Alpha Femme

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Postby DogMa » September 8th, 2006, 2:46 pm

You're almost 3 inches taller than me and have trouble with pants being too long?? Wow. You must have a much longer torso and shorter legs. I have pretty much NO torso.

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Postby alpha femme » September 8th, 2006, 3:44 pm

yeah, i have short legs-- not circus freak short or anything.

tonight should be filled with dinner (lng), dancing, and whatnot.

i hope my short legs can keep up.
Last edited by alpha femme on September 11th, 2006, 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DogMa » September 8th, 2006, 4:21 pm

Hee. Have a good time! My evening will be filled with cranky co-workers and bad copy.

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Postby supermom » September 8th, 2006, 4:50 pm

I hope your what not is fun!!
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Postby alpha femme » September 9th, 2006, 2:29 am

ok, i'm home-- and early for me (date had to get up in a couple of hours).
it was interesting... i'll probably et miz lilly do a recap in her blog.

every time my date got up, some guy moved in for the kill. some of them were pretty smarmy. :shock: ah, well. she thought it was pretty funny that she had to kick someone out of her seat upon each return-- so funny, in fact, that she pushed me into dancing with "chris." i, familiar with this trick women play in straight clubs, insisted he dance with her first. apparently, he spent the next two songs telling her "your girl is sexy." :roll: geez, so young to be a blind drunk!

anyway, everything stayed pretty good natured, even though it got pretty interesting when they started to get competative, but i figure if you play those games on a date then you get what you deserve. ;) women. they only want the toy everyone else wants.

the good news:

after 4 hours of dancing and mingling in my highest heels, my feet did not hurt. this was soooo not a possibility before dropping some of that lard.

at the end of the night, i realized i had moved easily through the club, squeezing by people without even noticing i was doing it. before i always felt like people needed to clear a runway for my 747 of an ass.

the bad news:

i was extraordinairliy aware tha ti now have no breasts. i kept staring at my date's lustfully-- the sad thing is i can't tell if i wanted to touch them or i ust wanted to wear them! ok, ok, i wanted to wear them. a 36B is nothing to write home about.... not with all the junk i got. maybe santa will bring me somehing special next year. it really woul be the gift that keeps on giving.
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Postby Sarya » September 9th, 2006, 7:34 am

You should get detachable boobies til then. I'm not above helping my shrinking boobs along with a well shaped bra. Get one of those ones with the water in it :)

I'm glad you had fun last night!
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Postby alpha femme » September 10th, 2006, 11:52 am

well, i have lost a whopping 7# over the past MONTH.

who can weigh 250, taking in under 800 calories most days, and lose only 7# in 30 days???? apparently, me.

today i did finally drop down to 247.5... but i think it may be time for a mf break. the losses just aren't matching the efforts. it's not like i haven't succeeded on my own prior to this. and, in actuality, i LIKE mf. yeah, that's a little weird, i know.

so, i will wait until my period is started/over/whatever the hell it wants to do, and if my weight is still stalled out, i think i'll go off plan-- at least for a while.
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Postby supermom » September 10th, 2006, 2:01 pm

Your new Avatar is nice. Is it you? You don't look the same! Be careful going off plan. It isn't as easy to get back on as you might think. TRUST me!! I am having a helluva time with that right now!
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Postby Elizabeth » September 11th, 2006, 12:25 pm

Hey Alex, who is that pretty woman in your avatar??

Of course I know its you ;) You are looking great girl!

A break from MF???

I stalled all week last week with no weight loss and sticking on plan. I went off on Thursday night and couldn't get back on over the weekend. I went hog wild(see signature). I'm back to day 1 today :(.
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Postby alpha femme » September 12th, 2006, 5:30 pm

well, after taking a break after my break up (money and the gym was 1/4 mile from the ex) i have joined a different gym. i missed it. and 24 out here does 3 years for $699 with $49 a year after that. you really can't beat it since it covers all of the clubs. essentially, it's $19+ change a month, then $4 a month. and, well, i get bored at 2am and have no problems hitting the pool at that hour.
yeah. i'm a freak.
i still feel lousy about my progress over the last 4-5 weeks. at least, this way, have a way to keep the weight from rebounding if i do go off plan.
on another note....
if it's all fun n games, is a 13 year age difference too much? what if she's really, really hot?
:roll: and club guy called 3x in 3 days. way too needy for me.

i did mention i'm fickle, yes?

it's weird, cause i'm still obese, but the clavicles are visible, and (it was commented to me) when you run your hand down my chest, you can feel my ribs easily. bizarre.
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Postby alpha femme » September 13th, 2006, 12:25 am

ah, i missed the gym.
i also missed the smarmy singles action, lol. wow.
so, i kept it light tonight:
25 on the treadmill
some arms
a few laps in the pool
then jacuzzi to loosen muscles
and wet sauna because, well, i like it

i also LOVE my new gym.
it's way too crowded; even though i got there at 10:30, almost all of the 30 treadmills and ellipticals were taken. that's alright, though, 'cause there was still one for me.

i do need to get new workout clothes. the capris i wore fit well around, oh... 85# ago. they just kind of remind me of the house that the drive-thru built.
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Postby Sarya » September 13th, 2006, 4:59 am

I've dated someone 13 years older than me. We're adults; I don't think it matters if it doesn't matter to you.

As for the going off plan I want to give my two cents. Or five or whatever. If you are going to do it set boundaries. Don't use this slow loss as an excuse to go off plan and then never get back on. It might be a slow loss, but it's a loss. Think about how things have changed since you started. So take a weekend. Take a week if you must. And go off plan. And live it up. Then come back. If you're like me that time off plan will remind you why you are doing this. It may also shake up your body and help you switch it back into high gear loss mode. I'd hate to see you go.

And I'm glad you are enjoying the gym! If you are going to try working out more you could also consider switching to a 3/4&2 plan so that you are eating more solid food.
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Postby alpha femme » September 13th, 2006, 9:18 am

nah, i doubt i eat a lot if i go off plan.
i'll probably just do what i did when i was losing weight pre-mf--
12-1500 calories a day depending on workout intensity and one treat per week (under 300 calories). it worked quite well.
i don't really want to go off plan, but right now, i'm losing nothing.

i also need to pick up a flea collar, 'cause somehow i've ended up seeing 7 girls at the same time. and 3 guys (but those all know the deal). now, none of them think we're exclusive, but i'm just scratching my head here, because a month ago i was just looking for a date. ah, well, we all all know how it goes.... as long as it stays casual, people fall off and move on, new people come in. it's just amazing how quickly things change... when we let them.
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Postby alpha femme » September 14th, 2006, 2:10 pm


know what i mean?
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Postby alpha femme » September 15th, 2006, 12:39 am

yesterday, i only worked arms a little.
tonight, i did 27 minutes on the treadmill and then 13 on the bike.
i was going to o more leg work, but i thought i'd be reasonable...
for now

the gym is such a meatmarket at 11pm.
it actually makes me giggle a little.
okay, a lot.

my puppy was snoring away when i got home.
lucky (insert alternative name for a girl dog here).
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