by alpha femme » February 12th, 2007, 1:18 pm
i had to ride in a cart across campus today, and the lady that was driving was thick, but not fat by any means. the old, terrifying feeling that i would not fit (or have to be smooshed up against her, making her uncomfortable) came over me. these carts are not big, you know....
she didnt even move over to make room for me, just said, "hop in." so, having no other choice, i took a deep breath and sat down, ready to try to hang my right thigh as far off the cart as possible....
i fit next to her easily, with plenty of room between us. it was a startling reminder of how bad my body dismorphia is. it was also a reminder that i am half (almost) the girl i used to be-- but in a good way this time. on that same vein, i realized that i now lecture for 90 minutes, moving, pacing, standing-- and i don't even notice it. one hundred pounds ago, i would have been looking for the nearest chair.
i walk back and forth across campus, 1/4 mile each way, just to say hello... or make copies... of drop off material... it doesn't even occur to me that it's far.
i recognize that my students and colleagues certainly see me as overweight (one didn't recognize me when she needed to return my driver's license), but they don't consider me in the least bit obese (though i still am). i think i'll feel a lot better when i drop another 50# or so and get into the healthy bmi range. but it's still weird to understand that no one knows i used to be 3 women in one.