Alpha Femme

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Postby bikipatra » December 15th, 2006, 5:29 am

Elizabeth wrote:Biki, click on "www" on the bottom of Alex's posts.

Oh thanks so much! What beautiful results! That's what I looked like when I weighed 150 pounds! (I had an ulterior motive but the picture, however beautiful, is a bit busy for my purposes, although I could just erase that cell phone...)
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Postby alpha femme » December 15th, 2006, 2:45 pm

okay, for the record, i still weigh 219.5.
that's a whoooole lotta lard.
there is still no chance of this girl drowning!
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Postby bikipatra » December 15th, 2006, 3:10 pm

alpha femme wrote:okay, for the record, i still weigh 219.5.
that's a whoooole lotta lard.
there is still no chance of this girl drowning!

Some carry weight with more grace than others. Also, some accept compliments with more grace than others.... :oops:
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Postby dede4wd » December 15th, 2006, 3:18 pm

Welcome to the 80# club Alex! Woo hoo!

I just caught the lost 130lbs of bitch...I'm kind of slow...Tee hee!

You're doing so great! What a year!!!!

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Postby alpha femme » December 15th, 2006, 11:41 pm

bikipatra wrote:Also, some accept compliments with more grace than others.... :oops:

some of us are not blind!
it's ok, glaucoma is a reason to... oh. wait. munchies.

one of my 10 year-olds keeps checking me out while we're working.
the other day, he kept trying to see the girls by not so subtle means.
finally, he busted out with, "you're getting really pretty."
because i'm very blunt, i replied, "because i'm losing weight?"
"yeah... i think you might even be prettier than my mom."

said mom was in the next room trying not to laugh out loud.
i'm afraid of what that kid will be like in 6-8 years!
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Postby dede4wd » December 15th, 2006, 11:45 pm

You've got yourself a little flirt there!
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Postby bikipatra » December 16th, 2006, 4:37 am

Children have no filter so it must be true! See, I was right. I am still waiting for my THANK YOU.
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Postby SharonR » December 19th, 2006, 12:01 pm

bikipatra wrote:Children have no filter so it must be true! See, I was right. I am still waiting for my THANK YOU.

I don't think that's gonna happen...
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Postby bikipatra » December 19th, 2006, 3:32 pm

SharonR wrote:
bikipatra wrote:Children have no filter so it must be true! See, I was right. I am still waiting for my THANK YOU.

I don't think that's gonna happen...

I'll just leopardize her. See how thankful she is then... :leopard:
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Postby jlaman79 » December 20th, 2006, 11:33 am

I have been reading your blog from the beginning and with interruptions it's taken me a full day. I love your wit and way with words. I've struggled myself with many of the same issues you mention. I have a hard time forgiving myself for letting my body get in such bad shape. I can accept a compliment because I know they meant it, but I still can't believe it myself. My hubby is the prime example of that. I don't want to fill up your blog with my stuff but I do want to say you are doing great, your personality is absolutely charming, and if I even figure out how to get to your puppy's blog I will read that too.

Good Job.
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Postby alpha femme » December 20th, 2006, 12:59 pm

thanks, jlaman. everyone's websites are accessible throught the www link at the bottom of their posts. if my personality is so great, why can't i get laid?

i'm kidding, i'm kidding.... kind of.

really, i am still fat. obnxiously fat. my losses have slowed to a crawl, and i don't know if it's because my body is strongly objecting to the fact that i have lost the equivalent of a full-grown man. why the hell didn't it object to putting that much weight ON? stupid body.

i have friends who actually will argue with me about my level of fatness. someone told me yesterday that i was "chubby." 218 is not chubby! well, if i was 6' tall it might be, but i'm short and round. i also get told frequently that, now that i have lost weight, i "wasn't meant to be a fat girl." the idea behind this comment is that some people are just meant to be fluffy.

on a personal note, i met someone who is apparently as fickle as me. of course, that was the one i actually liked, but she isn't as into me as she should be if there was potential between us. so, alas, i'm still celibate. yay! it's by choice, though.

oh, yeah. with every pound i lose, my skin is getting worse. i am actually getting LUMPY now. that's right, my stomache is beginning to look like over-cooked oatmeal. and, just like that oatmeal... no one is gonna eat it. i told my friend this morning that i should just get fat again, because all of the things i took hedonistic pleasure in are so removed from me that i feel alienated from myself.

i would also like to comment on a topic that has come up in a different thread. we are NOT the same people after massive weight loss. i know that through my own personal experiences through my loss and that of my ex-- as well as a couple of others. i'm not saying that if you lose 10#, you become someone else. however, it is extrememly naive and foolish to think that you can lose 100+ pounds and remain unchanged inside. some changes will be good-- some will not. how the changes affect us is a sign of our over-all mental health. regardless, we are shaped by both genetics and environment; you better believe your environment, your social interaction, change with weighloss. we DO become different people. hopefully, we become the best versions of ourselves possible.
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Postby jlaman79 » December 20th, 2006, 1:24 pm

alpha femme wrote: my stomache is beginning to look like over-cooked oatmeal. and, just like that oatmeal... no one is gonna eat it.


I've had the same thought just never found the words to express it!
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Postby Nova » December 20th, 2006, 2:52 pm

I'm in the same spot about the lumpy oatmeal pretending to be my stomach. And on my legs, it's worse. i did some yoga the other day, and looking at my legs in the downward dog position almost made me cry. I won't wear skirts without hosiery right now because they make everything tight again. I'm worried about wearing shorts come spring (2 weeks away here in Houston, bleah). I just keep praying that with exercise and time, it tightens up. Otherwise, I'm saving my pennies for cosmetic surgery.

Would you rather eat what you want, or wear what you want?
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Postby Lauren » December 20th, 2006, 3:20 pm

Alex, yes, the belly is ridiculous. Oatmeal is a good description, but that could harm my current love affair with the MF oatmeal, so I'll just say that the belly is lumpy, dimply, crumply, and just ridiculous.

To Nova, don't bother crying. I laugh. Seriously, how can you not laugh at the insanity of our bodies? Alex, I went through the period when I was angry at myself for allowing my body to get into such a state in the first place, but what's the good in beating ourselves up when we are finally choosing to be kind to ourselves! Talk about a mixed body image!

So I just laugh. The thighs are crazy. The belly, ridiculous. Upper arms, even more absurd. And seriously, the "girls?" They are like tube socks with a pound of pennies at the bottom of each. They swing like pendulums. If I lay flat on my back, they fall totally to the sides, so I look straight on like I have no breasts. Do I cry? Nope. I laugh. Because it's the better option. Oh, and surgery? Hell, yea! Already starting with the consultations!!

Don't worry, Alex, you'll get laid if you want it and put it out there. You may be sending mixed messages to the world if you are feeling mixed messages internally, ya know?

Just give yourself a pep talk, put on some f--k me red lipstick, a short skirt, and some stilettos - I have no doubt that trouble will find its way!

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Postby bikipatra » December 20th, 2006, 4:23 pm

Lauren wrote:

So I just laugh. The thighs are crazy. The belly, ridiculous. Upper arms, even more absurd. And seriously, the "girls?" They are like tube socks with a pound of pennies at the bottom of each. They swing like pendulums. If I lay flat on my back, they fall totally to the sides, so I look straight on like I have no breasts. Do I cry? Nope. I laugh. Because it's the better option. Oh, and surgery? Hell, yea! Already starting with the consultations!!


I had a nightmare a few nights ago that my busoms were down to my thighs. If it happens, it happens. And yes, I will have them surgically restored to their former glory if and when that time comes.
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