Alpha Femme

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Postby dede4wd » December 26th, 2006, 2:09 pm

If you're not into him, you're not into him. Time for the "let's be friends" speech?

I know what you mean about doting on you too much...slow dating is best no matter who you're dating or you just get lost in the whirlwind.

XL to large sweatshirts huh? Way to go!

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Postby bikipatra » December 26th, 2006, 4:05 pm

All that desperation is a turn-off. I wouldn't like him either. Generally, muscle bound guys like that are too heavy or too show-off-y in bed or you have to do all the work. I am not naming numbers (that would be tacky) but my sampling pool qualifies my opinions as statistically significant.
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Postby alpha femme » December 26th, 2006, 5:11 pm

i think the sensitive artist thing is more to blame than sheer desperation. but, i'm known for being fickle. i wish i knew a nice girl to hand him off to.
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Postby bikipatra » December 26th, 2006, 5:20 pm

alpha femme wrote:i think the sensitive artist thing is more to blame than sheer desperation. but, i'm known for being fickle. i wish i knew a nice girl to hand him off to.

I'm fickle too. I am glad I married my husband after only knowing him 11 weeks or I might have changed my mind...
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Postby alpha femme » December 29th, 2006, 12:59 pm

well, i had a goal when i started mf. i wanted to be under 200lbs by the end of the year. i'm not going to make that goal, but i did get down to 215. losing 85lbs in 7 1/2 months isn't bad. the average comes out to a number a lot lower than i hoped for, but losing is losing.

three years ago, i was 400lbs, wearing a size 34 pants and 32 shirt, and generally unhappy. today, i am 215lbs, and i wear size 16 pants from the same store i bought the 34s at. that's a big mf difference. yeah, the mf thing can be taken any way you like. i can't even wear tops from the fat girl store anymore! i wear an xl fitted shirt or a large sweater.

i still feel huge, but that is my hurdle i will be jumping for the rest of my life. the weight will never come off fast enough. the mirror will never tell me the truth. but this is me at the end of 2006. it's the only me i get, so i'm happy to say that it's a better version of me every day.
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Postby jlaman79 » December 29th, 2006, 1:18 pm

bikipatra wrote:
alpha femme wrote:i think the sensitive artist thing is more to blame than sheer desperation. but, i'm known for being fickle. i wish i knew a nice girl to hand him off to.

I'm fickle too. I am glad I married my husband after only knowing him 11 weeks or I might have changed my mind...


Alex, glad to hear ya sound so positive and having some fun!
Happy New Year!
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Postby dede4wd » December 29th, 2006, 4:59 pm

You didn't hit what! LOOK AT HOW FAR YOU'VE COME! I'm so happy for you!

I know you still see huge when you look in the mirror, I fight that as well...I still see myself as I was, not as I am. I'm working on my head catching up with my body.

What a difference this year makes! Let's make next year the year of goal!

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Postby bikipatra » December 29th, 2006, 5:41 pm

It's called body dysmorphic disorder. I had it fat, I had it thin and all the in betweens. Everything has a name these days. We never assimilated the post-modern category of categories critique.
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Postby alpha femme » December 29th, 2006, 7:43 pm

i had the talk with construction/artist guy. he is way too even to be a human being. his response was he likes being with me, so even if it turns out there's no chemistry, he doesn't want to risk losing a great friend. and while he'll keep trying to get my panties off, he is okay with the fact that it wil probably never happen. i wish i new a great single girl for him. he really is great.

on the other, uh... front, the red ball called again.
i don't know why i torture myself, other than the fact that she is hot and i haven't been this into someone in years. so, she bounced back up and i started chasing again. hmm.... i'm getting faster as i get thinner. maybe i'll wear her down! either way, she looks great coming and going, so the emotional risks are worth it.

it's probably karma that c/a guy said the same about me.
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Postby petladyinRI » December 30th, 2006, 5:48 am

Wow, you are certainly looking fine these days! Love the new avatar.

alpha femme wrote:i had the talk with construction/artist guy. he is way too even to be a human being. his response was he likes being with me, so even if it turns out there's no chemistry, he doesn't want to risk losing a great friend. and while he'll keep trying to get my panties off, he is okay with the fact that it wil probably never happen. i wish i new a great single girl for him. he really is great.

OR, he is an alien. I strongly suggest you and cleopuptra look for a pod in the cellar.

alpha femme wrote:on the other, uh... front, the red ball called again.
i don't know why i torture myself, other than the fact that she is hot and i haven't been this into someone in years. so, she bounced back up and i started chasing again. hmm.... i'm getting faster as i get thinner. maybe i'll wear her down! either way, she looks great coming and going, so the emotional risks are worth it.

it's probably karma that c/a guy said the same about me.

Chemistry. Despite Dupont's famous slogan ("better living through..."), it has never done anything for me but get me into trouble. And, is it ever anyone appropriate and available? Hell, no! It must be part of someone's cosmic joke that we end up in this kind of daisy chain, where he's really into me, but I'm not that into him, but I'm really into her, but she's not that into me...

All well, have fun and don't get hurt!
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Postby alpha femme » December 30th, 2006, 1:11 pm

petladyinRI wrote:Wow, you are certainly looking fine these days! Love the new avatar.

alpha femme wrote:i had the talk with construction/artist guy. he is way too even to be a human being. his response was he likes being with me, so even if it turns out there's no chemistry, he doesn't want to risk losing a great friend. and while he'll keep trying to get my panties off, he is okay with the fact that it wil probably never happen. i wish i new a great single girl for him. he really is great.

OR, he is an alien. I strongly suggest you and cleopuptra look for a pod in the cellar.

well, thank you....

actually, he may be an alien. you know what most guys would imediately gravitate to if they found out a chick they were interested in was really into girls? yeah. you know how guys work. this one said, "i know i'm only man enough for one woman." so, i agreed to be his nye date, and he agreed to never ask who i go out with other than him. it's a fair trade.
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Postby Sojourner » December 30th, 2006, 11:59 pm

alpha femme wrote:i wish i knew a nice girl to hand him off to.

Is he willing to commute a little bit -- like to Texas?
'Cause I know this awesome Jewish nun that needs...well, you know. :twisted:

alpha femme ALSO wrote:i'm not going to make that goal...

Wait a minute, don't be so hasty.
How big are your toes...'cause biki had this great idea... :roflmao:
Seriously though, Alex.
You've done an amazing job and it shows.
In your search for a hot girl all you have to do is look in the mirror, chica!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby alpha femme » January 1st, 2007, 11:10 am

well, except for the constant messages from the other people i'm going out with, last night went well. the most notable things was that i had decided to go off plan for the night (my losses are horribly slow anyway), but as i sat in the restaurant wearing a fitted, xl shirt from ny&co (not known for vanity sizing) and size 16w jeans, i said, "screw that," and ordered a lng meal. (i also realized that if it wasn't for my hips o' wrath, i would wear a large shirt. i'm thinking a belt sander might be in order. that's why they call it a belt sander, right?)

when we got to the comedy store, i was happy with my decision, 'cause i got my share of checking out by the people there. i looked cute and like i belonged in l.a. those of you who have lived here know what i mean. i did have a couple of drinks, but i chose carefully so i would stay in ketosis. i work hard to have breath this bad, dammit! since i weigh a lot less now, and i haven't done the drinking thing in a long time... i was way happy and flirty by midnight. luckily i looked cute enough last night to carry it off. here's hoping that wasn't a one-time, lucky shot kinda thing!
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Postby DogMa » January 1st, 2007, 1:25 pm

Sounds like you had a great time, Alex. Good for you!!

And thanks for thinking of me, Sojo!!

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Postby Taangrl21 » January 1st, 2007, 2:59 pm

Well I am glad to hear you got fun and flirty with everyone...what better way to ring the new year in??? LOL
And you were getting looks all night...woo hoo...sounds like good times were had.It wont be a one time will be one of those women struttin down the L.A. streets shakin her Julia in Pretty Woman.
Work it!!!
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