well, i didn't get to the gym last night;
puppy was having some... gastrointestinal issues.
it's funny, though... we finally got to sleep around 5am, and when i woke up at 10, she was using my legs as a hammock. her little back leg "cast" was straight up in the air and over her face-- and her face was draped over my ankles. this is actually a good sign, because we used to sleep like this in our old home. i'm kind of hoping that by the time her leg has healed she will have forgotten about her old life. it's been really hard on her. lots of changes.
in the meantime, i feel so unhealthy and huge when i don't workout.
i realize that my weight is the same, regardless, but i feel like a porpoise.
then again, i used to feel like a whale.
on a completely different subject,
when the hell would this emoticon
ever come into play?