Alpha Femme

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Postby dede4wd » January 1st, 2007, 4:05 pm

You did it right, you didn't fall into the bottle like I did!

So glad you had a good time.

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Postby Sojourner » January 1st, 2007, 8:05 pm

DogMa wrote:And thanks for thinking of me, Sojo!!

De nada!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby alpha femme » January 2nd, 2007, 1:29 pm

well, sometimes it's hard to get up and drive to the hills (cause that 3 minute commute is exhausting!) but, once i'm there, i'm tearing it up again. it feels fantastic to know that my physical limitations are, well, shrinking. even last week, when the trail was muddy as hell and treacherous, i powered up inclines and carefully made my way down the steep, slippery areas. mountain goat style, but i would have never had the balance or strength to do it 8 months ago. today, i walked the trails until my thighs were burning, then i doubled back, walked it off-- and did it again.

i love being able to use my body!

i also love coming home and raiding the stash i acquired at the bed & bath sale. yeah, i'm a total shower freak. it's amazing a lot of people, but i really like smelling good. in fact, one of the strongest attraction factors i find when i meet other people is smell. uh, it's a weird thing, but it's how i am. today was sweet cinnamon pumpkin shower gel. i highly recommend it.

today, i weighed in at a blubbery 213.5. but, i'm getting better every day.
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Postby jlaman79 » January 2nd, 2007, 1:35 pm

My and the hubby went on a mountain "hike" on our honeymoon. It was a tough trail and I was almost 300 pounds. Let's just say, not much fun for me. One of my goals is to go back there next year and do that trail again. You are ROCKIN!
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Postby Nova » January 2nd, 2007, 1:45 pm

I've been on vacation the last week and few days, and one of the things I love is that I've been able to exercise every single day, sometimes twice a day. I'm looking forward to it, instead of dreading having to do it and fit it into my busy schedule. I can actually start to see my quadriceps in my thighs all the time, not just when I'm flexing and the light is just right.

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Postby alpha femme » January 2nd, 2007, 1:46 pm

feel free to send me a picture of your legs.
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Postby Nova » January 2nd, 2007, 1:52 pm

I don't know if they're ready for a public appearance yet. :)
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Postby Karli » January 2nd, 2007, 1:58 pm

hee hee... innocent little Nova :mrgreen:
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Postby Serendipity » January 2nd, 2007, 2:02 pm

alpha femme wrote:i love being able to use my body!

So simple, but so true! Feels great, doesn't it?
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Postby bikipatra » January 2nd, 2007, 4:24 pm

jlaman79 wrote:My and the hubby went on a mountain "hike" on our honeymoon. It was a tough trail and I was almost 300 pounds. Let's just say, not much fun for me. One of my goals is to go back there next year and do that trail again. You are ROCKIN!

I went on two safaris in Swaziland and South Africa last year and was afraid of being mistaken for a rhino.
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Postby lastdiet » January 2nd, 2007, 6:55 pm

tomorrow i will be on my millionth mf restart and just reading through the posts for some motivation. i have nothing of value or relevance to contribute to the thread, just wanted to let you guys know how really great and funny you are!
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Postby alpha femme » January 4th, 2007, 1:09 pm

hmmm... tonight will be my 5th, and possibly final, date with the red ball.
i'm nervous, because i'm going to put myself out there and see what gives. she really is amazing.

despite the fact that i am completely enamoured, i am nowhere near ready (or willing) to enter a relationship, as evidenced by my dates for tomorrow night, and sunday night's upcoming man-venture. again, people, if you know a girl in the socal area looking for a stepford man, let me know....

the red ball. wow. i told her after the last gap in communication that i was not willing to pursue someone after a certain point. she isn't willing to move forward (at least up 'til now) and she doesn't seem to want to walk away. i just don't know what to do wth her. it's particularly complicated because she looks so damn good going in either direction.

i haven't been able to get rid of the last couple lng yet. maybe i can do something extra classy while we're out and really impress her. for now, i'm leaning towards flowers when i pick her up (though my friends say she doesn't deserve it; i welcome more input in this area), and being the generally easy, happy girl i've become since becoming single again.

oh. and i'll floss. :D
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Postby petladyinRI » January 4th, 2007, 3:19 pm

alpha femme wrote:hmmm... tonight will be my 5th, and possibly final, date with the red ball.
i'm nervous, because i'm going to put myself out there and see what gives. she really is amazing.

despite the fact that i am completely enamoured, i am nowhere near ready (or willing) to enter a relationship, as evidenced by my dates for tomorrow night, and sunday night's upcoming man-venture. again, people, if you know a girl in the socal area looking for a stepford man, let me know....

the red ball. wow. i told her after the last gap in communication that i was not willing to pursue someone after a certain point. she isn't willing to move forward (at least up 'til now) and she doesn't seem to want to walk away. i just don't know what to do wth her. it's particularly complicated because she looks so damn good going in either direction.

i haven't been able to get rid of the last couple lng yet. maybe i can do something extra classy while we're out and really impress her. for now, i'm leaning towards flowers when i pick her up (though my friends say she doesn't deserve it; i welcome more input in this area), and being the generally easy, happy girl i've become since becoming single again.

oh. and i'll floss. :D

If red ball were a whole lot more communicative and proved over a period of time that she was ready to commit, would that perhaps influence YOUR readi - and willing- ness to enter a relationship? Do ya think?

Is she one of those people (and I've dated oh so many) who only wants you when she sees your back (as you're walking away because you've had enough)? I call people like that push-me pull-you's (apologies to Dr. Doolittle). I have wasted a lot of time and energy on these people. And what is an lng? As for the flowers, if she is a push-me pull you, the more you do for her, sadly the less you'll get. JMO.

As for Stepford man, if someone were straight and therefore more available, would he be as attentive? You ARE gorgeous, funny, intelligent, the whole package, but, hello, you've been up front with him. Ya gotta wonder if he needs the safety of knowing that nothing will come of it...

OK, The doctor is out. ;)
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Postby Lauren » January 4th, 2007, 3:56 pm

Oooh, Sue seems to be right on point about Stepford man, good call on that one!

Yeah, here's my thought on Red Ball: this may sound way too simplistic, but I really think that all relationships, whether casual or more serious, are supposed to bring us joy. When we're in them, whether with men, women, friends, family, gay, straight, we're supposed to feel good about them, good about ourselves, more confident, more intelligent, just more of everything GOOD, you know? If the relationship doesn't build us up or bring us to a better place what's the point? Okay, I do know that Red Ball can bring you to a better place, uh, in a red hot moment, but does that moment transcend to something positive in the longer term?

You are fantastic, and you deserve someone who sees that and wants you and makes you feel wanted and makes you feel GOOD, and not just "yeah, that's the spot" good, but the kind of good that makes you smile to yourself even when she's not around.

Just my simplistic view of the world.

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Postby alpha femme » January 5th, 2007, 2:28 am

ok, well, red ball date was... illuminating.
i'm sure we'll go out again, but (for now) what it comes down to is she is someone who likes to let things build before deciding where she stands. with me, i don't think she knows yet, but it's clear that there's a lot of enjoyment when we go out. i had a drink with her that turned into 3 hours of convo that felt like 15 minutes. i was not nervous, for a change. i was candid, funny, and open. what she does with that is yet to be seen... but, we understand each other better now.

as for stepford man, he is relying upon the fact that i have dated men in the past. he has an ex-wife that is one of his biggest fans (married young) which makes me think this is just the way he is. as long as he continues to respect my boundaries and needs, i guess there's no reason not to have fun.

i told the red ball tonight that she is my karma for all my fussiness. but it's hard not to like the way she turns in her seat so she can look at me while i'm driving.
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