Alright - I'm ready....

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Alright - I'm ready....

Postby FORMOMMY » July 6th, 2006, 7:05 am get back to 100% compliance! I had my doctor check up for my knee and I only need 2 more weeks or physical therapy and then I can continue strengthening on my own!!! The steroid shot worked wonders and I am SOOOOO much better.

I've been off of any narcotics for pain for 2 weeks now so I think it is safe to go back to the MF plan as written. So now maybe I will start losing instead of maintaining. I'm not knocking maintaining after all this drama/trauma of the knee injury - but I want to get back to losing!!!!

I know that it is going to be tough for a few days - don't look forward to that - but I know it will get better. You guys will just need to keep reminding me of that :)

I've been really busy lately (we are in the process of buying a house out of the city and into the boonies of Mason, NH) so I haven't been able to post much. We should be closing this Monday and moving over the next couple of weeks. So I will be checking the boards but I apologize beforehand if I don't add to the congrats and encouragement.

By the way, congrats to all those that have made HUGE milestones and welcome to all you newbies!!! :D
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Postby Arklahoma » July 6th, 2006, 7:07 am

This is wonderful news, Michelle. It will be tough, but you're made of sterner stuff!!!
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Postby supermom » July 6th, 2006, 8:33 am

I am so glad you are feeling better!! I hope all goes well with the move. Don't blow out your knee again, okay?? "Talk" to you soon!!
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Postby FORMOMMY » July 6th, 2006, 8:55 am

THanks you guys! I will definitely have to re-read these posts to keep me on the straight and narrow (pun intended :)).

Vicky - my eyes are doing very well. This time it worked out perfectly. I am on the last day of 2 weeks without eye makeup - yikes! I don't wear alot of makeup but I am blonde and fair skinned so I "disappear" when I don't have at least mascara on. Everyone has been saying that all it did was make me look like a kid - guess that isn't bad! Anyway, the vision is good - I especially notice the difference on the computer which was my biggest complaint after the first surgery. I need to use the lowest strength for reading because of my age and the natural progression of the eyes as you get older - but I can live with that. The stinging is mostly gone and I just finished up the antibiotic drops. So life is good!!!!

As for the house - YES!! This is the house that those nasty people kept trying to keep from us - HA! We are so excited and thrilled - we can't wait to be able to let our little ones go outside and play and not have to worry about them. It will also allow us to have more church fellowships which we haven't been able to do. We can finally repay all the families that have had us over.

Supermom - the doctor told me the same thing about being careful. He explained that when you walk up the stairs, you are putting 3 times your weight on your knees as you climb...he then said add 20, 30, or 40 pounds to that with a box filled with stuff and you have to times THAT by 3 as well. So it is alot to put on your knees - he even said that if I feel bad after the move, he would give me another shot to help out the pain. Since I don't want anymore steroids, I will be VERY careful :)

Now, I just pray that I will finally get into the next club (50 pound club) sooner rather than later.

Thanks again for the good thoughts!
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Postby loriannk » July 6th, 2006, 9:05 am

Hi Michelle!

I am so happy that your knee is doing much better. Congrats on the new house. That must be very exciting.

You can get through the tough few days of MF. You know it gets better. Keep busy and drink your water.

Good Luck with everything!

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Postby dede4wd » July 6th, 2006, 11:23 am


I'm SO happy about BOTH pieces of your news! Yay!

You've done SO well by maintaining, now you can get back to business! As far as the house, hire movers! Or at least buy friends pizza and beer! Take care of the knee!

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Postby FORMOMMY » July 6th, 2006, 1:04 pm

As far as the house, hire movers! Or at least buy friends pizza and beer!

DeDe - I laughed out loud on that one....we won't be hiring movers since we have a lot of friends who LOVE pizza!!!! Much cheaper! HA! We actually have the best scenario where we are hanging on to our 2 family in the city (81 year old mother-in-law wants to stay put in the house she has lived in for over 40 years) so we can take our time moving. We will move a little at a time and then one day of the big stuff. So that is a very nice thing to be able to HUGE moving day of ALL of our stuff.

I know this has nothing to do with what we have been discussing but it does fall under the moving category. I have to share what my 7 1/2 year old said to me - she asked if we could keep the pooh bear border in their room even after we leave. I told her we had to paint because the people who rent may not like pooh bear. You should have seen her face - she couldn't believe that ANYONE would NOT want Pooh Bear on their wall - HAHAHA!!!
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Postby supermom » July 6th, 2006, 1:51 pm

I wonder if we could get your health insurance to pay some movers for you?? You know==people get insurance to pay for hot tubs due to back injuries, and breast reduction due to back and neck pain, why not movers due to a laim knee???HEHEHEHE If I was closer, I would come help. As it is right now, I would have to bring the kids and that would make more work for EVERYONE. They are VERY "active".

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Postby JKSRN » July 6th, 2006, 4:57 pm

So glad that you are feeling much better, Michelle and are ready to join all of us in our 'war effort'!! :)
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Postby FORMOMMY » July 7th, 2006, 6:00 am

Supermom - thanks for the offer. If you were closer I'd take you up on the offer - and I would give you great L&G instead of pizza :) I know about active kids - my 7 1/2 yr old didn't sleep through the night until she was four years old!!! She had night terrors (possibly from attachment issues since we adopted her from China when she was 6 months old). She sleeps now but when she is away - WATCH OUT!!! That girls mind and body are always going.

Oh, and I like the ideas of insurance paying for movers - but we both know THAT isn't going to happen - HAHA!!
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Postby FORMOMMY » July 12th, 2006, 9:36 am

So I technically started back full force yesterday. I reluctantly got on the scale and saw that I gained 8.5 pounds (brought me back up to 239.5) - but I didn't get just gave me the resolve to stick to the dreaded 3 days.

I did very well yesterday and felt really good about being back on plan again. It was hard not to eat the extra protein that I had been eating due to the surgery and PT but I did it. I weighed myself this morning and I was down to 237! That would be 2.5 pound people!!!!!!!!!!!! Instant gratification is a wonderful thing :)

So here I am on day two of my restart and I have the worst headache (I didn't get that the first time I started MF). I took 2 Advil and I am hoping that will help.

I didn't change my ticker just out of principle - HA! But if I stick to MF like I did for 4 months prior to my surgery, I will be at or below my ticker before I know it!
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Postby Arklahoma » July 12th, 2006, 9:43 am

I didn't change my ticker either and I'm almost back to where I started. You'll be there before you know it!!!
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Postby FORMOMMY » July 12th, 2006, 10:36 am

Thanks Arkie :) I just couldn't change it - figured it would be more detrimental to me than anything else.

Vicky - you are too sweet...some how I know that you and Laurie would be right there helping with the kids and moving boxes if I lived near you :) That is a very nice thing to have tucked away in your heart - people you've never "met" who selfishly offer to help.

I am having some Raspberry Green Tea right now - the smell alone is heavenly..... :) Hoping it helps with the grumbly tumbly
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