THanks you guys! I will definitely have to re-read these posts to keep me on the straight and narrow (pun intended

Vicky - my eyes are doing very well. This time it worked out perfectly. I am on the last day of 2 weeks without eye makeup - yikes! I don't wear alot of makeup but I am blonde and fair skinned so I "disappear" when I don't have at least mascara on. Everyone has been saying that all it did was make me look like a kid - guess that isn't bad! Anyway, the vision is good - I especially notice the difference on the computer which was my biggest complaint after the first surgery. I need to use the lowest strength for reading because of my age and the natural progression of the eyes as you get older - but I can live with that. The stinging is mostly gone and I just finished up the antibiotic drops. So life is good!!!!
As for the house - YES!! This is the house that those nasty people kept trying to keep from us - HA! We are so excited and thrilled - we can't wait to be able to let our little ones go outside and play and not have to worry about them. It will also allow us to have more church fellowships which we haven't been able to do. We can finally repay all the families that have had us over.
Supermom - the doctor told me the same thing about being careful. He explained that when you walk up the stairs, you are putting 3 times your weight on your knees as you climb...he then said add 20, 30, or 40 pounds to that with a box filled with stuff and you have to times THAT by 3 as well. So it is alot to put on your knees - he even said that if I feel bad after the move, he would give me another shot to help out the pain. Since I don't want anymore steroids, I will be VERY careful
Now, I just pray that I will finally get into the next club (50 pound club) sooner rather than later.
Thanks again for the good thoughts!