thoughts on the crackers: I like that they come in individual packages. If they didn't, I would likely far exceed a single serving. Limit myself to 5 saltines, when the rest of the open package is sitting there staring at me or calling from the cupboard? Yeah, right! Now, that is my own personal struggle, but I doubt I'm alone in it. [edit] I'm not trying to imply this is a problem everyone has, but I do think one of the benefits of the MF program is a sort of "enforced" portion control, and that's very helpful for me. [/edit] I also really like the fact that they taste like the communion crackers of my youth. It's crazy, I know, but I always loved the taste of those crackers (would try to find the biggest one on the communion plate, how ridiculous is that?) . . .

My own particular thoughts on duplicating the program with non-MF stuff: I think it would be pretty darn hard to limit ourselves to 800-1000 calories a day and get in every nutrient that we need without serious vitamin/mineral supplements (which I HATE taking). Many people don't react well to aspartame (not to mention the ongoing debates about the safety of the product) and splenda, which is what most sugar-free/low-carb products use. And the work involved in even attempting it - all that counting, and extra cooking, and measuring . . . I KNOW that Medifast is safe for me to eat. I KNOW that Medifast will get me all the nutrients I need on a daily basis. I KNOW that I can have approved-chocolate as part of my daily routine, so I'm not feeling deprived. I KNOW that the ingredients do not trigger migraines in my sister (and let me tell you, that's pretty amazing!). I KNOW that it is has been around for 20-some-odd years, and recommended by doctors. I KNOW that Johns Hopkins is willing to put their stamp of approval on it, and that means a lot to me.

A friend of mine has been trying to duplicate the program for about a month, with products from the grocery store. Her success has been very limited; she doesn't feel great, she's still pretty tired and sluggish, her cravings are still with her, and she's lost about 4 lbs in that month. She has also discovered that her attempt to duplicate the program was no less expensive than the average monthly cost of MF.

[edit] This was primarily a response to Angie[/edit]
If you have found methods and substitutions that work for you, well, then, that's your thing, and I'm glad you've found success. But common sense would seem to dictate that you likely won't recieve sanction/approval for alterations on a Medifast support forum, which is owned and operated by people who's business and passion are TSFL and the MF products.

- Dayna

[Disclaimer: The above post is not referring to types of food vs. other types of food debates (like the pickle vs. cucumber debate), which seem to remain pretty civilized, with excellent points on both sides, and might be considered within the grayish areas of the MF plan. Mainly, I was thinking of other brand name products vs. MF debates, like that Campbell soup vs. MF soup debate that went on not too long ago.)
Last edited by Dayna on April 13th, 2006, 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tiolazz » April 13th, 2006, 11:36 am


Gosh, I don't think that Ascicles, and I know that I didn't mean to offend, criticize, or do anything harmful to anybody in our talk about CRACKERS!


I was just simply trying to say that I was using an alternative to the crackers, (not that there is anything wrong with m/f crackers ) :clapclap:
Just that I found something that works as good for me, as an alternative.

I personally don't have a problem bagging 5 crackers into a baggie every night and carrying those to work with me every morning. I rarely eat them, but I have them with me just the same. I understand that alot of people that are using this diet plan do have a problem with eating the whole sleeve. Everyone here has some kind of problem with food or we wouldn't be here. obviously..... and I certainly respect that, but if we have to be careful about talking about alternatives, that is going a bit far.

I know for myself, that I was certainly not implying that anyone " should go down that road with me", I was just simply answering a ? that I saw someone else on the board post. I thought I was being helpful, had no idea whatsoever that anyone would think anything different. And I was certainly not asking anyone's permission to go off plan. Haven't asked for permission to do anything in over 30 years now, not going to start now.... If I want to sabatoge my own goals, I can do that quite well by myself. hehe :D

In fact I am a little hurt at the implications that any of us were trying to do anything other than just what we were doing, asking and answering a ? about crackers. no more, no less... this kind of escalated like the weapons of mass destruction that were in Iraq !!! Oops, did I actually type that??? :shock:

I mean for pete's sake, we are just talking about crackers...

All of us, I believe are intelligent enough people to make our own decisions about what we will and won't eat. If we can't, we are already in trouble. Because this diet plan, just like any other, is about choices.

I choose to follow it as closely as I can in order to be successful. If I choose to eat a burger tomorrow, I choose to eat a burger tomorrow. I will not be successful on that day, but I will carry on. Better a cracker, than a burger, right???

Like Nancy says, we have to do this one day at a time, or 3 hours at a time.

So sorry for the soap box again, and for my ramblings, but I totally apologize to anyone, (Nancy, and all you other HA's out there), if my mention of saltines bothered anybody in any way...

I will try to keep my salty temptations to myself from now on...

Yeah, it's me again... Terri


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Postby lauradr » April 13th, 2006, 11:45 am

The way I do it best is if it;s not in the Quick Start book, I stay away from it and thats just the way I can do it best.
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby Jan » April 13th, 2006, 11:49 am

Oh my Goodness
I can see we are off and running again. Ok, I wrote a nice long response but then deleated it. Most of you know the answers as well as me., The majority of you are doing great on program. Happily parting with the pounds and moving closer and closer to goal. Why play around? We've been to the grocery store -- we know whats out there. As for me I'm not going to defend our program -- its' great -- or defend HA's either. There are many kind loving encouraging people out there who are willing to help you in anyway they can part with those pesky pounds. Plus you all know MF sells the product. It really comes down to the fact --- it's your decision.
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Postby lauradr » April 13th, 2006, 11:58 am

Great post!!!!Jan
I'm not where I wanna be but, thank God I'm not where I use to be!


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Postby ascicles » April 13th, 2006, 4:32 pm

I don't get offended about much, and I'm certainly not going to be bothered by someone making a comment about my views on crackers.
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Postby angiedor » April 13th, 2006, 5:49 pm

BUFFER..this post is not for the faint of heart

I do appreciate this board. I do understand that this board is run and paid for by the Pettits, but when i placed my order with their name on it giving them the commission(about $40 at least), I did so because I thought reading and posting on this forum was a benefit I would reap from doing so. (It says so on the homepage, doesn't it?) It's a good site with a good bunch of people, and that is why I chose to help fund it rather than just ordering directly from TSFL. Plus, I love the Lord and so do they, openly.

And I merely voiced my opinion. Didn't blast anyone. (Although, I'm lettin' loose now!) I think I was pretty honest and pleasant about things it seems some of us were afraid to say. If I am going to pay for a product, i would like to feel that I can openly discuss the service and quality of the items that the business is providing. is a business--Not a charity or a ministry. If you go to the TSFL website, you will see in their business opportunities, that it is basically a pyramid scheme aimed at the weakest most vulnerable prey out there. Fat women. First, the HAs get 20 percent of what we spend. If you buy from someone whom they have pyramid-ed under them, they get 20 percent of that sale too. WOW! (BTW, all you need to do to become a "health advisor" is sign up at the website and pay 99-299 bucks. Who wants health advice from somebody who's only qualifications are that they have a valid credit card? This is misleading and irresponsible. )

This is America, a capitalist society, but from now on, I choose not to waste my money on Medifast. On the net, I found a meal replacement with the same fiber, NO sugar, twice as much protein and all the vitamins for 33 cents a serving. COME ON! If you're gonna tell me again that you have no ability to continue this eating 100 GOOD calories every 2 to 3 hours unless someone is rationing it out to you at ridiculous markups, then I am at a loss. If you don't have time to find these products, then take a day off and look around online.

Nancy made a statement not to mess with any outside comparable foods in one of her posts in the forum because the packets are "magic". She actually scared me into believing that when I was having doubts about spending all of this $$. BUT, think about it. There is no magic, miracle formula. You are consuming 800 calories a day. You're gonna lose weight, people! I have no agenda other than speaking what is blatantly obvious.

And I made sure not to tell anyone else to do what I was doing, Vicky--( I think it was). I REALLY tried to make that clear, but there is bound to be confusion, I guess. (PS, ask your doc what his cut is)

i want everyone to do what is working for them. I just made a BIG mistake of letting you know what I was doing. i'm not gonna lie to you all. That's silly. I nevernever said to follow along. I'm glad I told you though. This thread WOKE ME UP! i researched the business aspect of the program and I realize that I do not any part of it anymore. I feel dumb now having spent what I already did.

I will continue to substitute items that are comparable to the medifast ones my meals, tho. Medifast is nutritionally sound. I have to give them that. I just really can't afford ten dollars a day plus paying for the L&G meal. I just can't. I'm a lowly lab tech. I don't have kids or anything, so I have extra time to do the research and find different options that are cheaper and just as nutritious-which i have.

P.S. Do you guys crave a fourth celery stick and then slap your hand for even thinking of reaching for it b/c the book says not to? IT'S ONE CALORIE! :shock: Oh wait, do you refuse communion? What does the book say about that? It's Maundy Thursday! DOH! Well, I ate the saltine and grape juice they offered me. Really, what do you guys do? That would be an interesting poll, I think. I'm not being sarcastic, either. I'm serious!

Good luck, guys. You worked hard to lose all that weight. Be vigilant and don't let it creep back up on ya. With HIS help, all things are possible. Just ask.

SEE WHAT YOU STARTED ASCICLES!! LOL! 8) Just kidding. Lots o luck on your crackerquest, chicky. Controversial topic. tsktsk
Last edited by angiedor on April 13th, 2006, 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby angiedor » April 13th, 2006, 6:18 pm

And this is also my last and final response to this thread-Vicky

Oh...the humanity!!
:shock: I'm done. I promise. Must...resist...sarcasm...acck!
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Postby Pashta » April 13th, 2006, 8:32 pm

LOL... People making "mountains out of mole hills." ;) Just relax everybody, we're all on the same team here! The LOSING FLAB team! :D


Anyway, I had to say that Ascicles is a guy, not a girl. hehe
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Postby Arklahoma » April 14th, 2006, 12:22 am

I've dropped into this discussion a little on the late side so I'm gonna keep my opinions to myself (Don't want to stir the pot). However, I do want to say that I LOVE an open forum with zero moderation. I think a spirited debate can be eye opening and I want to openly express my gratitude to Nancy, Terry, and Unca for providing this forum and not moderating our every post. I like hearing diverse opinions.

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Postby gettinthinny » April 14th, 2006, 1:40 am

Angie, I'm just a consumer here and have no interest other than that. But I wanted to say there is a difference in a pyramid scheme and legitimate multi-level marketing. Here's an explanation:


What is a Pyramid Scheme and What is Legitimate Marketing?

Pyramid schemes now come in so many forms that they may be difficult to recognize immediately. However, they all share one overriding characteristic. They promise consumers or investors large profits based primarily on recruiting others to join their program, not based on profits from any real investment or real sale of goods to the public. Some schemes may purport to sell a product, but they often simply use the product to hide their pyramid structure. There are two tell-tale signs that a product is simply being used to disguise a pyramid scheme: inventory loading and a lack of retail sales. Inventory loading occurs when a company's incentive program forces recruits to buy more products than they could ever sell, often at inflated prices. If this occurs throughout the company's distribution system, the people at the top of the pyramid reap substantial profits, even though little or no product moves to market. The people at the bottom make excessive payments for inventory that simply accumulates in their basements. A lack of retail sales is also a red flag that a pyramid exists. Many pyramid schemes will claim that their product is selling like hot cakes. However, on closer examination, the sales occur only between people inside the pyramid structure or to new recruits joining the structure, not to consumers out in the general public.

Both Ponzi schemes and pyramids are quite seductive because they may be able to deliver a high rate of return to a few early investors for a short period of time. Yet, both pyramid and Ponzi schemes are illegal because they inevitably must fall apart. No program can recruit new members forever. Every pyramid or Ponzi scheme collapses because it cannot expand beyond the size of the earth's population.(3) When the scheme collapses, most investors find themselves at the bottom, unable to recoup their losses.

Some people confuse pyramid and Ponzi schemes with legitimate multilevel marketing. Multilevel marketing programs are known as MLM's,(4) and unlike pyramid or Ponzi schemes, MLM's have a real product to sell. More importantly, MLM's actually sell their product to members of the general public, without requiring these consumers to pay anything extra or to join the MLM system. MLM's may pay commissions to a long string of distributors, but these commission are paid for real retail sales, not for new recruits.

This is from the US Federal Trade Commission website.

Actual product is being sold here. (excellent product that works!) I'd much prefer to support a small business owner than the big giants like Walmart.
And in the end, I will come out cheaper... I'm not eating out, I'm not buying junk and my food is doled out for me in the right portion sizes. I love that! (Especially since portion control is my biggest weakness!)
Last edited by gettinthinny on April 14th, 2006, 3:48 am, edited 3 times in total.


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Postby Nancy » April 14th, 2006, 2:28 am

Folks ~

I do not believe in magic.

There is nothing magic in Medifast.

There is nothing magic about the Medifast crackers either.

:shock: Sometimes I eat non-Medifast crackers.

Medifast crackers come in the teensiest packages ever. I always tell people that they are about the size of a Cheez-It and ya get maybe 10 of them if the cracker-packaging machine was being generous the day the plastic bag was filled.

Yeah, they ARE pricey. 48 cents a packette.

I like the individual packets, however because they pop into my purse and I don't end up with cracker crumbs in the bottom of the purse along with the partial sticks of gum, wobbed up Kleenexes and grocery lists.

I prefer the pre-packaged stuff because I cannot be trusted with a sleeve of saltines.

I used to eat a couple stacks of Ritz a day in my pre-Medifast days.

Many of you have already discussed some of the pros and cons of the pre-packaged Medifast foods versus preparing your own portion-controlled foods.

I was not very successful creating my own meal plans and was unable to consistently do so and I found that Medifast proved to be a healthy fast food alternative for me.

I think it's great that some people are able to design and follow their own food plan and to find the success they desire.

Like me, most overweight people do not eat sensibly. If I knew what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat, I wouldn’t have been morbidly obese.

We want people to learn about portion control, to become knowledgeable about what foods are best for their nutritional needs and to reshape their eating behaviors.

As we learn these things, we will be able to select :pet: nutritionally-friendly foods and manage our weight. We want people to learn how to balance their meals, select foods that do not rapidly raise their blood sugars (these are called low glycemic foods) so they can prepare their own meals using their ‘own food.’ Learning what and how much to eat is the key for slower digestion, to delay hunger and prevent cravings and the end result is weight control and less damage to our blood vessels, :heart: heart and nerves. A hospital gown is not my best look...

For some of us, having a $10 a day packet habit is worth it to us. It saves us time and the sweat of figuring out what to eat. If you can do it for $1.65 (.33 x 5 times a day) – I say, good for you! Go for it!

Perhaps some of you don’t need a Health Advisor and don’t want one. It’s a personal preference.

The very fact that some of you are here searching for ideas on how to make that bland HomeStyle Chili taste better and are reading about how to maintain your weight loss tells me that maybe we have something of value here for you and it is worth hanging out at when Survivor and CSI are airing on the tube. Maybe you all have Tivo or a DVR…

I never wanna go thru another weight loss program again. Ever. Thanks to our program and the packets, I will not have to.

From Medifast Diet, we read:
“Fast and Proven, the Medifast plan brings fast, consistent weight loss, usually averaging between 2-5 pounds a week. Medifast programs have been recommended by over 15,000 physicians and used by over 1 million customers. Medifast has been providing a clinically proven approach to weight loss and nutrition for over 20 years.”

These are not arbitrary numbers. This stuff works.

It was shown in studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that men and women both lost weight and improved their health. In the study taken from random selections of patients nationwide, forty-six percent (185 patients) completed at least 16 weeks on the program. Individuals sampled were primarily female (83%) and Caucasian (90%). The average age for males and females was not different (43.60 ± 10.3 and 42.73 ± 10.7 years, respectively).

Results: Males lost an average of 67.41 pounds and females lost an average of 47.5 pounds.

I am not a scientist, just a simpleton but all I know is that in the 25 years of use, thousands of doctors and over a million people have lost weight with the Medifast program. I am one of them.

Medifast is a safe, effective means of weight reduction and like the studies show; people lose weight and also experience significant improvements in co-existing health problems.

There are 6 things that help people to maintain optimal weight and health for life. They are:
B reakfast – everyday
E xercise – almost everyday get that heart pumping and do strength training
S upport – it’s vital
L ean and low fat meals, 6 times a day
I ndividual Plan – be prepared, know what you’re going to eat and have it ready
M onitor your weight regularly by using a pair of great-fitting jeans or weighing

Dr. Andersen’s BeSlim™ Philosophy (above) is based on the findings of the National Weight Loss Registry which shows that people who have support and accountability have a greater shot at succeeding in maintaining their weight loss.

I need all the help I can get. I was totally out of control with food and if it weren’t for the things I’ve learned on the Take Shape For Life Program, I would not be in ONEderland today. I know that I am just a forkful away from foody oblivion.

I take exception to several previous comments.

• Health Advisors are not salespeople.

Medifast sells products. The sales transaction occurs between Medifast Diet and the customer.

Customers pay the same price for products they purchase from Medifast Diet and Take Shape For Life.
Health Advisors do not charge their clients anything – they help them.

Health Advisors are paid by Take Shape For Life for providing a service to their clients.

• This is not a pyramid scheme; they are unlawful. Thank you GettinThinny for your excellent explanation above. You saved me half a page of typage.

We have an excellent business model; we are compensated well for our efforts and I do not apologize for it. We do not make 20% of what our Health Advisors earn. If so, I would be in Kauai right now.

Most people have jobs these days. We all can choose how we want to make our living.

I was called to be a Health Advisor. My CEO is the Lord.

Now this statement really bugs the puckies outta me:
[referring to a Health Advisor] who's only qualifications are that they have a valid credit card? This is misleading and irresponsible. )

In most cases, a Health Advisor has had success on the program themselves. Some Health Advisors are brand new and may have been on the program for a short period of time and are growing in their knowledge but there are requirements by the company.

It takes more than just a credit card to become a health advisor.

One must be on the program and use the products - we are products of the product.

BTW, we pay the same price for our Medifast products that our clients do - if ya want to get a discount, get on the BeSlim™ Club (Auto Ship) and enjoy the progressive 5%-12% discount per month on your Medigrub order.

All Health Advisors must take a basic knowledge test.

Advanced study and testing is required if one is to become a certified Health Advisor. Not all Health Advisors are certified. There is an additional investment fee of $250 for certification through the Health Institute. Certified Health Advisors are trained by Dr. Andersen and Dr. Bob Cochran through the Health Institute.

Studies show that a person is more compliant on their program and there is greater success when an individual has a coach. I.e. a Health Advisor.

Health Advisors provide support for people using the various programs, we provide information, we help people select the appropriate program and products to suit their needs, we are coaches, we are drill sergeants, we encourage, we walk alongside, we answer questions and in some cases, we train other Health Advisors.

Health Advisors play an important role in helping people to change their health behaviors.

We are not doctors, we do not diagnose and we do not prescribe.

Many of you are very program-knowledgeable as a result of using the MakeMeThinner support Forum.

Many of you are losers because you have benefited from having a cyber Health Advisor – many of you have taken advantage of my personal experiences, you've been inspired and encouraged by reading my newsletter archives, you have received excellent technical support & assistance from Unca and have selected a Health Advisor to fit your needs from our team of Health Advisors to borrow a word used by angiedor ‘pyramided below us’ and you have never once paid a salesperson from MakeMeThinner for your support or advice. We provide this as a service to whoever pops in the Forum’s door because I know how hard it is to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight.

Keeping fit and eating sensibly – seems easy enough and if it is so good for us, why do so few of us do it?

It’s work.

20 minutes of exercise, 6 low fat low glycemic meals a day keeps the Fat Fairy away.

You can choose how ya wanna design your meals – shop for and prepare one lean and green meal a day, spend $10 a day to have your Medigrub food packets delivered to your door plus the free service of having a caring coach who gives their best for you or do it for $1.65 a day on your own.

People always have the choice to follow their own plan.

People who lose weight and maintain their weight successfully take responsibility for their own desires and then must decide the best way to achieve them.

‘scuse me, I’m headed for my :snooze: snore sack after I eat a rye cracker and have a shaker jarful of Chai Latte…
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Postby ascicles » April 14th, 2006, 6:17 am

Pashta wrote:
Anyway, I had to say that Ascicles is a guy, not a girl. hehe

I've given up on trying to tell everyone I'm a guy. It's my fault for not having a name like ManlyMcMuscles. But noooooo, I had to be cute with my completely made up username!
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Postby DogMa » April 14th, 2006, 7:43 am

You realize from now on that I, at least, will be calling you ManlyMcMuscles??

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